Band Aids are very handy of course, if we accidentally cut our finger or similar but it is far better if possible to remove any potential hazards before we do hurt ourselves. This applies equally to Domestic Violence so I would therefore like to mention problems in our society that need to be addressed:
The first and most influential is the concept being taught in
our public schools, mainly through the theory
of evolution where children are “brain washed” into believing that we
humans, and all the marvels surrounding us, are the products of “chance” and
there is no sign of “Intelligent Design” in the universe. This gross deception
by those who write the curriculum is inexcusable; they are people who are
either so anti- God that they would lie “like a pig in mud” in order to deceive
others or else they are “brain washed” themselves, because the evidence of “Intelligent design” is
everywhere! Believing there is no God is a foundation for Domestic Violence
because we then have no one to answer to except ourselves. A person educated
that way could look at others including their wife, husband, or partner and see
nothing more than a descendent of a monkey, just an animal really, that has no
Soul and is of no more value than the dog or cat and whose life ends at the
On the other hand, a Christian (being a believer in God) looks
at people and sees God’s greatest creation; human beings “created in the image and likeness of God”, people with Souls that
have Eternal life, “Children of God”
(and if these people believe in Jesus)...“heirs
of God, and if an heir then a joint heir with Christ” (Romans 8:17). I see
my wife like that so I know from experience (60 years of marriage) that there
is no possible way that I could deliberately hurt her. Unless I was under the
influence of alcohol (this can’t happen though because I don’t drink) however
this is the excuse used by many people to justify their violence, and I am sure
it is a legitimate problem because the police say that the consumption of
alcohol impairs our judgement. Now this brings me to our next basic problem: The
Government considered cigarettes to be bad for people’s health so stopped them
being advertised and put them in plain packages with photos of the damage they
do on the packet and hid them from public view. This didn’t deprive the people
from having them, but it did decrease their sales by taking the temptation
factor away. Now seeing that alcohol is a major problem in our society, and
particularly in the Domestic Violence scene, isn’t it hypocritical to allow its
manufacturers to spend millions of dollars advertising it everywhere in an
effort to tempt people to drink? Logically it should be treated the way
cigarettes are treated!
The next basic problem is the availability of violent
D.V.D.s. To-day whilst walking past the shop that sells them in the Mall there
was a rack out the front where people walk, put there to attract everybody’s
attention, containing twenty-one D.V.D.s; 20 of them were rated MA15+and stated
that they contained “nude scenes, violence, strong horror, blood and gore,
coarse language, drug use and sex scenes”. The 21st one was rated R18+. Woolworths
& others display them too. Now if this is the best our censorship board can
do they should all be sacked! Because allowing such rubbish to be placed where
it will tempt people is tantamount to saying O.K. to domestic violence, rape
and sexual harassment. I hold the members of Government who are supposed to
represent us, as responsible for failing in their “Duty of Care”. Add the three of these together: Atheism, Alcohol and D.V.Ds with that content,
and you have the perfect recipe for Domestic Violence. The Government has
laws to protect the Quoll, rehabilitate the Tasmanian devil and protect the
Green tree frog and yet allows our young people to be surrounded by all the
rubbish I have mentioned above that will ruin their relationships and promote
violence. There are plenty of private member’s bills to protect the environment
or to change the constitution to allow same sex marriage or similar but aren’t
we getting ahead of ourselves by not first
putting forward a bill to reform our education system to include the biblical
creation view point, and to ban the advertising of alcohol and unacceptable D.V.Ds?
All of which are creating an environment
that is causing at least one murder in the home each week, not to mention
the abuse that doesn’t end in death but just ruins lives! If you care, please email, (or copy and post,)
this letter to your local member using your name or mine. Best wishes Tom.
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