Wednesday 18 November 2015


“The last time I saw Paris her heart was warm and gay, I could hear the laughter of her voice in every street cafe’. The last time I saw Paris her trees were decked for spring, and lovers walked beneath those trees and birds found songs to sing...... The last time I saw Paris her heart was warm and gay, no matter how they’ve changed her I remember her that way.” (“gay” there being an old word meaning “happy”). So goes the delightful song we used to sing.

Paris was always considered to be a city worth visiting if you were travelling abroad, it being among a group of cities like Vienna, Venice, and Rome which have great historical value and buildings of architectural significance and in peace time were considered very safe, but not as safe now since these Muslim extremist murderers have spread around the world. Indeed nowhere is safe now; they have killed and maimed innocent people in country after country; even in Australia people have been killed and we have frightfully expensive and elaborate precautions in place here. What is the answer then? Well I’m not sure that, humanly speaking, there is an answer, however the nation’s leaders are all trying preventative measures so hopefully that will help a little.

One thing I do know though is that if there is (for example) a fire bug running around your town burning houses then it is common sense to make sure your house is insured! Similarly then seeing there are terrorists about (killing people) it is time we stopped being complacent about our eternal future in case our life here is cut short, and make up our mind now, as to whether we are prepared to repent of our sins and follow Jesus directions; and thus be assured of our place in Heaven when ever our life here is over. Or alternatively to stay on “The broad way that leadeth unto destruction” (Matthew 7:13). This is a choice that we all have to make, and the sooner the better, as there is no dodging it because the scriptures tell us that “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) and “the wages of sin is death” Romans 6:2). Young healthy people in the past have often felt that there was no urgency to think about their eternal future, but that is not the case now because being young and healthy has no bearing on how long you will live (well it never did really, with car accidents etc). But it is much more risky now! In the photo I placed a cross over Paris because that is the Parisian citizen’s option too: Jesus died to offer salvation to every single one of them no matter what they might have done and the same applies to the people in the town or city where you live or even if you are out on a farm.

If you and your family would like to migrate to Heaven when your time on earth is over then the choice is yours; make that decision by silent prayer right now, where you are standing, or sitting  and the deal is done: Jesus already sealed his side of the bargain with His blood that was shed on Calvary for you. The question is: “do you want to accept the “Passport” He is offering you or not”? I have already accepted mine and it is a jolly nice feeling to know that my accommodation is waiting for me when I leave here. You may have already done this too, I sure hope so. If not, for Heaven’s sake do it; tomorrow might be too late!

You will note that the cross that I placed in the photo is studded with diamonds, this is to symbolise that what it offers is priceless; in John14:6 Jesus said “I am the way the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me” and He also said in John 6:37: “He who cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out” and in John 14:2 said: “In my Father’s house are many mansions....I go to prepare a place for you and will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also”. (So it’s not what you know, but who you know and believe in that assures you of Eternal Life). (John 3:16).

Looking forward to seeing you there, best wishes. Tom.

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