Tuesday 3 May 2016

Monkeys and Peanuts

When I saw this Coconut in the grocery shop I thought of Spider Monkeys; not that it looks like one, although there is a resemblance and it might pass if you attached a body to it. But it reminded me of the story that I have told some of you before regarding one of the ways that people apparently catch Spider Monkeys. You go to a forest where these quaint creatures live and are watching you from the treetop. Then you attach the Coconut to a tree stump with a chain, and then cut a hole in it just big enough for a
monkey to squeeze its hand in. Having done that you partly fill the Coconut with Peanuts and remove yourself from the scene and watch the proceedings from a distance. The inquisitive little creature will come down and look the Coconut over, and when it sees the nuts inside the hole it will squeeze its hand in and grab a hand full. Then you can go and collect the Monkey because it will not let go of the nuts and its hand full of nuts is too big to come out through the small hole.

How ridiculous it is that this creature would surrender its freedom and future for what it sees as a short term gain (a hand full of peanuts). Yet I believe many of us humans behave in a similar manner.

 On the 10th of January in 1950 I very nearly did the “Spider Monkey Thing” myself and that would have been the greatest mistake that I could have made because the commitment I made that day was the turning point in my life.

Up to that time I believed that I was a Christian because I lived in a Christian country and was not a Buddhist or some other religion. However on that day It was pointed out to me that I didn’t qualify as a Christian either as I had not accepted the forgiveness for sin, that was being offered to me by God because of Christ’s crucifixion, which would in effect “delete” every wrong thing that I had said, done, or thought. To receive this forgiveness and “qualify” I had to commit myself to Jesus because that is what a Christian is: “A believer in Christ” and a follower of His ways, (which are also God’s ways). Part of the problem was that like many others I did not fully understand what the New Testament meant when it said “Believer in Jesus”. You see the Devil “believes in Jesus”, because Jesus was a real person here on earth, but that doesn’t make the Devil a Christian!  So “believe” here means more than just recognising that someone exists; it means to trust that person, to rely on what they say, and do what they suggest.  This “Christian Life” being given to me by “believing in Christ” meant my sins were “deleted” and therefore Eternal Life in Heaven, when my time here is over, becomes my inheritance again, provided that in the meantime I seek a new type of life in accordance with New Testament teaching which would have the backing of God’s guidance, (“in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths”).(Proverbs 3:6).

To do this meant a change of direction in my thinking (repentance) and to gain this freedom I needed to let go of the “peanuts” (old ideas or habits I wanted to cling on to), remove my hand from the “Coconut”, as it were, so that I could then be free to pursue this new life (it was like being born again in my spirit). The Apostle John writing in the 8th chapter of his gospel and the 36th verse said: “If the Son (Jesus) therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed”.

Having committed myself, I had an urge to learn more so read the New Testament until it fell to pieces, attached myself to a Christian church, to learn more and find fellowship with people of like mind and get involved, and that was where I met my beautiful wife Audrey, and made another commitment. (That’s her “looking at you”).

From personal experience and all my studies I can assure you that Commitment is essential if we want to succeed in anything, whether it be our job or our marriage and it applies more so to being a Christian. Jesus said “Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not the things I say?   There is no such thing as a “lukewarm” Christian either: Jesus told John that He will not accept them. (Revelations 3: 16).

Well I don’t know how you are situated, but this is very serious so please make sure that you have got it right!     Best wishes, Tom.

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