Sunday 8 January 2017

Political Correctness or Stupidity

One of our Politicians recently commented that Australia is a Christian country and was immediately cried down by the Greens and some other very vocal groups because they considered that a statement like that could be offensive to some of the people who have recently migrated here and were of a different religion, as well as some other groups that already live here and do not embrace Christianity, or have no religion at all.

 Now, to object to his comment is just a load of garbage, because if a thing is true then it is true and, as they say “the proof of a pudding is in the eating”: The majority of Australians do claim Christianity as their religion and no matter what a person living here believes or doesn’t believe, they are nevertheless reaping the benefits of Christianity every minute they reside here.  Because when the British people settled in this country they brought Christianity with them and established a government with a constitution similar to the British Westminster model which was based on the New Testament values of love and concern for others. Such values are second to none, and that is why our treatment of people is so humane, with such good Social service assistance available to the elderly, to the unemployed or those unable to work, good medical services, free education to all, irrespective of sex, race or religion. And so on it goes; which simply means that our laws conform to Jesus second Commandment: “You shall love your neighbour as you love yourself”.

 The true Christian endeavours to achieve that way of living, and when you have millions of people endeavouring to live like that, then you have a good country to live in, and need not be ashamed to call it a “Christian Country”; indeed, we should be thrilled to do so. Other countries are not ashamed to call themselves “Buddhist”, “Muslim”, etc. or even Communist, so why should we bow to all this “Political Correctness” stupidity?

As I look around our country and observe all its freedoms I am so thankful to God for His guidance by showing us to love and be considerate to others instead of being hateful and selfish. “Not that I have already attained”, (perfection in the way God wants me to behave), “but I press on” (Philippians 3:12). This was the Apostle Paul’s statement to the Christians at Philippi, and I guess we all feel like that, but for all our imperfections in striving to do things the way Christ instructed us, we nevertheless have come a long way and have a country that is attractive to other people. Thus they want
to come and live here in amongst the trees and gardens with no fear of terrorism, because Christians are not terrorists. You see, Christ preached forgiveness and love, not terror or hate.

There is also an abundance of good schools, some are Church schools and some are Government controlled, but they all teach the same curriculum and accept children irrespective of what their creed or skin colour or who their parents

So if you are a new comer to this country; enjoy it and make the most of the opportunities that Practical Christianity provides, and if you are a citizen then you can be justifiably proud of our Christian country.       Best wishes, Tom.

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