Tuesday 31 December 2019

The Answer to Global Warming

I recently heard on the news that the British Government considers Global Warming (which, they say, is caused by Climate Change), is the world's greatest threat. If they are right, then the heat, drought and fires we are experiencing at present are just symptoms of a larger problem and although attacking those symptoms may have some temporary benefit, the only lasting and successful solution is to eliminate climate change. How do we do that? Well it is a world-wide problem and I think most people agree that wee need cooperation from all nations, and that would be ideal, but it will not happen easily.

Next we need to agree on the cause, and I am sorry to say, that Atheistic Green thinking has stolen the show by condemning the burning of coal in Power Station and Smelting works, but this will not solve the problem, and it is impossible to implement anyway, as the United Nations is not united on this issue. Many countries re thrilled with the thought of green energy though because they now have a wonderful new industry; making millions of solar panels and millions of gigantic wind turbines; of course, to do this, the greens fail to mention that it is now necessary to mine more coal in order to operate the smelters and mine more minerals to make these "green" products. So do expect carbon emissions to decrease any time soon. Consequently, all the above efforts are a massive failure as far as reducing greenhouse gasses is concerned. But don;t let it bother you, because the whole hypothesis is wrong anyway, as those gases are not the problem. God (who designed the Earth) factored all that in when He gave us easily accessible coal to use.

You see, most Governments of the world don't believe in God, so they assume that if there is a problem, then it is a physical thing that they can fix if their scientists put their minds to it. However, things like severe droughts were documented in the Bible thousands of years ago as a Spiritual problem, which can only be fixed by cooperating with the God that they mostly don't believe in. So that being the case, you can see we do have a dreadful difficulty to overcome. It is ridiculous therefore, that people, confronted by heat, drought and fire, take the matter into their own hands and try to solve this global warming problem without even reading the instruction book that describes the reason for the problem and how to fix it. Such behaviour is arrogance, or ignorance, at its worst. God's instructions are very, very clear on this. Allow me to quote from our manufacturer's instruction book: take Leviticus 26:19-20 for example, where God says that if we ignore His commandments and instructions for living (and we certainly have) "I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass: and your strength shall be spent in vain: for your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits." However, if we do obey Him He agrees to reverse all that. This is also confirmed in other places, like 2 Chronicles 7:14 where God, when talking  about drought and pests says, "If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
Now, these are not idle words like those spoken by some half-hearted parent to disobedient children. No! They are the words of an all powerful God of the Universe to His wayward family. Over the hundreds of years His dealings with the Israeli people, illustrates this, (as recorded in the Old Testament). God did exactly what He said above, and when He go fed-up with their constant disobedience, He even sent the Babylonians to conquer them and rule over them for many years, (as He had also foreshadowed that He would do), and He has not rescinded that option. So we would do well to obey Him for a change, as we must realise that obedience is paramount in the eyes of God.

This God who is "the same yesterday, today and forever", is the only one capable of adjusting the earth's climate. So if we don't like the symptoms of drought, heat and fire, we had better do as He said. In other words: Stop teaching Atheism, Humble ourselves before this Almighty God and Pray for forgiveness. Reverse our wicked ways and even rescind some recent legislation that defies the Bible. If we do that, His promised is to "forgive our sin and heal our land," still stands. If (on the other hand) we are too pig-headed and proud to do that, then read the above quotes in your own Bible or online, and you will see that there is a limit to what the Almighty God will put up with. One thing is for sure, closing coal fired power stations will not solve the problem, and is impossible to implement anyway, because (as I said) the "United Nations" are not "united" on this issue. In others words: We must repent or put up with what we have earned, and if our nation won't do as the Bible says, then the best you can do personally, is make sure that you have accepted the forgiveness God has offered you through Jesus' sacrifice, then pray for our country, and help others to understand Jesus' love for them. Best wishes, Tom

Monday 30 December 2019

Sincerity and Faith are what is important. Is that True?

Some people tell me that they believe that all religions worship God, and it really doesn't matter, providing we are sincere and have faith. Just let us look at a couple of practice examples of that type of thinking to see if it is right. Our first picture is that of an English ship, called the "Dunbar" that crashed into the cliffs off South head
(pictured), at the entrance to Sydney Harbour on the night of 20 August 1857, killing all but one of its 122 persons on board. Captain James Green sincerely thought that the spot he was aiming his ship for in the dark was the entrance to the harbour. His sincerity and faith in his beliefs were not enough to save him, or his ship, because he had his facts wrong.

More recently, with all the modern navigation information available to him, the Captain of the "Costa Concordia", with hundreds of passenters and crew aboard, sincerely believed the water he was navigating his ship through was deep enough, but faith in his beliefs didn't save his magnificent cruise ship either. One life was lost, hundreds of people had their holiday ruined and the ship had to be sold for scrap. We could find hundreds of examples to show that, unless our faith is based on the firm foundation of something that is true, then that faith is futile. Consequently, if we depend on Atheism, or any man-made religions and rituals, we are lost.

This is where Christianity is unique, it is not a religion; instead it is a personal relationship with the risen Saviour, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross as a substitute for all the world's sinners, so we don't have to perform certain rituals in order to try and win favour with some God and thus endeavour to earn a place in some after life, because Jesus was able to stand in for us as "God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself." You see, Jesus was completely man and completely Divine. (born as a human to a mother who was a virgin, so he was completely human and to be "tempted like we are and was yet without sin," but as His mother was made pregnant by the Holy Spirit of God, He was also the "only begotten Son of God" Indeed He said: "I and the Father are one"; pointing out his unique relationship with God and therefore could proclaim that "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me."

Jesus is also a Historical figure, His remarkable life and his miracles are well documented, His coming was announced in great detail, hundreds of years before He came. He finally accepted crucifixion so He could substitute Himself for us and delete our sins. (That is, if we are prepared to repent and believe on Him.) He was buried in a tomb, but rose again, an now, as a Spirit, is available to help us at any time. Leaders of world religions mostly have burial sites that can still be visited, but they were not resurrected as Jesus was.

Jesus' followers bear witness to the fact that, after they ask Jesus to take over their lives and use their bodies for a dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, they become "A new person, old things are passed away, behold all things have become new." I can confirm this from my own personal experience, because my likes and dislikes changed incredible, and "His Spirit beareth witness with my Spirit, that I am a child of God." This, of course, is the experience of the millions of Christians worldwide. Right from the beginning, those who knew Jesus and followed Him were willing to die in preferene to denying Him and that is the case in many countries of the world right now, as many Christians are being  persecuted for their faith, and even put to death. Christianity's two main Commandments as spoken by Jesus are "to love God and love your neighbours as you love yourself" and when you do that you automatically keep the 10 Commandments, because it is impossible to steal from your neighbours if you love them, you cannot take their wife or husband, you cannot bear false winess against your neighbour, and so on because those would not be loving things to do to them. To become a Christian, the only thing that we have to do is Repent and Prayerfully accept God's forgiveness for our sin, in Jesus' name, (and endeavour, in the future, to live our lives, as set out in the New Testament). Nothing else is necessary, it is a  done deal and any person can accept it, whether rich or poor, educated or not. 

That is why we celebrate Christmas (Jesus' birth), and Easter (His crucifixion where He deleted the sin of anyone who is prepared to believe on Him.) How wonderful it is to know that "there is therefore now no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, for the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death." (Romans - Chapter 8, Verse 1)  Regards, Tom.

Saturday 28 December 2019

Faith can achieve Anything

I have had one of my articles criticised recently because I inferred that the severe drought we are experiencing, is possibly being prolonged by God as a form of discipline because we, as a Nation, have been defying God's law. Well, in Leviticus Chapter 26, God forewarned that He would withhold rain from His people if they were disobedient, and again in 2 Chronicles, Chapter 7 He not only says that, but also says that He will even remove them from their land if they worship other gods. (and He did just that, with the Israelites). "God is the same yesterday, today and forever." Jesus said in Matthew 5:17-22, that He "came not to destroy the law or the prophets, but to fulfil". God is reliable, Romans Chapter 4 talks about how God promised Abraham that he would be a father to many nations and Abraham believed God, so it happened, even though he was 100 years old and Sarah, his barren wife, was 90. His faith counted to him as righteousness, because he saw God as he is described in verse 17, as the God who raises the dead and sees things that are not, as though they were. 
Consequently, when we pray we need to align our faith with the God we are praying to, and therefore realise that he has the power to even raise the dead, so we need to see, in our mind's eye, the thing we have been praying about as having happened. Because that his the way God Created everything in the beginning, and that is the way He thinks, (e.g.: don't visualise the sickness in that child you are praying; instead (if you are a Believer), lay your hands on him, or her, "In Jesus' name" and say, (as Jesus told you to) "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, be healed." Visualise the child as perfect and don't be shy, after all, you are not using your own authority. You are using HIS AUTHORITY. Remember, He took this for granted when He said "These signs shall follow those who believe, In My Name they shall lay hands on the sock and they shall recover." (no ifs or buts there). Referring to any people in the church who are sick, James 5:14 & 15 says that "the Elders should anoint that person with oil, in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick. (no ifs or buts there either) Jesus wants to be involved in our medical needs as well as our lives generally. It seems very tragic to me that God loves us so much and wants us to involve Him in our lives and yet we as a Nation, ignore Him and worship all sorts of other gods. If you think I am being too critical of us, then count the number of people who are worshiping God on Sunday, (for example), the day that God set aside for rest and fellowship with Him, and compare that with the number of people who are attending sport on that day. The "gods" we worship are not necessarily "golden images" (they could even be footballers), but I fear that in His sight these gods are just as bad because they actually replace Him in our lives. He describes Himself as a "jealous God" and will not play "second fiddle" to any other god, and why should He? The universe is His, and so are we.
are praying for.

There is a lovely promise passed on from God, by the prophet Hananiah when he reprimanded King Asa for not trusting God, in 2 Chronicles 16:9, where he says "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect towards Him". I love that, because it is such an example of God's love. Just think of it. The God of the universe is checking us out to help anyone who is His friend, and that is exactly the opposite to Satan's attitude shown in 1 Peter, 5:8 where it says "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walks about, seeking whom he may devour." In these last 7 lines then, are summed up success or failure for us. We must either live the way God wants and be accepted by Him, or ignore Him and be trapped by the Devil. To sum it up: either accept eternal life from God, or eternal death from Satan (there is no third option). Some people think they can overcome the alternatives by committing suicide, for example, but that doesn't work either: sure you can kill your body but you cannot kill your soul, and you are the Soul in that body of yours. Consequently, the action simply means: "Out of the frying pan, into the fire", or "onto the hotplate" as the case may be.

Because the only way of escape is by accepting the saving grace of Jesus, who died to take away the consequences of our sin. This forgiveness is free and releases us to enjoy our life here, and now, and then go straight on into Eternity in Heaven.
Considering that is a free offer, we would be mugs not to examine it more closely if we have not already done so, wouldn't we? Well I did so (although rather reluctantly) 70 years ago, and I now cannot believe how anyone could live without Jesus' support. It is wonderful, crucial and eternal.  Regards, Tom.

Climate Change, Drought and Dust Storms

I was talking to a lady today and she commented on the drought and dust, saying how she wished it would soon end. I think I shocked her when I said that God was in charge of the weather and if I was Him, I wouldn't end it yet. "Why wouldn't you end the drought yet if you were God?" she asked, somewhat shocked. My reply was: Well, if you were the parent of a couple of children and you told them to not leave their toys all over the living room floor, and their clothes on the floor of their bedroom, and they repeatedly ignored you and even did other things as well, that you had told them not to do, would you not be inclined to either give them a smack or Discipline them by withholding at least part of the pocket money they wanted?

I reckon most parents would do either one of those things.

God is our Heavenly Father and gave us, (His children), an Instruction Book to live by, called the Bible and we are defying his instructions. Some generations have followed it to a reasonable extent and others have not and at the moment we are being very disobedient. Ignoring God's instructions altogether, so what should He do? Why not discipline us by withdrawing some of our privileges?

Each time we reach old age, our generation dies out and another younger generation takes over and they have to decide to follow the instructions and reap the benefits of doing so, (promised by God), or alternatively to disregard them and do things their way, independent of the instructions, and make a mess for the following generation to clean up, if they can.

In the past, when people have created too much mess, God has intervened (the Old Testament has plenty of evidence of this). He even encouraged other nations to overthrow the Israelites for some years until they repented and turned back to Him. "He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever" so we had better watch out.

Now, we have all bought equipment to use in our house, farm, shop or factory at some time, and there is always an instruction book with it, written by the designer and manufacturer. Experience has shown me that when I read and followed those instructions, things went well. However, being of a mechanical turn of mind, and very independent, I have sometimes ignored reading the instructions fully, and lived to regret it. Not only did I not get the best out of the machine,  but I also voided the warranty, and had to bear the burden of repair myself. And that is all rather ridiculous. Worse though is the person who ignores the instructions altogether, and virtually " writes his own". Such a person has no right to blame the manufacturer of the equipment when it doesn't work properly for him. Neither should we blame God when we defy His instructions.

Having lived now for 86 years and 9 months, my life has spanned two generations. As a boy I watched draft horses doing the work that tractors and trucks do now. We lived without electricity and all the gadgets that it powers. Even the dentist drilled my teeth with a foot pedaled machine (as illustrated), that drove the drill, and as he had arthritis, the drill rotated very slowly and without the cooling squirt of water we have today. So I am not saying that it was all beneficial living back then. But Morally it was, as people respected the Bible as their instruction book. (Well 99.9% of them did).Consequently, we never locked out houses, cars had no wind up windows, and most had no boot, so we just left the groceries on the back seat and no-one ever stole them. We walked home from the dance hall or picture theatre late at night and were never molested. There were very few police and they never carried a hand gun or wore protective clothing. They didn't need it. There were no surveillance cameras. Women dressed modestly and men respected them. No one lived with a "partner" unless they were married. The things that Israel Folau spoke of recently as sins, were never done because they are forbidden in the Bible. along with so many other things that are ignored today. People went to church and were aware of these things. Children were not taught the ridiculous rot that there is no sign of intelligent life in the universe and that they just evolved from a monkey, but understood that they were Created in the image and likeness of God. This does make a difference; when I looked at my wife I didn't see her as a sort of animal (just a few generations from a monkey), but as one of God's beautiful creations that had inherited eternal life from her Heavenly Father. Droughts are normal, this one is excessive, and is probably the belting we deserve, so we should repent and "pull our socks up" before He allows something worse than a drought to happen to our Nation. Remember, pride comes before a fall. Regards, Tom

Friday 27 December 2019

Christmas Day

When I was a young man, my brother John and I sometimes had the job of droving sheep from the property where we lived, to some additional country Dad owned. This job took a couple of days so we had the pleasure of sleeping out under the starts. On a clear night that was a wonderful experience. No town lights, no traffic noises, complete quiet, broken only by the noise of crickets and the occasional call of a Mopoke or Night Owl.

The Bible tells us that the shepherds were watching their flocks by night and I can picture them doing just what my brother and I did. Lying on their backs, looking up at the starts. One shepherd would point to an area in the sky and say "doesn't that group of starts look like a bear?" or "look at that frying pan over there" and "I wonder if those are the seven sisters." (or whatever constellations they have in the Northern Hemisphere). When suddenly the whole sky above them was filled with what the Bible describes as "the glory of the Lord" and an Angel appeared.

The Bible says they were very frightened, and that is probably a considerable understatement! However, the Angel said "Fear not, for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord".

The city of David was, of course, the town of Bethlehem. The Angel then went on to tell them where to find the baby and how he would be dressed. "Then suddenly", the Bible says "there was with the Angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace and goodwill toward men." 

Then, as suddenly as they had appeared, they were gone, leaving the shepherds wide eyed, with their mouths open. When they regained their composure, they said, "Hey, let's go and check this out" (or words to that effect) because Bethlehem was near to where they were. 

Upon arrival, sure enough, they found things exactly as the Angel had said. There in the stable belonging to the Inn, they found Joseph and Mary with their donkey, and some other animals, and the baby Jesus wrapped in cloth and bedded down in a small feed trough. Now a feed trough is not really the place you would expect to find a King is it? bear in mind though that Mary came on a donkey and there really wasn't room for a bassinet on a donkey. The accommodation problem was caused by the sudden influx of visitors to the town, people like Joseph and Mary, who were complying with an order by the Emperor Caesar Augustus that all people must return to their place of birth and register, as he was taking a census so he could tax everybody.

Hundreds of years earlier a Prophet had foretold that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. God knows the future and arranges things His way. Some people would say, "Surely then, God could have arranged it so there was a bed for this special family". Well, no doubt He could. And He did, you see a stable was the place where He wanted Jesus, the saviour of the world, to be born. 

"Why?" you may well ask. Well, simply because God wanted Jesus to be born in a lowly situation, so none of us could say to Him, "it's alright for you, you had it better than me." This followed through His life on earth, He either walked, or rode on a borrowed donkey, and He died a death that no one would envy. He is the greatest King there ever was, but God arranged for Him to be brought up in a Carpenters cottage, instead of a palace, so he could empathise with ordinary people. However, God also knew that King Herod would want to kill baby Jesus, thinking that He would one day usurp his throne, so God sent three wise men from the east to confirm that Jesus was to be a King and brought Him presents. One of the presents was gold, that would be very useful for Joseph (Jesus' earthly dad, who was not a rich man), so he could then afford to take Mary and Jesus to live in Egypt until Herod died. 

Therefore, no matter what situation we find ourselves in, Jesus understands and can empathise with us, even if we are migrants, or persecuted, and can offer us comfort, reassurance, understanding and best of all, Eternal Life by forgiving any sin we have committed, that is, if we ask Him to, and request that He be the Lord of our life. 

Many years ago a Christian man, called Saint Nicoholas, recognised that Jesus was God's great gift to mankind and started the tradition of giving out gifts to remind us of God's wonderful love. His name has deteriorated over the years from Saint Nicholas to Sannicolas and Santa Claus and this tradition of giving is great and helps make Christmas a lot more joyful, as God wants it to be!

So have a wonderful, happy, love-filled Christmas! Best, Tom

Tuesday 17 December 2019

An answer for anxiety

Psalm 55:22 says: "Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you, He will never permit the righteous to be moved" 

There is probably no emotion as common as worry and it is the most useless! Because most of our worries are about things that will never happen or about things we cannot change. Jesus said "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Worry is the interest paid on trouble before it falls due. Let us then cast our cares on Him because He said in Psalm 91 "I will be within you in trouble  and deliver you, and honour you, with long life I will satisfy you and show you my Salvation." We are to constantly cast all our cares on the Lord and leave them there. Anxiety is contrary to the lessons of nature: "Said the robin to the sparrow, I would really like to know, why these anxious human beings rush about and worry so.
Said the sparrow to the robin, Friend I think it must be, that they have no heavenly Father, such as cares for you and me." 

Jesus used the carefree attitude of the birds to illustrate the fact that worry is unnatural. "Behold the fowls of the air, they sow not neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them" (Matthew 6:26), And why take you thought for raiment? Consider these lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory, was not arrayed as one of these."  "All things work together for good to those that love God."
If He cares for tiny birds and frail flowers, why can't we count on Him for every aspect of our lives? I know that modern living taxes the faith of the greatest Christians, but none of us should doubt the ability of God to give us grace sufficient for our trials even amid the stresses of everyday life. We should not go about wringing our hands, shouting "what shall we do?" creating more tension and worry, but we should trust quietly, believing Him, when His word says that

Our Father God, thank you for your constant care, please give me the carefree faith and the trust that your other creatures show. Help me to know You will always be there to catch me when I fall and lead me through difficult times. Remind me of Calvary and your amazing love for me. In The Saviour's name, Amen. 

In chapter 4, verse 6 of his letter to the Christians at Phillipi, the Apostle Paul wrote: "Don't worry about anything; but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Chris Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are Just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think of these things." 

What a great way to live the day, like our pet Wombat here relaxing in our bathtub on a hot day, with the shower just dripping occasionally on her tummy. She didn't worry about anything, she left it all to me. May God bless you for a Great Day as you leave it all to Him. Regards, Tom.

Incidentally, whilst you have this very unusual photo of a female wombat, let me point out how the God who designed her, left nothing to chance. he designed her to dig burrows in the dirt so when He designed that pouch between her back legs for her baby to live in, He place the opening to the rear so when she tosses the dirt back between her legs it does not fill the pouch and smother the baby as would be the case if it were faced forward like that of a kangaroo. This remarkable God also designed you. Trust Him, He knows best and loves you very much. "Cast all your care upon Him for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Healing for everybody

Jesus said "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto". (John 15:7)

"God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent (change His mind): hath He said, and shall He not do it? Or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?" (Numbers 23:19)

When we believe what Jesus and God (one in the same), have said above, we should pray for, and expect complete healing. The God we pray to is the God "Who raises the dead, and calls those things which be not, as though they were." (Romans 4:17)

Therefore God sees our liver or kidneys, lungs or whatever we are concerned about as perfect as the liver in the photo; without spot or blemish.It is up to you and me to align our thoughts with God's statements above, thus we will find that we will "Cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." (2 Corinthinans 10:4). We must do this or else our imagination, which will see spots and blemishes, will negate our faith and we will not have a good result. 

And never forget that "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him". (2 Chronicles 16:9). There is therefore a real benefit if the person being prayed for is a believer who loves the Lord. Remember what Jesus said to the lady who touched his garment? "Your faith has made you whole". Jesus could have healed her if she had no faith, but having faith was a real benefit.

So, what more could we want now than to say "Thank you Lord for your wonderful care and healing power". Amen.  

Sunday 1 December 2019

Unseen Danger

When I bought this new car, I phoned the NRMA and had it comprehensively insured before I even drove it out onto the street. Why? Well I cannot see any problems ahead, but I know that a heavy hailstorm can wipe thousand of its resale value, a passing car can throw a stone and break the windscreen, or someone can accidentally bump it. All hypothetical possibilities, but potential dangers nevertheless and that protection relieves me of any stress.

When Julie Bishop was Minister for Defence, she visited Afghanistan to see our troops. She wasn't in a battle zone as such, but wore a bullet proof vest and helmet just in come some sniper took a shot at her.

The police do this too. You will have to admit that this policeman in Europe is prepared for the worst, if it should eventuate. 
Our house was broken into twice when we weren't home, by people we never saw. But, since we installed a security system, we have been safe from such intrusion.
In Australia, the average person is covered against every imaginable disaster and most people think this is ok. There are security systems to protect your computer from viruses, home and contents insurance to reimburse us if we get a fire or theft, insurance against ill health, workers' compensation insurance, in case of accident at work, or travelling to or from work, travel insurance if you are going overseas, health care and Medicare and many others that escape me at the moment.
Why all this? It is just we realise there are forces out there that can accidentally hurt us, and there are also forces out there that deliberately want to hurt us, like the people who get great pleasure by designing viruses to ruin our computers, even though they don't know us. Consequently, we endeavour to protect ourselves from all possible disasters, which is very sensible behaviour, as it relieves us of those concerns.
There is another side to our lives though, the Spiritual side. We are aware of mediums, magicians, seances, spritism, witches, demons and Satan; but most people do not realise the significance of these and how to avoid the dangers.
As a man who has been confronted by spiritism and hypnotists during my life, I know that we are surrounded by spirit beings, and there is a "Spiritual Warfare" going over our souls that we cannot see (and this is backed up by Jesus and the Bible's teachings). We get some protection from the insurance and armour already mentioned, but there is a lot that we are powerless to address under our own strength. What really concerns me is that our young people are walking out there in a world that is a minefield of spiritual wickedness, (dressed up as fun and entertainment), where the unseen forces of wickedness see to it that these innocent kids are introduced to alcohol, drugs, spiritism, immoral behaviour and temptations that look harmless, and they then become hooked on the very easily because they are walking in a "Spiritual war-zone" without any spiritual armour on. They don't realise that it is not cool to "go with the flow". A dead fish can do that! But it takes a live fish to swim against the tide. They need to realise that God designed them to be His Children and be Joint Heirs with Christ, and being in a war-zone they need to be Leaders with "Spiritual armour" on.
Not powerless followers of others, devoid of protection. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul says in chapter 6, verse 11 that we must "Put on the whole armour of  God that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, bu against Principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against Spiritual wickedness in high places." He then goes on to tell us the type of "spiritual armour" that we require in order to protect ourselves, and he tells us how to apply that. This girl in the picture illustrates it, as by prayer she has put on her "Helmet of salvation" and has the "Sword of the Spirit" (the word of God) in  her hand and will then use the "Shield of Faith" in these promises, to protect her from Satanic attack. If you care to read on from verse 11 of Ephesians chapter 6, you will see how it works, or you can contact me and I will be glad to discuss it with you. Best wishes, Tom