Thursday 8 September 2016

The Cost

I know this is a fairly poor cartoon but I hope that it illustrates the point I want to make: in the “natural” scheme of things some people find themselves in a better position than others and just seem to be in the right place at the right time. However, just because we might find ourselves on the “wrong side of the tree” it doesn’t mean that we have to stay there. The swagman on the “wrong side” only has to get up and look around and he will be better off than his mate because he will not only see what his mate sees but will be healthier for the exercise of standing. However, even in this situation there is a cost: he will have to make the effort of standing up.

Two weeks ago I mentioned how Chloe Esposito, who won the gold medal in the Pentafalon at Rio Olympics had to give up her normal way of life to master the five disciplines but she felt that the “cost” was worth it. Jesus “pulled no punches” on this subject of cost either. Indeed, He said following Him would be costly and we should “count the cost” before we did so. Why would He say that? After all, such a statement would have a negative effect on some people and they would “turn away” before they started to follow Him, like the rich young ruler did when Jesus told him to “sell what he had and give it to the poor and come follow me.” (Matthew 19: 20), In this rich man’s case of course, Jesus was putting him to the test because he had just told Jesus that he loved his neighbour as he loved himself and his action here proved that wasn’t true. You will notice that Jesus didn’t run after him and try to entice him back with a special deal of “50% off” or similar. No we have to meet His terms, not Him meet ours, because Jesus wants us to commit ourselves to living the way He knows is best for us. I did some pig breeding with Large white pigs many years ago and I know from experience that you can wash the pig perfectly for market, but that doesn’t change its nature and because it has made no commitment to stay clean it will wallow in a mud puddle as soon as you turn your back. Now we are not pigs by any means but the same principle applies to us when we come to Jesus for forgiveness; His blood will wash our Souls as white as snow and to stay that way will cost us commitment as Paul points out in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “If anyone is in Christ they are a new creation, old things have passed away; behold all things have become new”.

Well, the fact of the matter is that God, through Jesus, is offering us “a pearl of great price” which consists of forgiveness of our sins, fellowship and assistance by The Holy Spirit of God right now for the rest of our earthly lives, and a place in Heaven for Eternity. The magnitude of this is “mind boggling” and for such an incredible “Package Deal” we should drop everything that would hinder us in any way.  This is not just my idea: Jesus said it as recorded in Matthew chapter 13 Verses 45 & 46 where He said: “the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” So we see that the possessing of that pearl was a very “costly” exercise for that merchant, and as Jesus likened our entering the kingdom of heaven to that purchase, He was leaving no doubt that following Him will not be just a “walk in the park” experience either. However, if we do make that “commitment” we will find that we will be guided to sit on the right side of the “tree” in future, because once we have accepted the “cost” idea the following scripture applies to us: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths Personally I don’t care if things are a bit difficult at times whilst I’m on this earth, provided that I know that God is directing my path. It is a bit like when (before I was married), I would willingly drive 157 miles along a potholed, corrugated, dusty road to visit my future wife(Audrey). On those occasions the anticipation of seeing Audrey made those difficulties seem insignificant. This general principle is seen in the life of a Christian and Paul summed it up nicely when writing to the Roman Christians (Romans 8:18) “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us”. It will cost you, but the rewards out -weigh the cost, and It sure makes a difference when you know that you are not alone but are being guided.

Best wishes as you think that through. Tom.

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