Wednesday 1 April 2015

Missing the Obvious

The bible says that there is no excuse for not believing in God as we can see His handiwork all around us. However I think we sometimes fail to see the wonders in the things about us because we just give things a cursory glance, we see the obvious and miss seeing the evidence of an unbelievably wonderful God. 
Take this Dorper ewe feeding her lambs as an example; what do you see? Well just that, a ewe feeding her lambs! Well then if that is all you see you are missing the most important, if less obvious point. Here is evidence of God’s incredible “Computer” mind.

Having lived with sheep for more than half my life let me show you this evidence of God at work: The sheep is a living animal of course and as such has a most remarkable body designed for eating grasses and converting them into meat and wool. We could spend days trying to understand the complexities of its anatomy etc. but I just want to look at its breeding behavior to-day.

The pregnant Ewe, when ready to give birth, has labor pains and “knows” that she should go away from the mob so that she can attend to her new baby uninterrupted by “clucky sheep” that will get in the way by wanting to “help”.

When the baby arrives the ewe immediately gets up and licks it until it is dry, talking to it all the time and the baby talks back to her as it tries to stand and find the teat. In these first experiences together four things are accomplished: Firstly the mother gets to recognize the “smell” of her baby (this smell is unique to her lamb and it is essential she gets to remember it for future identification purposes). Secondly she gets to recognize her lamb’s voice, which is different from all other lambs and therefore needs to be remembered for identification when she is later trying to find it in a mob. Thirdly the lamb gets to recognize its mother’s voice and this is also vital if she is calling it. Fourthly the lamb needs to suck the teat promptly after it stands up as the first milk, which looks like custard, is full of nutriments which are essential for its healthy start in life.

Did I hear someone say “So what”. Well this is what: Suppose you have 1000 ewes with 1000 lambs at foot and take them into the shearing shed or want to mark the lambs, you have to separate the lambs from their mothers by drafting them. Some hours later you are finished, so you let them out into a small paddock to “Mother up”. Within the hour they will have all found each other. Now that would not have been possible if the very intelligent “Computer” mind of God hadn’t made them all capable of recognizing each other in the way I have described.

When we look at humans we see the same principle at work only much more sophisticated: God designed every baby in the world to have unique features; a group of mothers go to the Pre School to collect their children who are all dressed in the same uniform. No problem though as they recognize their child at a glance and the child recognizes the mother too. They all have unique voices as well; therefore even if it was dark they could call out and locate each other. When you think of the huge numbers of people there are, all this had to be designed by a remarkably intelligent Creator God.
Currently the police are asking the Government to consider fingerprinting every person in N.S.W. In order to make their work easier as they know that each of the eight million or so people in the state has a different fingerprint.

Have a look at your thumb. Can you imagine what sort of intelligence is needed to design hundreds of millions of thumb prints that are all different and recognizable? Furthermore, these prints are designed before the baby is born!

I hope this talk will help you realize how pecial you are in the sight of God. The bible says that “not even a sparrow falls to the ground without God knowing and you are more important than many sparrows”. 

Best wishes, Tom.

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