Friday 21 July 2017


I have just had a cancerous lump removed from my ear and Audrey had one removed from her nose 3 years ago. Now we are told that the reason we have had these problems is that we didn’t protect our fair skin from the Ultra Violet Rays of the sun when we were younger, but you see, no one warned us about the dangers of U.V. rays when we were younger. Just the opposite; the beaches were crowded with people sunbaking to get a tan and they used no Sunscreen as they do to-day. Some people say “ignorance is bliss” or “what you don’t know won’t hurt you”, which is a load of rubbish, and is the equivalent of the proverbial Ostrich with its head in the sand so it won’t see danger approaching and get hurt.

Lots of things are detrimental to our health or wellbeing, like these rays, and are very subtle in their approach. Take rabbits as an example: the early settlers who came to Australia brought 2 rabbits with them (what harm could that possibly do?) what harm indeed; when I was a boy, every property that I knew was inundated with thousands of them and they ate all the vegetation sending farmers bankrupt. Consequently, the Government made farmers and graziers fence their land with rabbit proof netting fences so they could be controlled. (What harm could a netting fence possibly do?) Well, for starters, they cause the death of many Emu Chicks.

Audrey and I had a pet Emu chicken we named “Dobby”, and the rabbits, and their netting fence, were the reason we had him. You see Dobby’s mother had several babies and her husband was taking them out for a walk (the male looks after the chicks), and he came to a “rabbit-proof” fence that had a hole in the netting made by a Kangaroo, Mr Emu jumped over the fence and all the babies found the hole and joined him on the other side, except Dobby who didn’t see the hole and was left behind, when we found him he was about to be killed by a crow so Audrey took him home and he became part of our family. After all, he had 2 legs like we did, so fitted in very well. One day, when he was about the size of a large chook, he walked down to the cow yard with me and as I was repairing a fence he was about a 100 meters away eating grass or herbage, when to my horror I heard him “screaming” Peeeep, Peeeep, as loud as he could and I saw him racing toward me as fast as his legs could carry him because a large Wedge-tailed Eagle was diving at him. Fortunately, it saw me and decided to abort its decision to kill Dobby and flew up into the wide blue yonder leaving Dobby hiding between my legs.

Like Dobby, whose life was endangered because of a long line of circumstances that in themselves seemed quite innocent, we often find that over the years we can also become trapped by things that seemed innocent enough in the first place but we really need help to overcome the problems they caused. I’m thinking of things like alcohol, gambling, resentment, selfishness, greed, immoral behaviour and such that can gradually control our life. However just as Dobby was rescued by us from the circumstances in which he found himself and over which he had no control, so it is that God is offering to release us from any bondage we now have that is keeping us from fellowship with Him. He has no charge whatever for this, and absolutely no criticism either, with loving statements like: “Come unto me all you who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest”. “I will be with you in trouble; I will deliver you and honour you, with long life I will satisfy you, and show you my salvation” (Matthew 11:28 & Psalm 91:15), and He assures us in John 6: 37 that “he that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out” and the story He told of the Prodigal son bears witness to that in no uncertain manner: (Luke chapter15, verses 11 to 31). Realise that in doing this it is not that God overlooks the sin in our lives that would normally keep us separated from Him, but when we repent and turn to Him, that action automatically activates the forgiveness, that was bought for us by Jesus death and resurrection: “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18).

Of course there are lots of other verses that also confirm God’s unlimited love for us, His Children, He just wants us to repent and come to Him so that as a loving Father he can bless us and guide us now, and on into Eternity.

Kind regards, Tom.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Tom,

    Thank you for being such a light and speaking of the reminder of God's never ending forgiveness. I am so glad we are able to follow your stories even though we are now doing photography in Sydney. It was so nice to meet you in Dubbo, and Zach and I truly looked forward to your visits everyday. You are such a reminder of the good in this world, and I have no doubt you make such a positive difference in so many people's lives. Hope all is well.

    - Emma
