Friday 26 July 2019

The Box or the Diamond.


I had been in love with Audrey for some time and at 21 years of age I realised that she was the girl I wanted to marry and share my life with (“until death us do part” as the wedding vows say), So I went to the Pharmacy in Bourke that was an agency for
Angus and Coot, (jewellers in Sydney), and chose a diamond ring, somewhat like the one in the photo. It cost me 2 month’s wages, and they supplied a nice little padded box for free. I gave Audrey the ring and the box at her 21st birthday party.

I don’t think Audrey valued the box very much although she may have found it handy on occasions, however I am glad to say she was happy to wear, and show the ring to all the family and friends who were present at the party, and I got a lot of pleasure out of that.

Can you imagine how disappointed I would have been if she had ignored the ring and just been in raptures about the box? That would have been ridiculous of course, but did you ever stop to think that the majority of people in the world do the equivalent of that? We have a tendency to pamper our bodies that God placed our Souls in, which are just “boxes” which have a limited lifespan. Whilst we more or less forget to nurture the “real Us”, (our Souls), that God put inside those “boxes” and that have an eternal lifespan. How frustrating that must be for God when He sees that we have our priorities wrong.

You see God designed each one of us as those Diamond rings are designed. He does not “mass produce” people. Everyone he designs has unique bodily features like our own DNA, voice, finger prints, looks, and so on.  But He also made us to be an expression of “His image and likeness,” in our natures, attitudes and personalities which should copy His. The body that was given to us is just a useful vehicle for us to move around in, (similar to the car we use to make our bodies more mobile).  God has set this world up with all sorts of things for us to engage in and enjoy, just as the city council has supplied wonderful play areas for children: Unfortunately, though,
children are just miniature human beings, and although some of them come to the play park anticipating adventure and joy, and share with the other children. Some others come with a “chip on their shoulder,” and selfishly take over the equipment and make it unpleasant for everyone else.

 Of course, they all have to go to their homes eventually, so some children go with joy in their hearts whilst others go home grumpy. It was the same play park that they all had access to, the difference in the outcomes is caused by their attitudes whilst they are there. Similarly, after we have spent our life in this world we too will have to go to our Heavenly Father’s “Home”, and some of us will go happily because we have accepted Jesus forgiveness for sin, and then followed His instruction to love our neighbours and therefore “shared this play Park world” with them. Whilst others will not reach that home in Heaven at all, but will be re-directed to a “Mannus Island” sort of place (only worse), where there will be “weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew Chapter 13 Verse 50). Why? Well, some people think they can ignore the rules and gain entry to the Heaven that God had prepared for them, without accepting the entry Visa Jesus bought for them, which is only available to those who repent and believe on Jesus, and ask God’s forgiveness for sin. (Heaven cannot be “gate-crashed”).

Fortunately, though if we haven’t yet committed ourselves it is not too late to comply with the above conditions and be free to “go home” to one of those “Mansions” that Jesus said He went to prepare for us when our body dies.

Children come to the Play Park where all the equipment they could possibly want is provided. They don’t bring that equipment with them and they cannot take it home. The whole idea is for them to enjoy themselves and only take home Spiritual things, like happiness, friendship, kindness. I see a parallel here to our life on earth because we come into this beautifully equipped world, bringing nothing with us and although we are to use and enjoy it all whilst we are here, we can take none of these physical things with us when we leave. However, we can, and should, make friends with the God who provided all this, and eventually take the Spiritual things we acquire, such as love, Joy, friendship and kindness back with us to Heaven where He has arranged for us to spend eternity in one of the mansion Jesus went to prepare for us. Housing is expensive here, but God supplies it free for his children there.

God bless you as you think this through, because this is the most important decision we ever have to make.   It is God’s very adequate Spiritual Superannuation Policy. Don’t miss out!         Regards. Tom.

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