Saturday 1 August 2015


Recently I wrote an article pointing out that the good things we enjoy in Australia are here because our constitution and ethical standards are based on the Christian principles of “Love God and love your neighbour as yourself”, and that is why we are far ahead of other countries that don’t follow Christian principles. The Bunning’s Hardware Store’s motto is “Lower prices are just the beginning” by which they mean that they supply advice and “backup” and so on, which makes them more than just a retail outlet. Similarly anyone looking at the good things we enjoy here in Australia needs to realise that these advantages “are just the beginning” and are really the “side effects” of Christianity in people’s lives where there is biblical advice & Spiritual backup.

The New Testament tells us that “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation, old things are passed away, behold all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). A new comer reading that would be justified in asking “what on earth are they talking about?” Well my answer would be: “nothing at all on earth”, because what they are talking about is a Spiritual change, not a physical change. In some respects it is like falling in love. I bought this mug at Dubbo Culinary & Homewares,

it says: “It takes three seconds to say I love you, three hours to explain it and a lifetime to prove it”. I like that, except that I don’t believe you can explain love in 3 hours; I have loved my wife for 64 years and I still can’t explain it. If that baffles you then can you explain why a mother loves her baby even though it keeps her up half the night, cries and wants its nappy changed? It is because love is more spiritual than physical. That is why! “God is love” and we should reflect that (1John 4:8).

When I realised God’s love for me I was challenged to make a decision regarding Christ’s offer of Salvation and I was very hesitant as I was very proud, independent and self-righteous and it took a lot of doing to admit that I was in need of Jesus forgiveness but the alternative was to eventually end up in Hell, (and I don’t even like global warming!) However I gave the angels in Heaven joy that day as in Luke 15:10 Jesus says “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth” (how lovely is that?) and now, of course “He gives His angels charge over me” (psalm 91), (probably the same angels) and I understand that on that day I was being offered a Spiritual experience that is Eternal. It commenced with the terrific relief that I felt when I realised that, (as the hymn writer put it): “I owed a debt I couldn’t pay, He paid a debt He didn’t owe, Christ Jesus washed my sins away.” (John 3:16). When we accept that, we can then look forward to a unique relationship with God through Jesus and God’s Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 3:16 says “what, know ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” and as Jesus said the Holy Spirit “will bring all things to your remberance whatsoever I have told you” (John 14:26). This relationship we have with God through what Jesus did is like the love I spoke about above; it is Spiritual and impossible to explain, one has to experience it. The disciples and countless Christians since them have accepted death rather than forsake this relationship once they have tried it. It offers life changing experiences, for example when, in prayer, we invite the Holy Spirit to use our bodies as His temple we will find that the “fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22), love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, kindness & self control will start to replace our former negative attitudes. We also find that in the “storms of life” we will have a “peace that is hard to understand” (Philippians 4:7) and our needs are supplied in unusual ways (Philippians 4:19). Furthermore, troubles that would normally cause us anxiety lose their power as He has promised to be with us in trouble, honour us and deliver us.

When I commenced Aged Care Nursing (because my wife had dementia and had to be looked after in a safe environment) I soon realised that I could do the job more efficiently if I studied the subject, so I accepted advice and got my certificate 3 in Aged care, Certificate 3 in Home and Community Care and Certificate 4 in Aged Care. Now I didn’t have to do all that but it certainly was worthwhile. Likewise when I became a Christian I was determined to understand what Jesus did, and wanted me to do, so I “down loaded” the New Testament into my brain to the best of my ability by reading and re-reading it. This certainly increased my faith, as Romans 10:17 said it would, and it has helped me to have a closer walk with God, so I highly recommend doing that to anyone who hasn’t done so. Let’s face it, if it is worthwhile studying for our earthly job that is temporary, it must be worthwhile to “study to show yourself approved” (2 Timothy 2:15) for our God Ordained Eternal life promoting job.             “Food for Thought”. Best wishes, Tom.




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