Tuesday 31 December 2019

The Answer to Global Warming

I recently heard on the news that the British Government considers Global Warming (which, they say, is caused by Climate Change), is the world's greatest threat. If they are right, then the heat, drought and fires we are experiencing at present are just symptoms of a larger problem and although attacking those symptoms may have some temporary benefit, the only lasting and successful solution is to eliminate climate change. How do we do that? Well it is a world-wide problem and I think most people agree that wee need cooperation from all nations, and that would be ideal, but it will not happen easily.

Next we need to agree on the cause, and I am sorry to say, that Atheistic Green thinking has stolen the show by condemning the burning of coal in Power Station and Smelting works, but this will not solve the problem, and it is impossible to implement anyway, as the United Nations is not united on this issue. Many countries re thrilled with the thought of green energy though because they now have a wonderful new industry; making millions of solar panels and millions of gigantic wind turbines; of course, to do this, the greens fail to mention that it is now necessary to mine more coal in order to operate the smelters and mine more minerals to make these "green" products. So do expect carbon emissions to decrease any time soon. Consequently, all the above efforts are a massive failure as far as reducing greenhouse gasses is concerned. But don;t let it bother you, because the whole hypothesis is wrong anyway, as those gases are not the problem. God (who designed the Earth) factored all that in when He gave us easily accessible coal to use.

You see, most Governments of the world don't believe in God, so they assume that if there is a problem, then it is a physical thing that they can fix if their scientists put their minds to it. However, things like severe droughts were documented in the Bible thousands of years ago as a Spiritual problem, which can only be fixed by cooperating with the God that they mostly don't believe in. So that being the case, you can see we do have a dreadful difficulty to overcome. It is ridiculous therefore, that people, confronted by heat, drought and fire, take the matter into their own hands and try to solve this global warming problem without even reading the instruction book that describes the reason for the problem and how to fix it. Such behaviour is arrogance, or ignorance, at its worst. God's instructions are very, very clear on this. Allow me to quote from our manufacturer's instruction book: take Leviticus 26:19-20 for example, where God says that if we ignore His commandments and instructions for living (and we certainly have) "I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass: and your strength shall be spent in vain: for your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits." However, if we do obey Him He agrees to reverse all that. This is also confirmed in other places, like 2 Chronicles 7:14 where God, when talking  about drought and pests says, "If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
Now, these are not idle words like those spoken by some half-hearted parent to disobedient children. No! They are the words of an all powerful God of the Universe to His wayward family. Over the hundreds of years His dealings with the Israeli people, illustrates this, (as recorded in the Old Testament). God did exactly what He said above, and when He go fed-up with their constant disobedience, He even sent the Babylonians to conquer them and rule over them for many years, (as He had also foreshadowed that He would do), and He has not rescinded that option. So we would do well to obey Him for a change, as we must realise that obedience is paramount in the eyes of God.

This God who is "the same yesterday, today and forever", is the only one capable of adjusting the earth's climate. So if we don't like the symptoms of drought, heat and fire, we had better do as He said. In other words: Stop teaching Atheism, Humble ourselves before this Almighty God and Pray for forgiveness. Reverse our wicked ways and even rescind some recent legislation that defies the Bible. If we do that, His promised is to "forgive our sin and heal our land," still stands. If (on the other hand) we are too pig-headed and proud to do that, then read the above quotes in your own Bible or online, and you will see that there is a limit to what the Almighty God will put up with. One thing is for sure, closing coal fired power stations will not solve the problem, and is impossible to implement anyway, because (as I said) the "United Nations" are not "united" on this issue. In others words: We must repent or put up with what we have earned, and if our nation won't do as the Bible says, then the best you can do personally, is make sure that you have accepted the forgiveness God has offered you through Jesus' sacrifice, then pray for our country, and help others to understand Jesus' love for them. Best wishes, Tom

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