Monday 2 April 2018

Our wants may change but never our needs

This picture depicts my brother John on the horse and me in the wagon with the kelpie dog “Bully” droving a mob of merino sheep from a property west of Cobar on the Wilcannia road to an additional property known as the “Cowls,” on the Sandy creek road, that Dad had acquired as an “additional” when the large property known as “Springfield” (owned by Australian Estates on a 99-year lease) was cut up by the Western Lands Commission, after the lease had expired.

John and I were both in our late teens and as the trip took several days we had the thrill of camping under the stars and cooking our meals over a small fire (there was plenty of bare ground so there was no fear of starting a bush fire). Lying on our backs looking up at the stars we talked about our hopes and dreams. Foremost in those dreams was the hope that we would each one day have a piece of grazing land of our own and, I think we both felt that if we achieved that, we would then establish lasting contentment and happiness by each of us finding a lovely wife to share our life. It is no wonder we slept well with thoughts like that.

I am sure God wants us all to think and plan along those lines. Of course we don’t all want grazing properties or farms, but the same principle applies no matter what your gifts or opportunities are as we are all seeking happiness and contentment. However, we need to take into account that we are Spiritual Beings designed by God to live forever. Thus we should not just cater for the bodies we live in at the moment, but consider our Souls as well, because they will out-live our bodies.

I heard a story once of a young man who gave his girl- friend a beautiful pearl ring which was placed in a little box that the jeweller threw in for nothing. How
disappointed he was when the girl got all excited about the box and said “Oh darling what a lovely little box, I will treasure it for ever” and showed very little interest in the ring. Ridiculous, isn’t it? But many of us do that with our Souls. If we could separate our Souls and Bodies (sitting them side by side) we would be ashamed of our poorly cared for starved Souls that had been fed very little spiritual food, sitting beside our bodies that were in many cases over-fed. Actually, our Souls deserve more consideration than our bodies do, because our bodies are just the “box” we live in, whilst our Soul (the real “us”) lives for ever.

 I guess I am one of the most fortunate persons in the world though, because about a month or so after that droving trip, mentioned above, it was explained to me the reason Jesus allowed himself to be crucified: It was so that He could pay any debt that we humans owe because of our sin. To me this was “Mind Boggling” so I read and re-read the New Testament to grasp the full significance of what this meant for me personally, and came to realise that having accepted His Forgiveness He then wanted me to accept the fellowship and guidance of The Holy Spirit and keep in-touch constantly by prayer. The outcome of all this was that I looked in the right places to “locate” the right girl to share my life in marriage, and I was able to find guidance in my life’s work too. (in case you are wondering, that didn’t mean that I became a millionaire or something like that). On the contrary, although I did acquire a grazing property my desires changed and I just wanted to do what God would have me do. That certainly meant that I had to make an honest living and look after my family, but (whilst doing that), I needed to set a goal (high on the list of my priorities) of helping people understand more about Jesus saving grace. That is why I write these articles pointing out that although some wealthy people seem to be content knowing they can afford a gold plated coffin for their dead body, whilst their Soul goes “into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” for eternity. (Matthew 8: 12). I want to be sure that the people I know realise there is a mansion prepared for their Soul in Heaven by Jesus if they repent and believe in Him. (John chapter 14 verse 2 in conjunction with John chapter 3 and verse 16 and so on). My friends and acquaintances probably already know all that, but I just want to be sure that they do, because there is nothing more important.

 Best wishes. Tom.  


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