Sunday 24 May 2015

In the Beginning God Created

In the beginning God created are the first words of the bible and anyone can see the results of God’s handiwork all around them. Just look at this Peacock:

Obviously designed and made by an artistic genius. Yes definitely; look at those feathers and the colours and try and imagine the intelligence and planning necessary to make them. Indeed everything in the universe is magnificently designed and operates with incredible precision. The planets around the sun for example are all suspended in space but move with such mathematical precision that we can tell to the minute where they will be in twelve months time. We don’t have to look that far of course; we only have to consider how marvellously designed our human bodies are with everything working in such a co-operative manner, and the closer we look the more we stand in awe of the designer and inventor of it all.

How unfortunate it is then that atheists have infiltrated the education department with textbooks that teach our children that there is no evidence of “intelligent design” in the universe and the wonders we see around us were not designed or planned by God but just evolved by chance. This sort of rubbish can only come from a mind that is completely brain washed or is so determined to not believe in God that they completely ignore the obvious and won’t allow the alternate idea of Creation to even be discussed in schools.
All this is aimed at undermining the child’s belief in a creator God and the bible which is His instruction book for living. Thus God’s absolutes of right and wrong get replaced by teaching that says everything is “relative” which means you can live a life that is free of any God given restrictions or advice, and you don’t have to look far to see the result this attitude is having right across our society with all types of immorality and dishonesty. The inconsistency of atheism is incredible too:
They see this rug of Audrey’s, (part
of which is shown here), and say “What a lovely rug, who made that for you?” and I reply “I don’t know if anyone made it, I just found it on the bed when I came in one day” their reply would be “Don’t be ridiculous, of course someone made it and they were very artistic and capable too” and if I ask “how do you know that?” they would say “Well the evidence is there, we all know that where there is a lovely design there must be an artistic mind to design it!” And yet if I show them the beautifully designed peacock and say “what do you think of that beautiful design?” they would say “no body designed that, it just happened by chance over a long period”. What an insult to God and how inconsistent and illogical.

“What a man sows that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7): We have an ageing population with not enough young workers coming on to pay tax to support our pensions and social services. Why? Well a big part of the problem is that in the last 30 years we legally “terminated” the lives of about three million potential taxpayers by Government funded abortion and are still doing so at the rate of 8000 babies per month and this is largely because many young people have been conned into believing there is no God so what they do then really doesn’t matter all that much. But there is a God who cares and it does matter.
An occasional abortion may be necessary for medical reasons of course, but this is genocide and God will judge our nation for it. The individuals here are not to be blamed; it is those who taught them that are at fault, and we who sit back and allow such lies to be taught without us objecting are guilty by default!
Then there is the Domestic Violence issue: if you have been taught that there is no God and your partner is just some sort of hybrid monkey it does colour your relationship and your attitude and one comes to the conclusion if this is all there is to life why not take drugs? So “ice” becomes an epidemic. Sure by counselling we can put a “Band Aid” on it all but that will solve nothing; we need to go to the root cause and overhaul our pro-atheistic education system, nothing less will solve the problem. .           Best wishes, Tom.

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