Saturday 17 December 2016


When we mention Christmas we usually think of a Nativity scene similar to the one depicted here and don’t think about all the planning that God had to do for all this and its aftermaths to happen. For starters, it was well known that the Messiah, or Christ, would be born in Bethlehem, but Joseph and Mary didn’t live in Bethlehem, and their baby needed to be born in a primitive place like a stable, not a house or an Inn, that way no one could ever feel that Jesus got a better start in life than they did. God also knew that King Herod would try to kill the baby Jesus, because Herod would fear that Jesus would usurp his throne, so God needed to arrange for some financial help for Joseph, so that he, Mary, and the baby, could flee to Egypt where they would have to stay until Herod died, after which Joseph could come back and set up his carpentry business in Nazareth. God also knew that in later years, Jesus disciples would require “Diplomatic Immunity” and “International Passports” so they could travel to all the nations around the Mediterranean Sea in order to spread the Good News of God’s Saving Grace that was achieved through Jesus Death and Resurrection.  Quite a lot for God to sort out really.

The “three wise men from the East,” that are depicted in this photo, were guided to solve Joseph’s financial problem as they brought a quantity of Gold as part of their gifts for the baby, and of course gold is an international currency. (My God shall supply all your need) is a relevant text in this case. (Philippians 4:19).

The “Diplomatic immunity” problem was solved by God choosing a unique time in history for Jesus birth: it was a time when all that area, and right through to England, was part of the Roman Empire, so men like Paul had no problem travelling from country to country and were even able to call on the protection of Roman soldiers if they were bullied by the locals. Indeed, Paul even appealed for Caesar to personally hear his case when the Jewish leaders charged him with Blasphemy. As a result of this Paul was able to discuss his faith with leaders like King Agrippa and his wife Bernice as well as Roman Governors and Centurions.

Now how did God arrange for Jesus to be born in Bethlehem? No problem, He got Caesar Augustus to decree that there would be a Census so all people had to return to the town of their birth; so Joseph took his wife to Bethlehem. Only God  would have been able to arrange the exact timing, so that Mary was in Bethlehem on the day of Jesus delivery. And because of the crowds of visitors there was no room in the Inn, only a stable for the Christ child to be born in. Who but our all- knowing God could have sorted all that out to perfection?

The way God sorted all the above out is a “template” or pattern, for the way He also wants to help you and me. The actual bible quote for this is: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths”. Which clearly indicates that if we get our priorities right we will arrive at our “Bethlehem” and our needs will be supplied; it is a matter of trusting Him. (Proverbs 3:5).

Now it wouldn’t be Christmas without someone mentioning “Santa Claus”. Who then is this old man, and what is his significance?

His real name is Saint Nicholas and over the years it has just been pronounced incorrectly. Saint Nicholas was a devout Christian who lived in the Northern Hemisphere where there is plenty of Snow at Christmas, and people use Sleighs as a means of transport. Realising that Christmas is all about God’s love for us in sending Jesus to procure our Eternal Salvation, Nicholas decided to show love in a practical way by giving out presents. Children loved him then, and they probably love him more now as the “Santy” we now know has also taken on “magical” powers having Reindeer that fly and so on. This doesn’t worry me, (I believed in the “Tooth Fairy” too, when I was young, I loved the mystery of it, and even “Superman” delighted me as he did so much good).  The important thing is that children understand that Santy is just doing kind things because Jesus wants us to behave that way.  Have a happy and blessed Christmas, Tom and Audrey.

Friday 9 December 2016

How to be Sure

That triangular construction in the middle of the photo is the Poppet Head at the New Occidental Gold Mine in Cobar as it was when I worked in the Survey office there in 1949. It doesn’t exist anymore but the underground workings will always be there. That Poppet Head stands over a shaft that is 1500 feet deep having 15 levels. A lift, like the lift in a tall building went up and down, from the surface to each of those levels. It is really just like a Skyscraper building that is upside down and carved out of the rock; each level being like one floor of the Skyscraper.

When there didn’t seem to be any more gold to mine on the level being mined, they started a new level below it because the seams went straight down, but before they abandoned a level they used Diamond drills to explore further into the rock face to see if there was more gold that they didn’t know about. The Diamond drill head is a metal cylinder a little larger than the cardboard cylinder inside a toilet roll; its end is made of metal thicker than that cardboard and the whole circle is embedded with industrial diamonds which are very hard and when rotated cut through the rock and a “core,” or sample, of the rock goes inside the cylinder. The drill is frequently withdrawn and the core is removed and examined and if it looks good is sent to the Assay office for testing.

 That all sounds simple but the drill is influenced by the softness or make up of the rock and may veer to the left or right or up or down. Therefore, although the sample of ore might be valuable, the way to reach it can be confusing, so frequently the diamond head was replaced by a head that had a compass in it with florescent tip and a piece of photo film, and beside it a vial (small bottle) half full of acid.  The drill with this head on it was pushed to the end of the hole and left for a while thus, the film when developed, indicated which way the drill hole was pointing and the bottle, marked by the acid, showed whether the hole was going up, down, or was horizontal. Crude compared to to-days equipment, I suppose, but it worked, highlighting how outside influences could prevent the miners reaching the Gold if they were not careful. This same principle is very evident in our lives; the “Gold” that we are aiming at could be a particular job, our marriage, the establishment of a business, or our Eternal life, and in each case we have to be aware of outside influences that could lead us in the wrong direction. On a number of occasions People have said to me about their life, “I don’t think God would mind if I did…………” so they go ahead and do what they are planning, and it may be quite all right too, on the other hand it may not be what God would approve of, and there is only one way to be sure and that is to see if it agrees with the New Testament, and that is why I am always advising people to read it for themselves so they can be guided by its directions.

Many years ago, before the Metric system of measures was introduced into Australia, I was driving on a back country road that connected two towns when I came to a railway level crossing, it was out on an open plain and you could see that there were no trains in either direction and the only other vehicle visible was a car a long way behind me, so I drove over the crossing at the normal road speed thinking that I had done no wrong. A short while later the car behind me which (wouldn’t you know it) just happened to be a police car, pulled me over. “Driver, you went over that railway crossing in excess of 15 miles per hour” the policeman said. “Yes I suppose I did” I replied, “but I didn’t know of that speed limit, and besides there were no trains visible so I considered it safe”. “Well” he said, “lack of knowledge of the law is no excuse, you are supposed to know the law, and whether there are trains visible or not, has nothing to do with it”. He was right, of course, and manmade rules like that change from time to time, but if we intend using the roads we have an obligation to keep abreast of those rules.

Thankfully, God’s rules don’t change and when you think of it from God’s perspective, anyone who is capable of reading, but cannot be bothered spending some time to familiarise themselves with His New Testament instruction book, (which is really a love story addressed to them), is forfeiting their right to partake of the wonderful gifts he offers, and their life is bound to veer off the straight path that leads to that “Gold”. (Like that drill when left uncontrolled).

Just a few thoughts that I felt might be helpful.  Best wishes, Tom.

Friday 2 December 2016

Design or Accident

 Many Scientists, and a lot of their followers, are very upset because the newly elected President of the U.S.A. doesn’t believe in their model of “climate change” and therefore doesn’t want to continue giving the United Nations organisation millions of dollars that may achieve nothing. His thinking is that large sums of money like that would be better spent on something practical that we fully understand, like jobs and industries that are currently in crisis, and that has the backing of a lot of voters. Personally, I have no faith in many of those Scientists because they have been teaching that there is no sign of intelligent design in the universe, and that flowers, (like this one in the photo), were designed accidentally by brainless plants over millions of years. Such teaching contradicts the bible and is so ridiculous that it destroys their credibility.  I mean, if they cannot see that something so incredibly remarkable as a flower like that, was designed by a great mind, then how can we trust them on something less obvious and largely hypothetical like “Climate Change”?     

The truth of the matter is spelled out in the Bible for anyone to see, (God created), but of course if a person doesn’t believe in God then they won’t believe the bible either. However, God did make wood, peat, coal and gas for us to burn. So, for thousands of years, people all over the world, in their millions, have used at least one of these elements to heat their homes, cook their food heat their water and smelt metal and make glass etc. When I was young every house had at least 2 chimneys, coal powered steam ships crossed the oceans, and steam trains transported our people and produce, using the very cheap coal that God had provided.

Some people would be horrified by the amount of carbon or “green- house gasses” that they put into the atmosphere. But why should they be horrified? Well, because they don’t believe that God (the greatest “Scientist” in the universe) would have taken all this into consideration when He was planning the earth for us to inhabit. Obviously, God, who is all knowing, would have factored all this into His plan, so we must assume that there is a very good reason for that “Green-house” canopy, if there is one, maybe it helps to increase our rainfall so we can increase Agricultural production in order to feed the ever increasing population or some other such good reason like that. Or it may be a “non-event. But if we can’t cap volcanoes and can't stop bushfires,  then whatever "canopy" they create is here to stay and is acceptable to God, so just trust Him. Best wishes, Tom.


Wednesday 23 November 2016

Hot or Cold

There is a shop in Orana Mall in Dubbo called “Bed Bath N Table” and they have delightful items on display including this Teapot and Cup and Saucer.

My wife, Audrey, loves this sort of quality china and was also very happy to use hers to entertain guests if they called in; she always had some scones made and some lovely cake so would greet the visitors with “The kettle is just about boiling, so come in and have a cuppa”. Freshly made Tea served black or with milk and sugar was always very popular at our house.

On the other hand, if Audrey had made the tea a half hour before and served it up luke- warm, I don’t think many of our visitors would have been as enthusiastic about coming in for a “cuppa” the next time they visited: Iced Tea, yes. Hot tea, yes, but half way between the two, no thank you. (I’m pleased to say that she never made that mistake).   

Apparently though, on some occasion during his time on earth Jesus must have come across such a situation, it probably wasn’t tea but whatever it was he really didn’t enjoy it luke-warm, because when he was sending a message to the Christian church at Laodicea, he told John to tell them that they were “neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot” He said “So then because thou art luke-warm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth”.  Very drastic words so we must be very careful to not live the way they were living and we had better find out what it was that they were doing that disappointed him so much, after all they represented Him by calling themselves a “Christian church”. Now, whatever religion you may be, or even if you are an atheist, you will have to agree that if you know something that would be of great help to your neighbour, and don’t tell him, or her, about it then your friendship isn’t worth much. When you consider that true Christians believe that Jesus action on their behalf is the greatest news that there is in the world, and these Laodiceans were half hearted about sharing that information, then you can see why Jesus was disappointed with them.

Well it comes down to this: God loves us so much that he sent Jesus to pay the price of our sin so we could inherit Eternal life in Heaven with him. You see “God was in Christ, reconciling the world (us) unto himself” (2 Corinthians 5:19). These Laodicean people had gladly accepted that forgiveness and reconciliation for themselves, but made the mistake of not sharing the knowledge of its availability with others, and that action, or inaction, on their part, contravenes what Jesus said was the second most important commandment which is “to love your neighbour as you love yourself” (Matthew 22:39). And that is a commandment, not a suggestion.

This then should be a “wake up call” to all Christians so that we will get on with the privilege of sharing this Gospel with others. After all we have a unique and wonderful “experience” to promote and share: Christianity is a gospel of love. We love God for the forgiveness he has given us for free, we are helped by The Holy Spirit to love everyone (even our enemies) and we are to do good to those who treat us badly (Jesus is our example, he even asked God to forgive those who were crucifying him). If the whole world was truly Christian then we would all live in harmony, as it will be in Heaven.

The Lord’s Prayer to God says: “Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven” so we can look forward to that day and should do our bit to make it happen where we are.

God will bless us as we do that.  Best wishes, Tom.



Friday 18 November 2016

Lost in the Crowd

I was standing on the median strip between the East bound and West bound traffic when I took these photos; there are two rows of different flowering plants here, both having very lovely flowers as you can see in the close up photos: As we drive past at 60 kilometres per hour we think “those flowers look nice” but unless we stop and take the time to examine them, we will never know how nice. This of course applies to our life generally; we look at a forest but don’t really see the individual trees that make the forest, or even notice that every one of them has its own different charistics.

The Dubbo “Photo news” Newspaper publishes the photos of the babies born in the hospital each week, and what a collection of delightful little faces they are; every one being different but beautiful, like those flowers above. People walking past you in the Mall or in the street were lovely babies too, some time ago, but in many cases are now showing the signs of “wear and tear”, which is natural as they may have been living in circumstances that haven’t always been ideal and caused them stress. Meanwhile, the sun and wind dry out their skin which also adds to that ageing appearance. However, most women combat that dry skin problem by using moisturising cream, but as good as that is, it only goes skin deep and unfortunately doesn’t solve those deeper problems of hurts and stress. I am pleased to say though that Jesus, who was brought up in a community like ours, recognised the needs we have and made some very helpful suggestions like: “Come unto me all ye who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Paul who had been through hard times himself said: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6). Now that is “Spiritual Moisturising Cream” and if applied daily will make a terrific difference to our “Dry Souls”. It is a universal cure, irrespective of what you have been through or who you are.

This is not some vague theory to me, as I have had my share of “difficulties” and regularly apply this “Spiritual Ointment”, without which I could not exist. However, I was fortunate that as a child I learned that we need complete commitment to whatever we take on, if we are to make the most of the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
For example, in this photo (taken some time ago) that is me in the foreground testing the water temperature in our home dam, with my big toe, and that just doesn’t work. My brother John and sister Anita did right; they just ran straight in and immersed themselves.

Likewise, if we want to accept the benefits God is offering us in the New Testament we cannot first “test it with our toe”; we must make a full commitment to accept His forgiveness and do things His way. Best wishes, as you think that through (if you haven’t already done so). Tom.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Thursday 10 November 2016

By Faith not by Works


A large number of people would have seen me taking my wife to the Mall in a wheelchair, morning and afternoon, for many years now. I do that so she can have a better quality of life. Bear in mind that Audrey cannot move or speak so I count it a great privilege to be able to do this for her. We “window shop”, see the lights and pretty things, meet people and even have morning tea together.

Over the years, many people have come to me and said: “No doubt you will get to Heaven”. In saying that they are trying to express their appreciation of the fact that I help Audrey so much and they honestly believe that if we do good things like that, God will notice and thus we will somehow earn His forgiveness for anything we may have done wrong, and our Soul will be therefore accepted into Heaven.

 I can see where they are coming from, but that is not the way it works. In the New Testament letter of Paul’s to the Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 we find the following statement: “For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them”.

If we examine that text, we find that God created us to do good things so I get no special credit for being kind to Audrey. Further to that in Ephesians 5: 25 there is an instruction to husbands to love their wives, therefore, to do so is just looked on by God as me doing the normally expected thing. And to cap that of course, when we were married both Audrey and I vowed to each other that we would look after each other for “as long as we both shall live”. So no matter how you look at it I am just obeying the “Road Rules” and no driver gets any special privileges for that because it is what is expected of him or her.

So we see that obeying God’s rules is good for all concerned and if we want to spend eternal life in Heaven we need to be endeavouring to comply with those directions, but in themselves they don’t earn us a “Passport” to Heaven.

 In short, there is only one thing that earns us that privilege (as the text above says) and it is a “Gift of God” which is faith in, or belief in the redemptive act of Jesus sacrifice on the Cross at Calvary. As the Apostle John quotes Jesus as saying in the 16th verse of the 3rd chapter of his Gospel: “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but inherit Eternal Life”

 Well that brings us to the next question “Were those people right when they said Audrey and I would get into Heaven?”

Yes, they were right, as it turns out, because both of us do believe in the saving grace of Jesus, and have been endeavouring to live the way that is expected which includes loving God and endeavouring to love our neighbour as we love ourselves; for sure we have made many mistakes since we made that commitment, but we endeavour to keep “short accounts” with God by daily asking for his forgiveness for those mistakes.

Aren’t we all fortunate that God was so gracious in making Salvation from the consequences of sin so simple for us that anyone can ask his forgiveness in prayer and know that if they are genuine and willing to endeavour to do things the way he would like in future, that they are forgiven and are on their way to Heaven. In the Old Testament, Isaiah (the prophet) wrote in the 6th verse of chapter 53 of his book: All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all” (New Living Translation).

You have probably seen these sheep before, in one of my articles, and that is because, like you and me, they always need help. Happily, that help is only a prayer away.  Best wishes, Tom.

Friday 4 November 2016


This photo of the sea of Galilee does not make the hills on the other side of the water as clear as I would like but that distant shore is some 10 to 15 kilometres away and may well be the slopes where the 5,000 men plus women and children sat to hear Jesus talk about the Kingdom of Heaven and afterwards receive a very adequate meal of barley loaves and fish: adequate, I say because there were 12 baskets full of leftovers collected and the fact that there were only 5 barley loaves and 2 fish to start with (before Jesus blessed them) didn’t go un-noticed by the crowd either.

After they had all eaten, Jesus told his disciples to get in a boat and go across the lake and he would join them when he had dismissed the crowd. However, after dismissing the crowd, he didn’t go and join them straight away, but went off on his own to pray for a while. Now that was probably why he sent the disciples away: so he could be alone with The Father: there is a time for praying with others and there is a time when we need to be alone with God, and if Jesus felt it important to talk to God (being who he was) we must surely need to do so too, (being who we are).

Grape growing vineyards were very common around the shores of the lake at that time and Jesus was aware that the people had a fair knowledge of that occupation so he reminded them of the fact that the vinedresser made sure that the surplus growth on those vines was removed so that the plant wouldn’t waste energy, by just making leaves, but would spend all its energy in producing fruit. He drew a parallel to that in our lives, indicating that God has given us an important work to do, if we agree to follow him, and will guide us to not get involved in too many “side issues.” Therefore, he will “encourage” us to produce more fruit. When you come to think of it; (if the vine could think), how privileged and excited it would be to see itself producing so much extra fruit and having the Vinedresser taking such a personal interest in helping it to do so.

Jesus took this even further by saying “I am the vine and you are the branches; he that abides in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” (John 15 verse 5). As a matter of interest then: what do you think He means by “producing fruit”? Is it the fruit of the Spirit becoming evident in our lives (Galatians 5:22)? Or is it sowing Gospel seed into other’s lives (Luke 8:11)?  Or is it “harvesting” souls (Matthew 9:37)? Actually I think it is all of those and this is such an important matter that it is imperative that each one of us should read the first 17 verses of chapter 15 of John’s gospel, so we know how we stand in relation to Jesus on this issue.

Shepherds were very noticeable in that area in Jesus day too, and they probably still are. Good shepherds were very much admired by Jesus as they loved their sheep and were even prepared to lay down their life for the sheep if necessary in order to protect them from savage predators such as lions or bears. After leading their sheep to good pasture during the day they brought them back into the protection of a “fold” (or as we would say a “yard”) at night, and if even one was missing (having gone astray) the shepherd wouldn’t sleep until he went out and found it.

All this was well known to the people of that area so it was very meaningful to them when Jesus described himself as “The Good Shepherd” and them as his sheep and explained how very important each individual is in his sight (this applies to you and me too of course) and he actually did lay down his life for us (his sheep). What an incredibly kind action that was? He certainly didn’t have to do it, but because he did, you and I are free from the consequences of any sin we have committed and have a “Passport” to eternal life if we are prepared to repent (change our thinking) and believe on him. To not accept that free pardon would be a dreadful mistake of course, so I hope that every one reading this would accept it. After all, Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one cometh unto the Father but by me”.     Best wishes, Tom.

Friday 28 October 2016

Consider the Lilies

Jesus said “Consider the Lilies…” and I wrote an article on this subject recently but feel it needs “follow- up”: in my dictionary “consider” means to contemplate; deliberate
thoughtfully, so I have been “considering” this lily in that way and am most impressed with the delicate colouring, the material the petals are made of and how those little dark pads in the centre are hinged so the slightest touch by an insect will cause them to swivel and deposit pollen on the creature that touched them, and that is certainly marvellous.

But Jesus was looking past those pads when in Matthew 6: 28 He said “Consider the lilies of the field how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: and yet I say unto you. That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore if God so clothed the grass of the field which, today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you. O ye of little faith?” ………… but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness: and all these things shall be added unto you”. So he was reassuring us that we can trust God. I suggest therefore, that we read that whole passage again and also “consider” who it was that made that statement! And what the implications are for you and me personally, if you take him seriously.

 Mind you, it probably wasn’t only lilies that he was thinking of when he described them as “grass of the field”. It is more than likely that he used lilies as the illustration
because they were very common in that part of the world. When we look at the thousands of different and remarkable designs of flowers we cannot but be impressed by the mind of our God who could conceive such beauty and variety. It is no wonder therefore that Jesus was keen to point out that the God who would take such an interest in things that would only last a few days, would certainly be much more willing to spend time helping humans who are his greatest creation and whose lives are eternal. No doubt God had great joy in designing the plants and animals and He put us in charge of them all, giving us remarkable bodies and brains to use. However, at that point he handed the responsibility over to us by giving us a free will and not making us “robots.” Most loving parents would understand that thinking, because they look after their babies and feed and clothe them, educate them, and endeavour to direct them in the way that they think is in the child’s best interest, however, that is about as far as they can go and from then on they just make themselves available for advice and assistance and try to not interfere with the child’s own free will as they get older so that they can live life the way they choose. This can be wonderful or devastating.

Wonderful for the parents if the child chooses well, but devastating if they choose poorly like the young man in the photo. There is nothing his parents can do for him
now unless he decides that he wants to “quit” drugs. If he makes that decision, then his parents and others can help him find the answers, and all of life’s possibilities become within his reach once again. Some people may say “That isn’t my problem thank goodness”, but they’re wrong: according to the bible that is how God sees the soul of every one of us until we repent and accept Jesus redemptive forgiveness which releases our soul from the consequences of sin. “How is that?” you may ask. Well the bible says: all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”, “there is none righteous, no not one” “the soul that sinneth it shall die” “the wages of sin is death.”  So you can imagine how devastating it is for our loving God when he sees us ignore his directions that were designed to guide us and set us up for Eternal Life.

The decision to “quit” sin is in our hands; as “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him shall not perish but inherit Everlasting Life.” “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”. Now this is where our “Free Will” takes over; we may look in the mirror and see a business person, a teacher, a nurse, a pensioner or whatever and be quite contented with our life, but unless we have “freed” our Soul from that situation “depicted” in the photo above by accepting God’s offer of forgiveness, then there is absolutely no hope for us in Eternity so we must make sure we have sought that forgiveness (it is free), and thus avail ourselves of all the blessings in this life and the one to come.      Best wishes, Tom.                                                                                                                                                       

Friday 21 October 2016

Great Designs

This is a photo of the footpath near my daughter’s house. Most of the streets are bordered by these Cape weed plants at present and it looks very beautiful.
In this close-up photo you can see how wonderfully designed they all are: beautifully shaped petals with a rich yellow fading out to a cream tip. When the sun goes down they all close up until morning and I guess that is to protect the pollen from dew and frost, but as soon as the sun is up so are they.

In the garden there are lots of different flowers and these Dutch Iris fascinate me. The material they are made of is so delicate that you would wonder how it can stand the hot sun and yet they thrive on it. When we look at the incredible selection and distribution of the colours here too, we cannot help but marvel at the way God “programed” these plants with the ability to find those pigments and know
how to separate them and distribute them to the petals so cleverly. An insect attracted to this flower lands on the yellow area and makes its way up towards that top “lip.” This “landing pad” is hinged and the weight of the insect lowers it enough for the insect to push under the top “lip” which sits gently on the insects back as it proceeds into the flower, thus the insect is wiped with pollen which it takes to the next flower exactly as God planned. Of course it is all beyond our understanding how God arranged all this and that is why Jesus said “Consider the lilies of the field how they grow: they toil not neither do they reap, yet (King) Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as one of these” and He goes on to say that “If God so clothed the
grass of the field” won’t He look after you, so we are not to worry about things we lack, but to trust Him. (If you would like to check that out read Matthew Chapter 6 and verses 30 & 31).

A very long time before Jesus was born in Bethlehem, King David (with Holy Spirit guidance) wrote Psalms 14 & 53 and in the first verse of each said: “The fool says in his heart ‘there is no God” and centuries later Paul, writing to the Christians at Rome said: “ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God” (Romans 1: 20) (New Living Translation).  That is why I love studying nature because it is there we are surrounded with His incredible handiwork and can learn to appreciate His wonderful mind which helps our faith to grow.

About 2600 years ago the Prophet Jeremiah in the 17th Chapter of his book and the 7th Verse said: “But blessed are those who trust in the Lord, and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a river bank with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.” (New Living Translation).

Now what I have highlighted above is the ideal way to live because we all want to have a life like the trees Jeremiah described above, don’t we?

Well keep looking closely at the flowers and keep reminding yourself of Jesus statement above about the lilies.

God bless you as you do that.  Tom.

Friday 14 October 2016

God’s Covenant with All Living Flesh

As I write this the Eastern portion of Australia is having the wettest season in 50 years and as I came out the back door of my daughter’s house recently, I was greeted with this spectacular rainbow, and it reminded me of God’s statement in Genesis 9: 9-17, where He was speaking to Noah after the great flood and said that the rainbow would be a reminder to Him and all living flesh, that He would never again allow a flood of that magnitude.

 There is of course still a lot of evidence of that flood; for example, the world has great coal deposits close to the surface which were colossal forests that had been flattened and washed into ravines and covered with silt. The “fossil graveyards,” like the trees, were freshly dead animals buried in large numbers before they deteriorated.  If they hadn’t been buried quickly under a quantity of silt we wouldn’t have those fossils, and it would take a terrific flood to do that. So we are very fortunate to have that historical record. People who don’t read the bible invent weird and impossible alternatives to the flood. From experience: During my life of grazing sheep and cattle I have seen hundreds of animals die, and I know that unless they are buried quickly there will soon be no evidence that they ever existed because blowflies, crows, eagles, foxes and wild pigs soon clean up their remains. Did I hear you ask “how come you saw so many animals die”? Well just to take one example: Audrey and I had a property where our boundary fence was about 200 meters from the Bogan River and ran parallel with it for many kilometres. When the river flooded
in 1990 I received a call on our U.H.F. radio, from the man in charge of travelling stock in our district, to say that a large mob of sheep travelling on the stock route, between our fence and the river, had been trapped by the flood water and washed against our fence, and would I mind if he cut the wires in many places so the sheep might be able to swim into our country and possibly save their lives by finding higher ground. Of course I said “do it”. However, they all drowned and now there is no evidence that they ever existed because the carnivores I mentioned cleaned them up (including the bones, to get the marrow). They drowned in amongst those trees in the distance and with the flood rising this was as close as I could get to them. After that we had years of drought and this beast of ours couldn’t even find enough water for a bath.
Now the river is flooding again and the farmers are battling. Life is not always easy, (as you might have found out), and the Bible tells us that Adam and Eve’s sin started these difficulties and our continuous sinning perpetuates them. However, God spoke to King Solomon, as recorded in 2 Chronicles 7:14 and said: If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land” and in the New Testament James 5:16 says: The prayer of a righteous man availeth much”. The entire bible bears witness to this idea of asking God’s forgiveness for past sin, living in a manner in accordance with the scriptures and asking in faith for God’s help and guidance. Our Nation needs to do that, but the fact that it doesn’t should not stop you or me from doing it if we want to end up in Heaven and live above the average right now.  Best wishes as you consider that. Tom.

Saturday 24 September 2016

Until Death Us Do Part

Isn’t this a mixed up world at the moment? In Indonesia which is a nation with a large population just above Australia, the Government has decided to jail anyone who has sex outside of marriage, and as for Homosexuals, just don’t go there as they are not considered fit to live.

At the same time, here in Australia our Government is considering the best way to introduce legislation that will make it possible for people of the same sex to legally marry, and of course such people, whom we call Gays, have all the privileges that are available to de-facto Heterosexuals already.

To confuse the situation further; Large numbers of Heterosexuals, who have always had the right to marry here, have in recent times decided to not avail themselves of this privilege and are living in de-facto relationships.

In parliament this week our Prime Minister made the “profound” statement that “Our society would be stronger if more people were married and there were fewer divorces”. Well it would have been “profound” if he had backed his statement with some facts, but he didn’t. So I now intend to: I won’t comment on the Indonesians decisions because they are an autonomous nation and are abiding by their religious beliefs.

Here in Australia though, from listening to talk back radio and other comments on T.V. and in Parliament, I have gained the impression that we have “Lost The Plot” completely, with many people thinking that all the things I have mentioned above are just a matter of individual choice and that they should be able to do what they like in a democracy like ours. (A sort of “if it feels good you can do it” attitude) and “she’ll be right mate”.

The important thing that is being overlooked is that “marriage” was ordained by God, so before we change the rules we would be well advised to ascertain what the rules are, and what are the consequences if we alter or break those rules.

We are not animals; we are Humans: God’s children, and the commandments and rules He put in place for us were put there so that our lives will be more wonderful and successful if we implement them.

Marriage has always been a contractual arrangement sealed with love; but nevertheless a contract, and during the ceremony the husband and wife vow to each other, in front of witnesses and God, that they take each other “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death us do part” (or “for as long as we both shall live”). So that is a very worthwhile commitment. I am aware that it doesn’t always last but it stands a better chance than a non-committed de-facto arrangement. However, the important thing about it is that it is recognised and approved by God. Therefore, a man and woman living together under those conditions are not sinning but have God’s approval.

Before I write another word, let me assure you that I have lots of lovely friends who are living with partners and are not married. I also have friends (both male and female) who are “Gay”, so what I’m writing here is in no way “Judgemental”: I am just trying to clarify the New Testament’s stance on this important subject so that anyone reading this will understand what adjustments to their lifestyle may be necessary if they want to inherit Eternal Life in Heaven. Also I would like to point out that even if the Government of our country approves Gay Marriage, that will in no way cause God to change His attitude as outlined in the New Testament which is contrary to that. (Read Romans chapters 1&2 for example). I personally grieve for my friends who are faced with this situation but once again reiterate what Paul said in Romans 8:18: “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us”.
Sometimes circumstances can change our lives: In my own case my lovely wife has not been able to respond to me in any way (apart from an occasional smile) for 14 years now, but I am happy to attend to her every need without any expectation of physical intimacy. We all have to adapt ourselves to the conditions in which we are placed and I count it a privilege to fulfil my vows to Audrey. Unfortunately, some people have strokes, others become paraplegics etc. so they have to adapt to these situations too. From a biblical perspective that also applies to our Gay friends.

The situation is much easier for de-facto couples as all they have to do is find a Priest, Minister or Pastor of one of the Christian churches and arrange a wedding ceremony which can be very simple with very little cost involved.                                        Best wishes as you think that through.   Tom.

Friday 16 September 2016

Right Priorities

In a recent article I told you that when I was given a New Testament the day that I became a Christian, I couldn’t put it down That book is so filled with the love of God that it gives you a feeling of peace and tranquility like you would get if you sat down in front of that waterfall in the photo; I read it and re-read it until the cover came apart from the pages. I did that in order to “down-load” Into my brain, as much of the information that it contained as I could.

Someone might question why I would do that, after all I had the New Testament there, available as a reference book that I could refer to at any time if I needed the information, therefore why bother with all that study?

That’s a fair question so let me explain it this way.  When I started nursing I had to take a course in First Aid, which meant that I had to study a book on the subject and sit for a theory and practical exam to prove that I had satisfactorily “down-loaded” that information into my brain.  Why? Well my employers figure that if someone I was looking after collapsed, I would need to attend to them immediately. To go and look for the relevant information in the First Aid book, in an emergency situation, could cost someone their life.  

 I think you will agree that is good common sense.  Don’t forget though, that with the First Aid, there is a good chance that I may never have to use it but

 the information in the bible is something that will help me every day.  The bible is unique, because  it outlines how we should behave in every situation.  Therefore, if I wish to live a life that is in accordance with God’s wishes then I need to know what is the correct way to act, speak and think and make that a part of my life. Which is much easier to do when you have transferred the necessary information into your brain.  Now I don’t mean that you have to be able to quote the whole book, although to be able to quote some key verses is helpful.  Nor do I mean that we shouldn’t use it as a reference book.  Indeed, most Christians read a passage every day and often refer to it, but we need to know what it is saying, and reading it thoroughly helps us to do that.

 Satan is out to tempt us to do wrong at every turn, even Jesus was tempted by Satan. What did Jesus do when that happened?  He quoted scripture that He had stored in His memory and that is an example for us.  In Chapter 4 of Matthew’s Gospel it is recorded that the “tempter came to Him (when He was hungry) and said If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread”.  But he answered and said, it is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God’.” Here Jesus was quoting from the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 8 Verse 3.  Note Jesus didn’t go and get a copy of the book (He was in the wilderness at the time, away from books) so it was very handy that He had previously memorized that scripture. Most of us know some Scripture quotes.  For example, if we say the Lord’s Prayer we are quoting Jesus words as recorded in Matthew 6:9-13. The bible tells us to quote scripture as part of our defense against Satan’s attacks, just as I wasn’t hurt in the car accident I had a year ago just after I had claimed Psalm 34 verse 7 (“The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him and delivereth them”). It is also good to get together at church, where we have fellowship, read the Scriptures and sing praise to God.  Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 25 tells us “not to neglect the assembling of ourselves together, as some do”.  How do I know that?  Well as I told you, I put verses like that into my memory years ago when reading that New Testament.

  Some people say to me that “you don’t have to go to church to be a Christian”. And that is true, for example, some Christians cannot attend a meeting because of health reasons, however that verse instructs us to meet together so there must be good value in doing so if we can or God’s word wouldn’t say to.


The Bible is a remarkable book: Paul, when writing to Timothy, (2 Timothy 3:16) pointed out that All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” For those of you who may not know; the bible has two main divisions which are the Old and New Testaments, and each of these Testaments is a collection of manuscripts written by “holy men of God” who were inspired by God’s Holy Spirit. The Old Testament covers thousands of years and records how the entire universe, and everything in it, was created by a wise and Almighty God and gives a detailed account of God’s dealings with the human race until about 400 years before the birth of Christ. The New Testament follows on and is a record that begins when God decided it was time for Jesus to be conceived. It records His life on earth and because Jesus “qualified” many of the laws of the Old Testament with statements like “It has been said thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you…” etc. (Matthew 5:43) It is a good idea if we read the New Testament before we read the Old one.

The New Testament also documents Jesus crucifixion and resurrection and ascension, the coming of the Holy Spirit and the activities of the early Christian church and describes the “End Time”. If you haven’t read all that and you think the world has problems at the moment, think again and join the winning team now, whilst you can.          Best wishes as you consider that. Tom.