Saturday 24 September 2016

Until Death Us Do Part

Isn’t this a mixed up world at the moment? In Indonesia which is a nation with a large population just above Australia, the Government has decided to jail anyone who has sex outside of marriage, and as for Homosexuals, just don’t go there as they are not considered fit to live.

At the same time, here in Australia our Government is considering the best way to introduce legislation that will make it possible for people of the same sex to legally marry, and of course such people, whom we call Gays, have all the privileges that are available to de-facto Heterosexuals already.

To confuse the situation further; Large numbers of Heterosexuals, who have always had the right to marry here, have in recent times decided to not avail themselves of this privilege and are living in de-facto relationships.

In parliament this week our Prime Minister made the “profound” statement that “Our society would be stronger if more people were married and there were fewer divorces”. Well it would have been “profound” if he had backed his statement with some facts, but he didn’t. So I now intend to: I won’t comment on the Indonesians decisions because they are an autonomous nation and are abiding by their religious beliefs.

Here in Australia though, from listening to talk back radio and other comments on T.V. and in Parliament, I have gained the impression that we have “Lost The Plot” completely, with many people thinking that all the things I have mentioned above are just a matter of individual choice and that they should be able to do what they like in a democracy like ours. (A sort of “if it feels good you can do it” attitude) and “she’ll be right mate”.

The important thing that is being overlooked is that “marriage” was ordained by God, so before we change the rules we would be well advised to ascertain what the rules are, and what are the consequences if we alter or break those rules.

We are not animals; we are Humans: God’s children, and the commandments and rules He put in place for us were put there so that our lives will be more wonderful and successful if we implement them.

Marriage has always been a contractual arrangement sealed with love; but nevertheless a contract, and during the ceremony the husband and wife vow to each other, in front of witnesses and God, that they take each other “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death us do part” (or “for as long as we both shall live”). So that is a very worthwhile commitment. I am aware that it doesn’t always last but it stands a better chance than a non-committed de-facto arrangement. However, the important thing about it is that it is recognised and approved by God. Therefore, a man and woman living together under those conditions are not sinning but have God’s approval.

Before I write another word, let me assure you that I have lots of lovely friends who are living with partners and are not married. I also have friends (both male and female) who are “Gay”, so what I’m writing here is in no way “Judgemental”: I am just trying to clarify the New Testament’s stance on this important subject so that anyone reading this will understand what adjustments to their lifestyle may be necessary if they want to inherit Eternal Life in Heaven. Also I would like to point out that even if the Government of our country approves Gay Marriage, that will in no way cause God to change His attitude as outlined in the New Testament which is contrary to that. (Read Romans chapters 1&2 for example). I personally grieve for my friends who are faced with this situation but once again reiterate what Paul said in Romans 8:18: “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us”.
Sometimes circumstances can change our lives: In my own case my lovely wife has not been able to respond to me in any way (apart from an occasional smile) for 14 years now, but I am happy to attend to her every need without any expectation of physical intimacy. We all have to adapt ourselves to the conditions in which we are placed and I count it a privilege to fulfil my vows to Audrey. Unfortunately, some people have strokes, others become paraplegics etc. so they have to adapt to these situations too. From a biblical perspective that also applies to our Gay friends.

The situation is much easier for de-facto couples as all they have to do is find a Priest, Minister or Pastor of one of the Christian churches and arrange a wedding ceremony which can be very simple with very little cost involved.                                        Best wishes as you think that through.   Tom.

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