Sunday 28 April 2019

Easter. What is it all about?

What is Easter all about? Just this: New Birth. That is what it is all about; Chickens and eggs? Most certainly. Rabbits? Certainly not, they have nothing to do with it. You see, Easter eggs, (or ordinary eggs) have represented “NEW BIRTH” for centuries because
chickens illustrate “new birth” very well.  Recently, however, Cadburys and other chocolate manufacturers, decided to promote “bunnies” (even though they have no religious significance)

Next question: Why New Birth? Well you see, Jesus Christ, who was sent by God and who was ‘one with God’, (because God was in Christ Reconciling the people of the world unto Himself), pointed out to a very religious Jew, (who came to see him one night), that in order to please God, every one of us “must be born again”. In short, (just as these chickens are beginning a life un-tainted by the world, with not even a spot of dust on them), each one of us must make a new start, cleansed from all our past sinfulness, and replace our attitudes of selfishness, greed, unkindness, resentment, lustfulness and so on, with attitudes of Love, joy, peacefulness, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness and self-control. These latter virtues being the fruits of God’s Holy Spirit who wants to be our Helper and guide when we decide that we want to be “Born Again” by accepting God’s forgiveness for past mistakes and changing our direction.

Next Question: Why all this talk about New Birth? Couldn’t we just make a “New Year’s Resolution” to change our ways, be better people in future, and thus qualify to enter eternal Life in Heaven when we die? Well yes, that sounds simple enough and would be good if it was possible, indeed Jesus himself (just before He was Crucified) hoped that God might be able to find another way when He prayed “Father if it be possible, let this “cup” pass from me. Nevertheless, not my will but thine be done.” But there was no other way because “All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God and the wages of sin is death”. You see, whenever someone breaks a law, a price has to be paid, and in this case we could not pay it ourselves. Lovingly Jesus Christ “took the rap” on our behalf so we could go free for eternity. Do you think He deserves our thanks for that? 

Next Question: What is so special about Easter in this regard? I mean, couldn’t we be Born Again at some other time of the year, for example Christmas? Absolutely! Being Born Again is not confined to Easter, any time during the year is as good as any other. The special thing about Easter is that it commemorates    the day that Jesus Christ sacrificed his life on the cross at Calvary in order to make it possible for our sins to be deleted. Remember God was in Christ, if that hadn’t been the case Christ’s death would have availed nothing for you or me. When this very special man died, (being the Son of God), he had “been tempted on all points like as we are, and was yet without sin” so was unique in that He, and He alone, was capable of cleansing us from all unrighteousness. So we get a clean “New Start” in life if we repent, ask forgiveness in prayer, and sincerely endeavour to follow His directions of how to live as Children of God in future (as laid down in the Scriptures). May each one of us be truly thankful as we fully grasp what Jesus Christ did on our behalf. “Oh that old rugged cross, so despised by the world, has a wondrous attraction for me for it was on that old cross Jesus suffered and died to pardon and sanctify me.” As John chapter 3 and verse 16 says; “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” 

                                          Praise God! and Thank you Jesus.


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