Thursday 9 July 2015


When it’s all been said and done, there’s a lot more been said than done”. When we look around the world we hear a lot being said about human rights, and the settlement of refugees and so on but we really don’t see much action. Plenty of big mouths like our hippo here, telling people what they should do but the talkers don’t seem to be doing much themselves other than talk, that is.

The United Nations Organisation is a good example of a wonderful “talk fest”. “United” they certainly are not, so talk is about all they can achieve as Amos 3:3 says: “Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?” (New Living Bible translation). Many people call Australia “the lucky country”. However in reality it would be more correct to call it “the quiet achiever” because what we have was deliberately made by people who just “got on with it”. The society we know began 227 years ago when in 1788 Britain established a colony here. The first thing they did when they came ashore was to have an open air Christian church service to thank God for their safe arrival. As they got organised they endeavoured to established the colony and its constitution upon Christian principles and Christian ethics as set out by Jesus and His Apostles in the New Testament. It was rough for the Indigenous people and the convicts at first but has gradually improved and despite many mistakes has, in the 227 years, achieved what other countries with different religions haven’t achieved in several thousand years.

 I will therefore make no apology for being “politically incorrect” by saying that there is no religion in the world that can match Christianity’s “love God and love your neighbour as you love yourself” rule, and  can also offer forgiveness for all who repent and believe in the one who allowed himself to be crucified for their sin. If you challenge that dogmatic statement then let us put it to the test. After all, talk is cheap, “the proof of a pudding is in the eating”.

Firstly then: Where can you find a non Christian country where all discrimination is illegal? In Australia it doesn’t matter who you are, what colour your skin, what age you are, what your religion is or whether you are disabled because everyone has the same rights & can legally claim equal treatment.

Secondly: where can you find a non Christian country where you are guaranteed a decent wage, are covered by worker’s compensation insurance, decent hours, have holiday pay, long service leave,  safe working conditions?

Thirdly: Where can you find a non Christian country where if you are unemployed you will receive unemployment benefit money to live on?

Where can you find a non Christian country with paid maternity leave, child endowment, free schooling for all children and pensions for aged and disabled people?

Where can you find a non Christian country with Medicare for all, free doctors and medical attention and free Ambulance transport for all pensioners?

Where can you find a non Christian country with electricity and clean water under pressure to all households and with septic systems or sewage systems connected to all work places and homes?

Where can you find a non Christian country with free immunisation for children?

All these and stacks more are the automatic outcome of Christianity being put into practice. Some non Christian countries have some of these but not the complete package. Sure there are atheists, pretend Christians and others doing corrupt things and trying to undermine the system but it is still the best. No matter what your religion is, even if it is Atheism, I recommend that you read the New Testament (it is on the Internet) and see for yourself how perfect it is.

If you are a newcomer to this land then the above advantages are probably why you came here. Please accept it as it is, enjoy it. Don’t try to change it because you cannot point to a better system. Now, if you haven’t already done so, why don’t you become part of the picture by accepting eternal life as well?  You see, John chapter 3 verse 16 says: “God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish but inherit eternal life”. And that “whosoever” includes you, if you want to accept it. Also see Acts chapter16 and verses 28-35.   Best wishes, Tom.


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