Thursday 9 June 2016

Our Titanic

The Titanic was the largest and most luxurious ship afloat when it set out on its maiden voyage from England bound for New York in April 1912. The White Star Line had spared no cost in its manufacture and was certain that it was unsinkable. Over confidence and lack of wisdom both contributed to its downfall as the captain steered the ship, at full speed, through dangerous waters where icebergs had been seen, and it hit one of them. The rest is history; there were not enough life boats and the band was playing as it went down. The unthinkable had happened.

I believe that this Australia we love so much has now “struck its iceberg” too because successive governments have stopped honouring God; we have even had a Prime Minister who claimed to be an atheist and she is not the only elected politician that thinks that way. If you read 2 Chronicles 14 Verse 8-12, and Judges Chapter 7, in the Bible, you will see how a nation succeeds when its leaders put their faith in God. Three or four decades ago Australia was “sailing along” wonderfully with plenty of industries manufacturing most of the things we need because those industries were wisely protected from the competition of cheap imports by import duties. Our governments have since bowed to “level playing fields” and “free trade” ideas by removing those duties in order to comply with the wishes of the Godless United Nations. This simply means “good bye” to our industries. When I was young, as well as having healthy industries, our Governments owned the Commonwealth bank (on our behalf)  and also the Rural bank, coal mines, railways, electricity, ports, highways,  and many other important and income producing assets. They have now either sold or “pawned” most of these in order to acquire some instant cash.

Federal & State Governments both contribute finance to our Educational institutions and are turning a “blind eye” to the fact that all our youth in the public school system are supplied with a curriculum that denies the existence of God, as children are taught that there is “no sign of intelligent design in the universe”, (What absolute rubbish), and that everything just evolved by chance. In our law courts this teaching would be illegal as the members of a jury must hear all the evidence both for and against before making a decision, therefore children should be told the “God in Creation” side as well as the theory of evolution, and be allowed to make up their own minds. To cap that they have now introduced the “safe schools” program, which is nothing less than indoctrination that will do more harm than good. Also degrading and violent D.V.Ds are allowed to be sold everywhere too. There is a lack of “duty of care” here as these D.V.Ds must damage domestic relationships.  In God’s sight
governments are responsible for the welfare of the people, just as the captain of the Costa Concordia was held responsible for his ship (pictured) and its
passengers. In a similar way Government members are personally responsible for “Placing a stumbling block in the path of one of these little ones” as Jesus said, and will receive His Judgement. In Luke 12:48, He confirms this, by saying: “Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required”, and we take it for granted that those we elect to govern, will protect our children. At the moment, with the Federal elections imminent, the candidates are ignoring this and just making promises that are akin to re-arranging the deck chairs on our sinking Titanic (Australia), which will fulfil Ex-Prime minister Keating’s prediction that we will become a “Banana Republic”. We must contact our local politicians and voice our concern, because if we as individuals do nothing we will also be held responsible by default. Then we must pray and fill the churches with ourselves and our family (the roof won’t fall in) and God might just rescue our nation. Do this and He will at least rescue you and your loved ones. Because when talking to His followers He says: “I will be with you in trouble, I will deliver you and honour you, with long life I will satisfy you and show you my salvation” (Psalm 91), and “He that comes to me” Jesus said, “I will in no wise cast out”, (John 6:37). So God will provide a “lifeboat” for “believers” even if our “Titanic” does sink and turn into a “Banana Republic”.  Something for you to ponder.           Best wishes, Tom. 

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