Saturday 2 July 2016

One God


A long time ago I wrote on the subject of God, and now I feel that I should do so again, because the articles I write are read by people of various religious faiths and I am concerned that some might misunderstand what I mean when I talk of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Actually, when I do that I am just talking as a person brought up in the Christian faith and am using language that comes from the New Testament. Let me clarify one point for starters though: there is definitely only ONE God. However, He has chosen to reveal Himself to us in different ways. Let me give you an illustration of how that works:

We have here a candle. Now if it was on a shelf in the next room and suddenly there was an electricity blackout, whilst I was doing something important, I might call to you and say: “Quickly, bring me a candle.” You would bring the lighted candle and the room would be flooded with light, then I might say: “Now, would you please use the flame to light the fire in the fireplace so we can have some warmth whilst we work”. And the flame would ignite the kindling.

So then, when we think of a lighted candle we think of three separate items that are inseparable when it is doing its job, or should I say that the light and heat are simply two facets of the candle and without the candle they wouldn’t even be there.  Well then, if we look on God as the Candle, then Jesus and the Holy Spirit would represent the Light and Heat.

Let me assure you right now, that it is impossible to explain God satisfactorily, and in endeavouring to do so I feel as capable as a little black ant standing on the footpath outside the Empire State building in New York trying to explain to its friend how the building came to be and how it all functions. Nevertheless, I will try to throw some light on the subject that might help someone.

The bible, (when talking of Jesus Christ), says: “In the beginning was ‘the word’ and the word was with God and the word was God….and the word became flesh and dwelt amongst us”. It also says that “God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself.” So no wonder when Philip asked Jesus to “Show us The Father” Jesus replied “Have I been so long with you Philip, and have you not known me? Those that have seen me have seen the Father”, and in John 10:30 Jesus says “I and the Father are one”. To me Philip’s question is like someone asking the light to show them the candle, not understanding that the light is an integral part of the candle, just as Christ is an integral part of God. So when you look at the candle’s light you are looking at a facet of the candle.

“How can God be in Christ”? Someone might ask. Well God is “Omnipresent,” that is a big word that simply means “everywhere at once”. That being the case He can be in Christ and in Heaven simultaneously (another big word meaning ‘at the same time’). That is not unreasonable either as the same T.V. show can be viewed in thousands of homes ‘simultaneously” too, can’t it? And God is a Spirit so we cannot limit Him.

Now when Christ rose from the dead (and that is something else that is not ‘unreasonable’ either, seeing who He was), He appeared to hundreds of people, ate with them and gave them advice, but finally said that He had to return to Heaven. Indeed, He said “It is expedient for you that I go, because if I don’t go, He” The Holy Spirit, “cannot come”.  Referring back to the candle illustration, I see the Holy Spirit as the equivalent of the “heat” which, like the “light,” is just another “facet” of the candle and is just another way that God makes Himself known to us in order to help us.

Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would be our comforter and helper and bring all things, that He had said, to our remembrance. Of course if we are to “remember” what He said then we really need to first read what He did say as recorded in the New Testament. Because it is hard to remember what you don’t know and have never heard.

The coming of the Holy Spirit was most spectacular: the apostles were all gathered in one place when they heard a noise like a rushing wind and they all received gifting abilities of various types that would enable them to spread the word of God more boldly and efficiently. These gifts are still available to Christians to-day enabling them to accomplish things for the Kingdom of God that they wouldn’t normally be able to achieve. In 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 there is a good explanation of these gifts and we all need to read it.

So you see God wants us to love Him and love other people and “have life, and have it more abundantly” and He is so loving that He even wants to get involved to help us achieve that outcome.  

How good is that?   Best wishes, Tom.

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