Tuesday 14 January 2020

My Brother's Keeper

This is a letter of advice that I have sent to all my children and grandchildren. None were singled out, and now I am sending it to anyone who is prepared to read it, so please don't be offended by anything in it. The quotes below are from God's word and as we ultimately have to answer to Him, I hope you will pass this message on to all your friends, even if you don't like it all that much yourself.

Subject: Our example

The bible says that "Whoever causes one of these little ones, who believes in me, to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea" Jesus' words in Mark 9:42.

It also says that "if you eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble or made weak" you are responsible (Romans 14:21). (The meat referred to in that quote is meat offered to the idols, so that doesn't apply to us today, but the rest does).

The bible implies that you are your brother's keeper and therefore have a responsibility for him.

What am I driving at? Well, a couple of things;

Firstly: everything you do sets an example

If we drink alcoholic drinks, will our example cause our children, or others who look up to us, to stumble? Even if we drink in moderation, who knows what amount they will drink in time to come, and what the consequences will be? It may cause them to have an accident, or break up their marriage, or take drugs, or have an unplanned pregnancy, or get killed because their judgement was impaired, and we would be the one responsible (according to God's word), and will not only have to bear the heartbreak, but will be answerable to God for not heeding His instructions as outlined above.

My parents never drank alcoholic beverages, and because of their example, I don't drink either, thank God, as on many occasions I have needed to "hold my tongue", and if my judgement had been impaired due to drink, (as the police say it would), I may have said and or done things that I couldn't undo and would have regretted saying or doing.

When I was Grazers' Chairman in Nyngan, we used to go to the Overlander Hotel for a drink after the meetings. I went along to be friendly and only had a squash, until one of the boys from my scripture class said "I saw you going into the pub on Saturday afternoon". Consequently, I never went there again as I was acutely aware of a true story that goes like this:

A convicted murderer in America was waiting on "Death Row" to to to the Electric Chair. he asked to see a priest and when the priest entered the murderer said "You! You are the reason I am here!" The priest said "What do you mean?" and the man said; "I used to go to your youth club and I revered you, then one day I saw you drinking and assumed it was alright to drink. I became an alcoholic and under the influence, I killed a man, so now I am going to be put to death".

The priest had devoted his entire life to help people and now he realised that, by his example, he had caused one person to be killed, and another put to death. 

The Bible says; "Do not be drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit". (Ephesians 5:18) That means the Holy Spirit, of course. 

The Bible says: "Bring up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it". (Proverbs 22:6) (My kids don't drink). I have met many lovely people who have become alcoholics though. One called at our property on the Kidman Way wanting work. Dad gave him a job building a shed, it turned out he had been the Foreman for the construction of one of the biggest factories in Melbourne at the time but now, when Dad paid his wages, he just went to Bourke and drank the lot. I often wonder who it was, that by their example, had set him on that path. 

Secondly: what you say is important too

A teacher was instructing children in the road rules; she showed them a red light signal and said "what does that mean?" Young Margaret said "It means stop". "Very good" said the teacher and asked "What does this one mean", showing a green light. "That means go" said Billy. "Very good" said the teacher and held up an amber light and asked "what does this one mean?" George jumped up and said "That means go go go!" Now, where did he learn that and how do you think he will behave when he gets his "P" plates?

I knew a man who was a Communist. He had a nice family but in front of them he was always criticising business men who had money. His son heard all this and went and robbed a local business and was shot and killed by the police! the question I ask is "who was really responsible for the boy's death?"

I know that in today's society this letter opens a "can of worms", for some nevertheless I am hopeful that, if passed around, it might save a life, or a vehicle accident, or a fine, or a falling out between a husband and a wife, or other unhappiness, and even make you feel more comfortable when you have to ultimately appear before Jesus. We can pray and ask for God's forgiveness and intervention for past mistakes, and the future is ours to plan, with God's help.   Best wishes with that, Tom.

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