Monday 12 February 2018

Bees and Other Things

It is the 11th February 2018 and I have just been watching Land Line on the A.B.C. T.V. where they were talking about bees. Just prior to that I was at a church service where the preacher was pointing out just what a real person Jesus was. In my mind both these “Programs” are on the same “wavelength”: We have known for thousands of years just what remarkable creatures’ bees are and of course we have had the bible to explain what a unique person Jesus was with Isaiah introducing Him to us hundreds of years before He was even born on earth.

The A.B.C. pointed out that there is some wonderful scientific work being done with bees “in the field” and in the Lab. In Western Australia, at the moment. Indeed, they have found that honey collected by bees from the Jarrah forests contains remarkable healing properties to the extent that other countries are clamouring to purchase it at excellent prices; the health properties of some varieties of honey have been well known for many years, but this is a real “break -through”. It is nothing new to God or Jesus of course, as Jesus in His capacity as “the Word of God” was the one who created bees with all their ‘abilities’, and also the flowers with all their ‘virtues’. This simply highlights how very special Jesus is as John says in verse 14 “and the Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us”. And in Colossians chapter 1 and verse 15 He is described as “the image of the invisible God, the first born over all Creation for by Him all things were created that are in Heaven and on Earth……in Him all things consist”.

You know, God gave us a “Garden of Eden” to live in with all the most wonderful
things for us to discover and enjoy and the most remarkable Commandments telling us to love each other and share. Oh! If we could only wake up and stop spending billions of dollars on bombs and equipment to kill one another and do things God’s -way, for a change, we would instantly have a form of Heaven on Earth.

You and I were made in a very special relationship with Jesus. Indeed, if we reclaim our birthright (through the forgiveness Jesus purchased for us at Calvary) we will once again become “Children of God, and if children, then heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ” as Romans 8 verse 17 says. Now I don’t know how that affects you, but to me it is amazing and incredible that God loves you and me so much that he would arrange such a reconciliation for us to come back to Him. Life is more than just eating and sleeping and God wants to help us achieve what He has in mind for us, just as honey is not just a sweet “spread” but when analysed contains wonders God placed within it.

None of this should really surprise us though, when we think of how Jesus spent his time on earth: He just wanted to help us. He performed miracles everywhere, healing the sick, raising the dead, and feeding thousands of people with a handful of food, restoring sight to the blind and so on, none of this was any problem to him because of His relationship with God and his great love for us.

Therefore, we should make sure that our relationship with Jesus is correctly established, and “cast all our cares on Him” because we have been assured that “all things work together for good to those that love God, the called according to His purpose”. However, this is not child’s play, it requires repentance (a change of thinking) sincerity and commitment. Just as none of those competitors in the Olympic Games got where they are without giving up their old way of life and concentrating on what they wanted to achieve. Then once those that coached them saw that they were sincere, they did all they could to help them achieve their aim.

Exactly the same assistance is promised to us too; God’s Holy Spirit wants to help us to be the people we are supposed to be and “have a more abundant life”, here and now, and for ever more. But like learning to skate, or Snow Board or whatever, it takes time and perseverance to perfect what we want to do, but we don’t give up just because we make mistakes.

Best wishes as you “get your balance right”, as Paul said (regarding Christian perfection): “not that I have already attained, but I press on”. Kind regards, Tom.

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