Thursday 26 May 2016

Accident or Intelligent Design

 Accident or Design

this photo, taken in Western Australia, shows a very clever partnership.  The honey-eater is being supplied with a breakfast of nectar as a “reward” for spreading the pollen of this kangaroo paw plant.
Note the pollen is being placed on the bird’s head by the plant whilst the bird sips the nectar so that the bird will carry the pollen to another flower and fertilise it. This cunning design and millions of others like it could only have been made by an intelligent mind, there are two separate species here, one animal and one vegetable, co-operating to perfection.   This indicates a wonderfully Intelligent Designer and Creator.  How far do you have to stretch credibility to believe it is an accident that happened over millions of years?


In this particular example the plant can’t think to design itself and the bird can’t shape its beak and head to fit. The plant can’t reproduce without the bird, and the bird needs the nectar. If God didn’t create both these instantaneously as the bible records, then how did the plant reproduce during the millions of years that the bird and plant were getting their act together? And if the plant could reproduce okay without the bird, why did it bother to work out this cunning design? Was it just kind-hearted and wanted to give away free meals?  How does a brainless plant make nectar and design a receptacle to hold it, in exactly the right place for the bird to contact the pollen whilst it sips? The only possibility is that God designed this wonderful partnership as the Bible tells us in Genesis chapter 1.    Best wishes, Tom.  (

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