Thursday 3 September 2015

God’s Problem

  The items we see here and millions of others we observe each day, are so wonderfully designed and made that you would have to ask “Who on earth made those wonderful things?” and the answer is of course that “no one on earth made them because no one on earth has the ability to create living things”. “Well then they must have made themselves”. You’re kidding! How can a non intelligent thing create itself and work out all the intricate details? Impossible!  I’m sorry if it offends anyone, but as the Old and New Testaments tell us it was “The Word of God” that spoke everything into
existence. The New Testament is the record of Jesus life on earth and “In the beginning” it was Jesus in the person of the “Word of God” who actually did the speaking (John chapter 1).

Why did God create all these wonders? Well I’m pleased to say He did it for our enjoyment and made the lovely fruit and other food for our sustenance and the
timber and minerals etc for our use. You see God’s problem is that He loves us “with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3 & John 15). Now for a parent to be loving like that is no problem if their children behave themselves but if the children don’t behave, and get into trouble, the parent just has to somehow get them out of the mess they have made. Many loving parents have found themselves in that situation and it has cost them dearly.

Our life on earth is a sort of training ground for us, and when we complete our assignment here we should be qualified to enter the Kingdom of God. However the reality is that, although there are billions of us and we have a world that God fitted out with everything we need to make us happy, we all, through selfishness and breaking the 10 commandments, “have sinned and come short of the Glory of God” and “there is none righteous, no not one”. Therefore our Heavenly Father was faced with a dreadful dilemma: Should He let all these children He loved go to Hell? Or should He step in and pay the dreadful price of their forgiveness himself?  Thanks be to God He chose the second option and sent “The Word of God’ in the form of Jesus “who was tempted on all points like as we are, and yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15) to be crucified for our sin. Just imagine the love Jesus must have for us. So now all we have to do is believe on him with the faith of a little child as Jesus said in Luke 18:17 “Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein” and in Matthew11:25 He said “O Father Lord of heaven & earth thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise & clever and for revealing them to the childlike”. To those who choose to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ in that way the rewards are endless: “The Lord shall direct our paths” (Proverbs 3:6). The Holy Spirit will comfort and assist us (John 14:16&17). Angels will protect us (Psalm 91). God “will supply all our needs” (Philippians 4:19). And Eternal Life awaits us (John 3:16). Now you just can’t improve on that! You see, becoming a Christian is a “complete package deal” and we become eligible to claim all of God’s promises.

If you decide to get a Drivers Licence in N.S.W. you will need to obtain, and study, the book provided and written by the Roads and Maritime Services. It will provide all the information you will require and whilst you keep to what it says you will have no problems. No other books on the subject are necessary and may just confuse you (particularly if they are written by some well meaning person from another country like the U.S.A. where they drive on the opposite side of the road). Likewise as Christians we need to study the New Testament and later the Old Testament (when we know what the New Testament is saying). No other books on the subject are necessary as they can also confuse. This I know because when I became a Christian and had read the New Testament I then read a Commentary by a Doctor of Divinity and also a set of Commentaries by an Ordained Minister: Beautifully presented books written with authority. However these books watered down my understanding of the Bible, ruining my Christian walk for many years until I found that their statements were incorrect. Please don’t make the mistake I made. There is really only one book that we need and it was written “by Holy men of God who were guided by the Holy Spirit” (2Peter 1:20 & 21) and of course much of the New Testament just quotes the words of Jesus and there is no higher authority.  As Jesus said “I and the Father are one”. Best wishes. Tom.


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