Thursday 23 July 2015

Visualising the Impossible

If you was a one hundred year old man like Abraham with no children and had a wife Sara who was ninety years old, and had been barren all her life, and an angel came from God and told you that Sarah would have a baby and your descendents would be like the stars in the sky for number, would you laugh? Sarah did and the angel was disappointed by that (Genesis 18:12). Why do you think he was disappointed? Well having been serving God for a long time the angel would find it incredible that anyone could possibly think that anything was impossible to God and would know from experience that with God miracles are the “norm”. Interestingly Jesus said if we had “The faith of a grain of mustard seed” (Matthew 17:20) miracles would be the norm for us too. (We need to develop that kind of faith).

Talking of miracles, do you like this photo? Well God miraculously designed and made everything in it. You see, the world was “without form, and void” before He spoke everything into existence creating what we have. (Genesis 1)

If we are to co-operate with God to our advantage, (as He would like us to), we need to be like Him in our thinking and “see” things that “are not” as if they were, (Romans 4:17) by that I mean, if we pray for the healing of a broken arm, for example, we must visualise the arm as healed, not broken. Or if we want to pray for changes in our land, we need to visualise those changes and thank Him for them in advance. The account of how the 10 lepers got healed is a good example: These 10 men were under quarantine as outcasts because they had that dreadful disease, so from a distance they cried out and asked Jesus to heal them (Luke 17:13). The interesting thing is that Jesus didn’t “lay His hands on them” as was often His custom, neither did He tell them that they were healed; instead He relied on their faith in Him and just said “Go show yourselves to the priest” (which was what the law required of people who were healed so they could be released from quarantine and return to the community). Apparently, that was enough assurance for them, because although the symptoms were still there they obeyed Him in faith (Jesus said it, they believed it, so that settles it, type of attitude). Consequently, “as they were going they were healed”, and when one of them came back to thank Jesus He said to the man “your faith has made you whole”.

Then of course there was the woman with a haemorrhage that had troubled her for years who said to herself “If I can but touch the hem of His garment I will be healed” (Matthew 9:21) Now that’s what I call faith. The exciting thing is that it worked and although there were throngs of people around Jesus, brushing against Him in various ways, (as the disciples pointed out)

He nevertheless knew that someone had touched Him with faith. And when she admitted to having touched Him he replied “your faith has healed you”.   
Our God is so great, originally there were no such things on the earth as trees and rivers,  God had to visualise them and then speak them into being; we humans have the same ability to visualise things we plan to make, whether it is a chair or a car or a cake, but we don’t have the ability to speak it into existence like God does and that is why it is logical for us to call on His help, not only when we feel out of our depth but also in our daily routine. We have no shortage of information available to-day. Indeed there is an “information overload” on the radio, T.V. and Internet but knowledge without wisdom can lead to disaster. Fortunately our Heavenly Father understands this and tells us through James chapter 1 verse 5, to ask for wisdom by talking to Him in prayer without doubting and He will gladly supply us wisdom. This doubting bit is the problem that seems to trouble lots of us. But doubting is just lack of faith and the bible also tells us that “Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God” (Romans 10:17). I find that my faith is also strengthened by just observing the marvels around me: The trees, the soil, the flowers, the animals, the insects and of course people. These are remarkable creations; God who can do all that without a set of plans is a colossal God and just think; He knows you so intimately that He knows how many hairs you have on your head! (Matthew 10:30). And He wants fellowship with you! So “text” Him with a prayer of thanks, He would appreciate that.   Best wishes, Tom.

Friday 17 July 2015

Planning for the Future

From the day we are born our parents start planning our future, in school we take those subjects that they or we feel might be most useful for a T.A.F.E. course or University qualification. Some of us don’t aim that high of course, nevertheless we constantly think of the future. This is normal because the future is all we have; the past is gone with all its joys and sorrows.

Governments have to think ahead too in order for us to remain viable in this ever changing world; at present contractors are boring holes under the footpath in front of our house as part of the roll out of the National High Speed Broadband Network which is costing a fortune.

 However it is expected that if our homes and businesses connect to this system we will have the opportunity to become more efficient and competitive. Houses are very expensive in Australia at present and our Federal Treasurer suggested that if we want one then we need to get a better job to pay for it so possibly this new network will enable people to become more I.T. efficient and Computer literate which will enable them to achieve that aim of buying a home as well as keeping the nation competitive.

Now assuming that the Government’s hopes can be achieved there is one thing for certain and that is if we choose to not connect to this cable that is in front of our house or business then we can say “Good Bye” to those benefits and will not contribute to a successful future in that particular way.

There is a very interesting parallel here with our Spiritual life: When Jesus was leaving the disciples after His crucifixion He said: “In my Father’s house are many mansions.... I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there you may be also”.(John 14:2) (The Greek word here for “Mansions” may mean rooms), however that may be, the one thing that is certain is that a place is prepared for us and they are looking forward to our arrival. Also, unlike the earthly houses our Treasurer spoke of, our Heavenly place is paid for. However there is another parallel here with the N.B.N. and that is that in order to become beneficiaries of what Jesus has supplied we must connect to His ‘Spiritual Salvation Network’ by repenting and believing on Him.

The estimated cost of the cable laying for the people all over Australia is immense; some $37.4 Billion which amounts to $1500 for every person in our land as this potential benefit is not just for people living in the large cities. What a dreadful waste and what a shame it would be then if only a limited number of people take up this offer. (Hopefully they will take it up though).

Here again we find a parallel to what Jesus did; He took the punishment for the sin of not just a few “Good” people or people of a particular race, but everyone. And when we think of the cost it was astronomic: “The ‘Word of God’ became flesh and dwelt amongst us” (John 1:14) so in effect it was God Himself who took this punishment and gave everyone the right to become “Children of God, and if children then heirs, heirs of God and Joint heirs with Christ”. (Romans 8:17) So what a dreadful waste and what a shame it would be then if only a limited number take up His offer. Particularly seeing that “there is no other way by which men may be saved” as Peter told the Jewish leaders when they arrested John and himself for healing a crippled man. His actual words, as recorded in Acts chapter 4 verse10 were: “Let me clearly state to all of you...that he was healed by the powerful name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, the man you crucified but whom God raised from the dead. For Jesus is the one referred to in the scriptures where it says ‘the stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone’. There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under Heaven by which we must be saved”. Now that is very clear, isn’t it? If you reject the N.B.N. you miss out on possible earthly benefits but if you refuse Jesus offer you miss out on guaranteed eternal spiritual benefits that start right now.

To me the N.B.N. offer is optional, but the Jesus offer is a must.

Best wishes as you think that through.  Tom.

Thursday 9 July 2015


When it’s all been said and done, there’s a lot more been said than done”. When we look around the world we hear a lot being said about human rights, and the settlement of refugees and so on but we really don’t see much action. Plenty of big mouths like our hippo here, telling people what they should do but the talkers don’t seem to be doing much themselves other than talk, that is.

The United Nations Organisation is a good example of a wonderful “talk fest”. “United” they certainly are not, so talk is about all they can achieve as Amos 3:3 says: “Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?” (New Living Bible translation). Many people call Australia “the lucky country”. However in reality it would be more correct to call it “the quiet achiever” because what we have was deliberately made by people who just “got on with it”. The society we know began 227 years ago when in 1788 Britain established a colony here. The first thing they did when they came ashore was to have an open air Christian church service to thank God for their safe arrival. As they got organised they endeavoured to established the colony and its constitution upon Christian principles and Christian ethics as set out by Jesus and His Apostles in the New Testament. It was rough for the Indigenous people and the convicts at first but has gradually improved and despite many mistakes has, in the 227 years, achieved what other countries with different religions haven’t achieved in several thousand years.

 I will therefore make no apology for being “politically incorrect” by saying that there is no religion in the world that can match Christianity’s “love God and love your neighbour as you love yourself” rule, and  can also offer forgiveness for all who repent and believe in the one who allowed himself to be crucified for their sin. If you challenge that dogmatic statement then let us put it to the test. After all, talk is cheap, “the proof of a pudding is in the eating”.

Firstly then: Where can you find a non Christian country where all discrimination is illegal? In Australia it doesn’t matter who you are, what colour your skin, what age you are, what your religion is or whether you are disabled because everyone has the same rights & can legally claim equal treatment.

Secondly: where can you find a non Christian country where you are guaranteed a decent wage, are covered by worker’s compensation insurance, decent hours, have holiday pay, long service leave,  safe working conditions?

Thirdly: Where can you find a non Christian country where if you are unemployed you will receive unemployment benefit money to live on?

Where can you find a non Christian country with paid maternity leave, child endowment, free schooling for all children and pensions for aged and disabled people?

Where can you find a non Christian country with Medicare for all, free doctors and medical attention and free Ambulance transport for all pensioners?

Where can you find a non Christian country with electricity and clean water under pressure to all households and with septic systems or sewage systems connected to all work places and homes?

Where can you find a non Christian country with free immunisation for children?

All these and stacks more are the automatic outcome of Christianity being put into practice. Some non Christian countries have some of these but not the complete package. Sure there are atheists, pretend Christians and others doing corrupt things and trying to undermine the system but it is still the best. No matter what your religion is, even if it is Atheism, I recommend that you read the New Testament (it is on the Internet) and see for yourself how perfect it is.

If you are a newcomer to this land then the above advantages are probably why you came here. Please accept it as it is, enjoy it. Don’t try to change it because you cannot point to a better system. Now, if you haven’t already done so, why don’t you become part of the picture by accepting eternal life as well?  You see, John chapter 3 verse 16 says: “God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish but inherit eternal life”. And that “whosoever” includes you, if you want to accept it. Also see Acts chapter16 and verses 28-35.   Best wishes, Tom.


Friday 3 July 2015

Prayer and Faith

Back in the 1950’s and 60’s car and truck engines didn’t have the perfectly fitting bearings and piston rings and high quality filters that to-days vehicles have.

Therefore it was very common to see vehicles like these ones driving down the street with a considerable amount of blue smoke coming from their exhaust pipe indicating worn piston rings and possibly worn bearings. To prevent this happening prematurely, the car companies gave instructions to new vehicle buyers not to exceed 30 miles per hour for the first 1,000 miles. They called this “the running in period” so that all those parts would gently wear in to the shape of their component parts. However “people being people” they often became impatient and drove too fast too soon and then made a warranty claim. The International Motor Company got sick of this and fitted “Governors” to their new utilities which had to remain in place until the 1,000 miles was reached, at which time the agent removed it.

I know this from experience as I had to go to Sydney and collect a new A.R.110 utility in 1954 and drive it the 500 miles back to Bourke and no matter what I did it wouldn’t exceed 30 miles per hour, talk about testing a young man’s patience. (That’s it in the photo).

As I look around the world at present I have a tendency to wish that God had made people with some type of “behavioural governor” so that they would have no choice but to behave kindly and “Love their neighbour as they love themselves”(Matthew 19:19). Oh how wonderful that would be. Of course that would have turned us into some sort of Robot and God didn’t want that, and I guess we really wouldn’t like that either. Freedom of choice makes life much more interesting doesn’t it? Fortunately though God has given us a very detailed instruction book called “The Holy Bible” to guide us and if we pay particular attention to the “New Testament” section we will not only get the best out of our life but will also have “Roadside Assistance” (the equivalent of a Spiritual N.R.M.A.) for free. Don’t get me wrong though, when I say “free” because this actually cost a lot. It is a little like the Medical benefits Scheme for us, where although our medicine may be very costly the Government pays most of the bill and we only have to pay a relatively small amount of the cost. The Christian life is similar to this as Jesus took the cost of our sin on himself and the only cost we have to pay after repenting is to live a righteous life and do His will in a society where that doesn’t always fit very well. I know it may seem a “little unrealistic” to imagine that everyone would be willing to adopt this Christian thinking so that the Kingdom of God would be established on earth, here in our day, and life would be as it is in Heaven. However If you have ever repeated the Lord’s Prayer then you must think this is a possibility. After all, Jesus, when teaching his disciples to pray to God, told them to say, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:9). So this is not just a “pipe dream” that some old person might think up whilst sitting on their front door step, watching the clouds drifting past. On the contrary, this is a prayer that the Son of God said we should make as a request to 0ur Heavenly Father. And we are told that a ‘PRAYER OF FAITH” to Him can achieve anything!

The trouble is that although thousands of people around the world recite that prayer daily, they hardly think of what they are saying as it has become a ritual and a “vain repetition” and therefore isn’t powerful. (Jesus warned in Matthew 6:7 that this can happen) but He confirmed in Matthew 21:22 that “all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive”. So the Lord’s Prayer repeated meaningfully with absolute faith could achieve anything and change the course of history. God is willing to change things if we co-operate with Him: For example, when He decided to destroy the city of Sodom he said he would spare it if he could find 10 righteous people (Genesis 18:32) but he only found 4, so Sodom was destroyed. But when, in Jonah Chapter 3, God said He would destroy the city of Nineveh with its population of 120,000 in 40 day’s time, Jonah went there under sufferance, and preached to them and they all repented, so God spared them. James 5:16 says “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results”. If you are a Christian you are righteous in God’s sight, so let us pray the Lord’s Prayer in faith and see what can be achieved. Our country has problems, but when praying don’t look at the problems, look to “Jesus the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews chapter12 verse 2).   Best Wishes, Tom.