Saturday 7 April 2018

Obviously God did it- Who else could have

At Easter time I gave one of these “chickens,” sitting in a half “egg shell,” to each of
my great Grandchildren to remind them that Easter eggs represented the “new life” that Jesus revealed when He rose out of the tomb, and if we repent and believe in Him our sins are forgiven, (because He allowed himself to be crucified to delete our sins). By accepting His forgiveness, we are “born Again” into newness of life. Unfortunately, there are people out there who teach that there is no God and that everything we see just happened. Well, the egg on its own makes nonsense of that theory. Let us look at it:

In this next photo I have just broken a real egg into my frying-pan, the shell is real so let us imagine that the toy chicken is real also. We all know that the egg was made by a chook, inside herself. She collected all those ingredients that you see in the pan,
placed a membrane around them and then covered the membrane with a shell to hold it together and keep the contents safe (and she did all that without looking). If the egg was fertilised before she sealed it up, all she has to do then is keep it warm at her body temperature for 21 days by sitting on it, and “bingo” out pops a chicken which is a baby fowl, complete in every detail. Similar to our toy above.

“So what?” asks the Atheist. Just this, there isn’t a Scientist in the whole world (with all their equipment and know how), who could make an egg, and yet a “bird-brain” chook can do it without looking! Furthermore, what you see there in the pan are all the ingredients necessary to make the complete chicken: body, feathers, beak, legs, eyes, brain, heart, stomach, wings, the lot, nothing left out and nothing surplus. Now, as fowls only reproduce themselves in this manner, the first fowl had to get this exactly right or the species would have died out right then, because they couldn’t have perfected this idea over a long period of time could they? That also raises another impossible question for non-believers: Where did the first fowl capable of doing this come from? The only logical answer has to be, as the Bible says: God designed and created the first fowl complete and programmed it to be able to reproduce “after its kind” on the 5th day of creation. (Genesis 1: 22) Those who refuse to believe in the designing mind of God, that is evident all around them, defy logic and lose credibility.  

Of course it is not only egg laying that witnesses to the mighty mind of God: look at the caterpillars that seal themselves in a chrysalis and in a very short time emerge as a butterfly. If you don’t believe in God then please explain how the caterpillar happens to have, in its body, exactly all the elements to make a butterfly, and how does it do that without a degree in Science?  Rather clever, don’t you think?



More food for thought,   Tom.

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