Saturday 10 June 2017

Wheels …. By Tom Volkofsky 354

I took this photo in the carpark at the Mall recently, there were hundreds of cars there, most of them very modern with luxurious interiors, however, with all their different shapes and sizes they all had one obvious thing in common; they were all built on wheels.

Of all the inventions that humans have made the wheel would have to be the one that has had the greatest effect on our lives. Wheels have been around a long time of course, horses and bullocks pulled various types of sulkies, drays and carts long before engines were invented. Yet, for all their importance, they are probably the thing we think about least when buying a car, our interest is in the seating, the air conditioning, the fuel economy, is it automatic or manual? And
so on, but if some “Genie” waved a wand and all the wheels in the world suddenly disappeared the owners of cars would suddenly lose interest in the internal fittings and realise that the wheels were the basic necessities without which the cars were “dead,” irrespective of how well fitted out they were, and we wouldn’t be going anywhere, even by aeroplane because most of them are also built on wheels.

This matter of building on a reliable foundation is critical in every part of our life;
when building a house for example it is much more sensible to build on a rock base that is secure, than on sand that may be washed away, (like the one in the photo). Irrespective of how nice the building and the view might be, it is the foundation that should be the first consideration. Indeed, in Matthew 7:26, Jesus advised us to observe this, by building our lives on his words as they are the equivalent of a rock foundation and if we “believe” in him and walk in the direction he requires, we will have eternal life. Which is, I believe, really the outcome we would all like to end up with.  However, our eternal life also depends on whether we believe the first ten words of the bible, which are: “In the beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth”. (Genesis 1). And the Gospel of John, Chapter1 and Verse 1, confirm these words and also explain Jesus involvement in Creation.

You see, when we accept that God is the Creator of everything, then that belief becomes the equivalent of the wheels on our car and therefore the foundation upon which all our beliefs rely, including Jesus divinity. the rest of the bible builds upon that so is really the equivalent of a vehicle’s seating and the internal comforts and fittings which, as we said before, have little relevance in any vehicle if there are no wheels. Therefore, to deny God in Creation, removes the “foundation” upon which our faith is based. So in the finality that makes our Spiritual Life like that car with no wheels; full of kind deeds perhaps, but having no forgiveness of sin, in effect we have denied the authority of God and are not “believing” in Jesus because we have denied the truth of John chapter one which says that Jesus was “the word of God” at Creation. This denial means no Salvation or Eternal Life either, (Matthew 7: 21- 23).

When we were born our mind had no beliefs one way or the other so if we have no faith in a Creating God it is because we have been taught that everything just evolved by chance (which is just Science fiction). Think about your brain, it is an incredible computer, connected to every part of your body and was responsible for designing all the computers we have. Well then, was our brain designed by an intelligent mind or did it just happen? How about your ears with thousands of tiny hair cells in the cochlea with each cell tuned to a particular frequency and connected to your brain that converts those frequencies into the sounds we hear? was this designed by an intelligent mind like your radio was, or did it just happen by accident? What about your eyes? They are the most remarkable Cameras, constantly taking three dimensional colour photos and then storing those photos in a memory bank in your brain, did they just happen by accident or were they designed by our Creator God? Have you ever seen a camera that just happened without a clever brain to invent it? No you haven’t, nor will you ever find one. What about your heart? It pumps enough blood in one week through your body’s 100,000 kilometres of blood vessels to fill a B-Double tanker, (50,000 litres) and works night and day without stopping for 80 or so years. With all the engineers we have in the world you won’t find one who can make a pump like that. Don’t tell me it made itself. Investigate deeper; analyse your blood at a Laboratory, and you will find that it isn’t just tomato sauce either.   ‘must go now. Best wishes, Tom.

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