Sunday 20 May 2018



Audrey and I planted a fruit tree orchard of over 100 trees when we first started our life on our own farm, and after a few years of nurturing it we had stacks of beautiful fruit of all types. Many people who visited us, when the fruit was ripe, would say “aren’t you lucky to have such beautiful fruit?”
I went to the Dubbo Show this week and was pleased to see that one of my Great Granddaughters won a first prize for her Lolly necklace and her younger brother won third, there were many entries but not all can win unfortunately. However, her older brother also constructed an interesting Lego work as you see below the necklace. The same person who thought that Audrey and I were “lucky” to have nice fruit on our farm, might think that these children were “lucky” to have won prizes at the Show, but none of it was luck. It was either hard work, tenacity, ability and determination, or a combination of the lot; these types of outcomes are not achieved
by “luck,” and precious little is achieved that way. The Pavilion was graced by a lot of very skilled and gifted people who created very lovely work, and we give them credit for it, as we know that where there is a beautiful design there is a creative mind behind it.  There are a lot of people who have artistic minds and arrange flowers beautifully, but it is the flowers themselves that we admire most as they are all different, incredibly designed and coloured, so are a silent witness to the fact that there is a remarkable mind that did create them. What a shame that children, in the public school system, and we ourselves who watch Television are constantly bombarded by atheistic belief that nothing was designed by an intelligent God, but everything was the result of an accidental evolutionary process. They apply this to us too, of course: our incredible “computer” brains are supposed to have designed themselves. Our remarkable eyes are like cameras that automatically adjust to light and distance and store what they see in the memory bank of our brains. The tongue has tastebuds and produces saliva that makes eating more enjoyable, and the stomach converts the food we eat into energy and cell building. As for the Cardiovascular system it is incredibly intricate, supplying blood that is “laced” with all the necessary ingredients to strengthen every part of our body to keep us going. Yet they refuse to acknowledge that an intelligent mind created all this.


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