Thursday 27 August 2015

Unseen Assistance

Butterflies, they are amazing, not just because of their beauty but because of the way they are created: the caterpillar becomes completely encased in a sealed “room” and in a few days emerges as a beautiful butterfly. There is no way a brainless grub could transform itself into a magnificent butterfly like that without the intervention of a super intelligent scientific God. Our “God  works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform”. We don’t see Him working, we just see the result of His work, and this has always been the case.

A good example of this was when many years ago a man called Joshua, who was in charge of the Israelites, was told by God to capture the walled city of Jericho. As he approached it he met a man with drawn sword who said he was the Captain of the Lord’s Armies (Joshua 5:14). Now those armies were invisible to Joshua however after Joshua had obeyed instructions to march around the city for 7 days the walls just collapsed. Who was it pushed those walls down? Joshua’s people didn’t even touch them! Unseen assistance.

There was also a man named Elisha, a real man of God, but the king of Syria hated him and sent a great force of soldiers to surround the city of Dothan where Elisha was staying. Elisha’s servant was dismayed by the size of the Syrian army however Elisha said “Fear not for they that be for us are greater than those that be against us” and he then prayed to God to “open the servant’s eyes so he could see” and then the servant saw that the hills were “filled with horses and chariots of fire.” Consequently there was an excellent outcome and no one was even hurt. (2 Kings 6:15) Unseen assistance!

Then there was a young man named Gideon (Judges 6) who was told by an angel (who apparently just looked like an ordinary man), that he was chosen to remove the hordes of marauding Mideonites with just 300 men to help him as God wanted to show that in the finality He was the one in charge. When Gideon’s men blew their trumpets in the night God caused the Mideonites to panic and they attacked each other. In short, 120,000 of them died, the rest ran away and Gideon didn’t lose one soldier. The bible documents many occasions when God intervened like this to assist His followers. In Acts 16:26 Paul and Silas were imprisoned, the church prayed for their release and there was a great earthquake which opened the prison doors and miraculously their bands were loosed so they were able to escape. However they chose to delay leaving so that they could first help the jailor become a Christian.

In Acts 5:19 the Apostles were released by an angel for whom the doors of the jail opened by themselves and the apostle’s chains fell off and he guided them out into the street. We are talking here of helpers from the Heavenly realm who may or may not be visible but assist those who love the Lord to achieve outcomes that would normally be impossible. Thankfully “God is the same yesterday, to-day and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). However Faith and Prayer are the “keys” needed to unlock these resources. Mark 6:5 states that Jesus could do no mighty works in His “hometown” of Nazareth because of the people’s lack of faith.  In recent times I have been looking at Australia and thinking, and (worse still) saying, that I believed that within 20 or 30 years this will be a sorry place for my Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren and others agreed with me. I now want to apologise for my part in that fatalistic attitude and believe we should ask God to intervene as he did for the people mentioned above. Jesus taught us to affirm with God (in the Lord’s Prayer) that Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” which is what we want. Some people may think that quote refers to the earth after Jesus returns (because that certainly will be the case then) but that is a pre-planned “done deal” and will eventually happen whether we pray or not, so I think that prayer is  a request to change things for us now. We should always be ready for Jesus return of course; however it may be a long time before that eventuates (2 Peter 3:8). During the last 2000 years there have been many occasions when people thought the end was close, meanwhile it would be nice to have God’s “will done on earth as it is in heaven” wouldn’t it?. Jesus also said in Matthew 21:22 “All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive”. I believe we are to use the “Lord’s Prayer” like that so God will instruct His angels to intervene and make some needed changes for us.  Best wishes, Tom.


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