Sunday 12 August 2018


The more I see of life, the more I realise how important people like you are (Yes you). You have a very great influence on the world around you. When you have said something loving and kind you have made someone’s day. When you smile a sincere smile you will create an aura of friendship enveloping the person receiving the smile and that is lovely, and is the way God wants it.

 In this first photo an individual Bougainvillea blossom could easily feel that it isn’t important and feel insignificant when the vine is in full flower. You too can feel insignificant in a crowd at a sports meeting or such, or even in church, but neither the flower nor you are insignificant. Without each individual flower being present there wouldn’t be a display on the vine, likewise crowds are made up of individuals like you. Without the individuals like you there would be no crowd to encourage the participants and those present. We all need encouraging no matter what we do. This flower, on its own, looks lovely, but that isn’t how God (the designer) wants you and I to be. He wants us to share our
Joy, our caring and our love with others and thus encourage each other. Modern day business managers talk about “Team work” which means pulling together and sharing the work load. However the only way that will ever be a real success is if we all obey Jesus second Commandment to “Love our neighbour as we love ourselves”. When we do that, team work becomes automatic because we want to help those we care about and relieve their work load.  Jesus spoke to crowds of people but he was really appealing to each individual in the crowd. Whenever he was approached by someone in need he was quick to listen, and keen to help. However, He didn’t leave it there but was also quick to point out that we “Must be born again” because we have all sinned; To make that “re-birth” possible He allowed Himself to be crucified to cancel our debt and if we then “believe on him” and “Repent” we not only have everlasting life in Heaven, but also have the help of the Holy Spirit to love others in a special compassionate way here and now. Unfortunately, those who don’t follow Christ’s ways have just the opposite attitude being motivated not by love, but by selfishness. For example, C.E.O’s often try to increase the work load to make more profit. A lack of Christian love like that emanates from selfishness and leads to resentment and an unhappy workplace and in its worst extreme it leads to ill health, nervous break-downs and such like. The same lack of “loving your neighbour” is now becoming increasingly evident in the public school system with bullying. A child that is taught the lie, that everyone evolved from a monkey, has a different attitude to other children that are taught that we were “created” by a loving God to be His children.  The more of us that follow this teaching, the happier we will all be, just as the more flowers that open on that Bougainvillea vine, the more attractive it will be and bring joy to those who see it. So if there is anyone you are having trouble with, do what Jesus said to do: “Love them” and “Pray for them” and tell them the “Good news” of His saving grace, (if they don’t know it already). Jesus told us to do that. Prayer is God’s ultra-modern form of “texting” so we can both receive help, and request help for others. When I was at school, a boy I knew, who was a student boarder at St Joseph’s College in Sydney, sent a telegram (the old type of text message) to his father which said: “No mon, no fun, your son”. And his dad replied: “Too bad, how sad, your dad”. Well our God isn’t like that; He has requested that we pray to him, so naturally He will answer our request. Although not always in the way we would expect. But certainly in the way that he knows is in our best interest.  Have fun doing that. I am excited that the God of the universe wants you and me to call him “Father” and “text” him continually. Now that is pretty special, don’t you think? Don’t forget though that a loving parent doesn’t just want to be contacted when their child is in need, but likes to hear from them very frequently, thus sharing their joys as well as their difficulties.      Regards, Tom.  

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