Thursday 17 September 2015


For the farmer harvest time is the most important time there is because it is then and only then that he can be sure of how much grain his crop will yield and therefore how much income he will have to carry on for the next 12 months.
The grain we see there being transferred from the header to the truck bin is clean because the header does not only harvest the crop but is designed with a fan that blows the poorly developed grain and husks out the back whilst the heavy grain falls through a sieve and is stored in a bin on the header until the bin is ready to be emptied.

The bible frequently talks about this separating of the grain from the husks and in most cases is referring to God’s followers as the grain and makes it clear that they are the ones who inherit the Kingdom of God, whilst those who ignore God are the husks and will be rejected.  A typical example of how it works in practice is what happened to me in Honolulu.

I was standing on the edge of a roadway inside the campus of the University of Hawaii handing out copies of The New Testament to students as they came past in their cars or on foot. One car pulled up and the young lady asked what I was giving away so I told her and offered her a copy. She was a strikingly beautiful looking girl; blond, beautifully groomed and dressed, and to finish the picture she was driving a brand new biscuit coloured open Dodge convertible with white leather seats. You couldn’t have added anything to improve the picture, unless of course you placed a young Elvis Presley in the passenger seat. However when I handed her a Testament she gave me a condescending smile and said: “It’s Okay” and drove off without taking it.

My guess is that this young lady was probably quite a nice person, brought up in a wealthy family by parents that doted on her and she had everything in life that she needed, therefore she probably felt that religion, and Christianity in particular, had no relevance as far as her life was concerned and might just spoil the life she was enjoying. Jesus summed it up by saying in Matthew 19:24 “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man (person) to enter the Kingdom of God”. Mind you it is not only rich people who refuse the gospel but they don’t feel the need for it as much as the poor people do because the rich tend to reverence money and put their faith in it.

The next day I was involved again with the bible distribution in a different part of the University grounds, standing beside a footpath that had a hedge of lovely Azaleas, when along came an African American; a powerfully built young man taller than me and having very black skin. He was wearing Jeans, a denim jacket and a denim cap. He stopped and looked at me and said with a very deep American drawl, “Are you giving away bibles?”  “Yes” I replied, “I’m giving away New Testaments supplied by the Gideon organisation”. He then took my left wrist in his left hand and turned my hand so the palm was facing upwards and brought his right hand down and clapped my hand with a resounding “whack”, as he did so, he said, at the top of his voice, “Well praise the Lord” and then asked if he could have one copy for himself and two more for two friends he knew. What a different reaction to that of the young lady! This chap was walking and probably came from a family that didn’t have a lot of money, but he knew the Lord Jesus and wasn’t content to leave it at that either but, thinking of others, he took the opportunity to obtain copies of the written word of God to give to his friends. Jesus told us to spread the Good News and he was doing just that. Romans 10: 15 Says “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”

The interesting thing is that the grains and husks illustrated in these photos had no control over their destiny, however each of us can choose to be husk or grain (Just like those two young people I met at the university) because “God so loved the world (us) that He gave His only begotten son (Jesus) that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish but inherit Eternal Life” (John Chapter 3 Verse 16). What a colossal privilege you and I have in being offered the opportunity to decide our own Eternal Future!      Best wishes,  Tom.  

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