Wednesday 3 February 2016

Australia To-Day (Second Instalment)....

This building was constructed 60 or so years ago in South Dubbo as a Christian Church because that suburb was growing fast and needed an extra place of worship. Recently, however, even though that area has expanded greatly, the building had to be sold due to the apathy of the people and is now a Mosque for the Dubbo Muslim population.

Generally speaking Australia has become the ideal place to migrate to because you see Australia was established as a British Colony and Our Constitution and laws were all based on Christian ideals, so everybody is treated equally, paid fairly and supported by very good education, health, and welfare systems. Sunday was declared a Public Holiday to comply with the 10 Commandments and because of that anyone having to work on that day had to be paid penalty rate compensation for being deprived of the privilege of attending a church service on that day. Consequently for the first 200 years Sunday was a day of rest and worship except for essential service personnel. However in recent times, money hungry big businesses decided to ignore the 10 Commandments and open and trade on the Lord’s Day thus creating a seven day working week.

They say “Chickens come home to roost” which means that when we neglect things or do wrong things, we will pay the consequences later.

Let me tell you of one such incident that will have very far reaching consequences: A couple of months ago an organization, representing big business, started to promote the idea that Penalty Rates for Sunday employment be abolished; they argue that we now have a 7 day working week (they should know, they deliberately created it) and there is no need to pay compensation in the form of penalty rates to workers for missing out on church now because most Christians don’t attend church anyway. This is true of course so is difficult to refute. The Government and anyone employing people will be overjoyed at this suggestion because if penalty rates are withdrawn they stand to gain millions of dollars at the expense of the workers. The Government won’t do anything about this in an election year of course, but just wait until after the elections! Working people could lose millions of dollars and Sunday would be meaningless.

Last week I pointed out that our Law and Order System is having difficulty in coping with crime and violence because in the past 50 years people have become less and less Church Attenders and more and more watchers of cruel and violent D.V.Ds. and films. Now that is the Spiritual equivalent of working in a dirty job and not taking a shower to wash off accumulated dirt. Worse still is the fact that children brought up like that have a far less chance of learning about the Saving Grace of Jesus and a far greater chance of looking on cruelty and violence as normal.

61% of Australians claim to be Christians. If all these went to church for one hour on Sundays the “powers that be” wouldn’t dare oppose that much “people power”. Also, and in any case, we should all boycott shopping on Sundays, (except at the smaller shops for emergencies). That would stop the seven day week trading; thus Sunday would remain for us to enjoy and Penalty Rates would remain as the rightful compensation for those who do have to work on that day.

You see God’s Commandments were designed for our benefit and Jesus said He “came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly”. Ignoring God might look like “a good idea at the time”, but will always cost us dearly in the end.

If we don’t take a pro-active role by attending church and not shopping on Sunday then we will only have ourselves to blame when our Great Grandchildren say: “Tell me about the thing called Sunday, what was it like?”

Best wishes as you share this with as many as you can. Regards, Tom.


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