Friday 24 April 2015

Incredible designs


I really do appreciate beautiful designs and they are everywhere. Just look at this yellow flower in my daughter’s garden it is very simple but very attractive. Then look at this bed of panzies in the main street: they have interesting “faces” and lovely colours but as you see in this next photo we have something entirely different again. There are thousands of different flowers with a great variety of designs and perfumes and all this beauty is derived from the soil they are growing in. Can you imagine the mind that thought up such beauty in the first place? For this to happen this mind that designed the flowers had to “plan ahead” and arrange things too, so that the soil would have all the necessary elements for the plants to grow and produce these lovely colours. Nothing but the super computer mind of God could possibly come up with such a plan and achieve such a remarkable outcome.

Look at it this way: If, for example, you decide to cook a meal of roast lamb and mint sauce for dinner (a popular Australian meal), it won’t just happen; first you must acquire a portion of lamb, some potatoes, some pumpkin, some beans, some mint and any other necessary ingredients, plus a roasting dish and a stove with an oven. Likewise when God decided that the earth should produce vegetables for food and flowers for the enjoyment of the people He was planning to create, He had to see to it that there was soil containing all the necessary ingredients available for these vegetables and flowers to grow in.

To do so would require an incredible scientific ability to know what elements would be necessary and also an incredible inventive mind to create those elements. He would also need to have an incredible ability to “program” the plants so that they could utilise these elements and convert them into edible vegetables for us and flowers that brighten up our world.

In Australia, Woolworths call themselves “the fresh food people” but without God’s provision there would be no food of any kind, fresh or stale. The bible says “in everything give thanks” so we must not forget to do that! Lots of people give thanks (say grace) at meal times and that serves as a good reminder for them that God is their provider and deserves their thanks.

Flowers are not just “pretty faces” either: they are the reproductive portion of the plants, fitted out with pollen to fertilise other flowers and also designed to be attractive to the bees and insects that will then be willing to do the pollinating for them. Of course no plant could plan all this, after all they have no brains to think with, and even if they had brains equivalent to ours it would make no difference because we couldn’t do it either. Oh sure we can experiment with the flowers and plants by cross-pollinating, and careful selection, fertilising and so on but we are completely dependent on God’s handiwork. This is similar to the way we can do all types of things with our computer but in the finality are limited by the available programs that someone else has designed.

It reminds me of the song: “To God be the glory, great things He has done so loved He the world that He gave us His Son who yielded his life an atonement for sin and opened the life gate that all may go in.”Thank God He loves us enough to do that too, because there is no way we can delete the consequences of our sin ourselves. Fortunately though He has done that for us too, (if we aren’t too proud to accept his forgiveness). It sure is good to have a Loving Heavenly Father but we have a tendency to take Him for granted and sometimes even ignore Him! I think this is partly because we have “so much on our plate”. But that won’t do as an excuse either, because we are expected to get our priorities right as Deuteronomy 6 verse 5 tells us.        Best wishes, Tom.

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