Friday 17 July 2015

Planning for the Future

From the day we are born our parents start planning our future, in school we take those subjects that they or we feel might be most useful for a T.A.F.E. course or University qualification. Some of us don’t aim that high of course, nevertheless we constantly think of the future. This is normal because the future is all we have; the past is gone with all its joys and sorrows.

Governments have to think ahead too in order for us to remain viable in this ever changing world; at present contractors are boring holes under the footpath in front of our house as part of the roll out of the National High Speed Broadband Network which is costing a fortune.

 However it is expected that if our homes and businesses connect to this system we will have the opportunity to become more efficient and competitive. Houses are very expensive in Australia at present and our Federal Treasurer suggested that if we want one then we need to get a better job to pay for it so possibly this new network will enable people to become more I.T. efficient and Computer literate which will enable them to achieve that aim of buying a home as well as keeping the nation competitive.

Now assuming that the Government’s hopes can be achieved there is one thing for certain and that is if we choose to not connect to this cable that is in front of our house or business then we can say “Good Bye” to those benefits and will not contribute to a successful future in that particular way.

There is a very interesting parallel here with our Spiritual life: When Jesus was leaving the disciples after His crucifixion He said: “In my Father’s house are many mansions.... I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there you may be also”.(John 14:2) (The Greek word here for “Mansions” may mean rooms), however that may be, the one thing that is certain is that a place is prepared for us and they are looking forward to our arrival. Also, unlike the earthly houses our Treasurer spoke of, our Heavenly place is paid for. However there is another parallel here with the N.B.N. and that is that in order to become beneficiaries of what Jesus has supplied we must connect to His ‘Spiritual Salvation Network’ by repenting and believing on Him.

The estimated cost of the cable laying for the people all over Australia is immense; some $37.4 Billion which amounts to $1500 for every person in our land as this potential benefit is not just for people living in the large cities. What a dreadful waste and what a shame it would be then if only a limited number of people take up this offer. (Hopefully they will take it up though).

Here again we find a parallel to what Jesus did; He took the punishment for the sin of not just a few “Good” people or people of a particular race, but everyone. And when we think of the cost it was astronomic: “The ‘Word of God’ became flesh and dwelt amongst us” (John 1:14) so in effect it was God Himself who took this punishment and gave everyone the right to become “Children of God, and if children then heirs, heirs of God and Joint heirs with Christ”. (Romans 8:17) So what a dreadful waste and what a shame it would be then if only a limited number take up His offer. Particularly seeing that “there is no other way by which men may be saved” as Peter told the Jewish leaders when they arrested John and himself for healing a crippled man. His actual words, as recorded in Acts chapter 4 verse10 were: “Let me clearly state to all of you...that he was healed by the powerful name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, the man you crucified but whom God raised from the dead. For Jesus is the one referred to in the scriptures where it says ‘the stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone’. There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under Heaven by which we must be saved”. Now that is very clear, isn’t it? If you reject the N.B.N. you miss out on possible earthly benefits but if you refuse Jesus offer you miss out on guaranteed eternal spiritual benefits that start right now.

To me the N.B.N. offer is optional, but the Jesus offer is a must.

Best wishes as you think that through.  Tom.

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