Thursday 21 January 2016

A Wonderful Father

I guess that most loving parents, who had the money to afford it, would like to establish their children in a secure position in life by either helping them to obtain a University Degree and, or set them up in a secure business of some type, and yet they would also like to allow the child to use their own initiative in developing the business without too much supervision from the parent. Well our Heavenly Father did exactly that for us, His children, by stocking the earth with every food and raw material that we could possibly require and letting us work it out from there with the intelligence He gave us.

There are thousands of types of fruit and vegetables for our sustenance. I have illustrated a few here to just remind us of His great provision for us, and there are countless other resources too.
You see God wants us to enjoy culinary delights, and no matter what our tastes are He has catered for them.  Likewise whatever work we would like to be engaged in the resources are there for us to pursue it and develop our skills too.

The earth is not just some planet like Mars that we decided to inhabit, No! It was purpose built and designed for us: the air is just right for us to breathe. The rain water is just right to drink. The soil contains all that is necessary to grow all our food and the oceans are stocked with seafood too. We have all the minerals imaginable, together with coal and gas and oil sufficient to last until the end of the world. Whereas the renewable resources like timber, crops, vegetables, livestock and fowls will reproduce “after their kind” in whatever quantities we require. Of course when we talk of God designing a place for His children to inhabit, we must realise that He knows the future and thus foresaw the things we would require and also knew the quantities of non-renewable resources necessary to last until the end of the world. After all He knows what the world’s “Use by date” is. Therefore there is not the slightest possibility that we will run out of anything that is necessary for our livelihood. Consequently it makes good sense not to worry about anything (Philippians 4:6). Those who have been brought up to not believe that God designed everything will worry of course, because if everything designed itself, there could be a dreadful disaster somewhere down the track. However the incredible designs in nature bear witness to the fact that the Bible is true and God engineered it all.

 This Donut advertisement highlights the fact that the earth alone produces crops that make flour and of course we should be good stewards of what we have been given. (So that is my excuse for eating donuts).

A wonderful world like I have just described is the perfect setup for a population of happy people, particularly seeing that we have been instructed to “love our neighbours as we love ourselves” and show forth the fruit of the Holy Spirit which is love, joy, peace,  patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self control. So if we put all this (that I have mentioned so far) together and combine it with these New Testament Christian attitudes, then everyone in the world would be friends, well fed and happy, and that is what God had hoped for. However selfishness “raised its ugly head” and look at the mess the world is in? To the extent that “all have sinned” and wouldn’t make it to Heaven unless God intervened. So He sent Jesus to pay the price of our sin. You see Jesus was truly human but was also divine as Paul says (2Corinthians 5:19) “God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them”. Seeing our hopeless plight He lovingly came and paid our debt as 1Perer 3: 18 points out:  “The Just” (Jesus) “dying for the unjust” (us), and is now waiting for each one us to ask for forgiveness (in prayer), so He can cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If you haven’t “claimed” this forgiveness yet, then don’t delay because you never know when you may be “called home” and you want to be sure that you do have a home in Heaven to go to.  Don’t you?   Best wishes,  Tom.                                                                                                                                

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