Thursday 4 October 2018

Birds of a Feather

This Gymea Lilly flowering here has a very prominent place in the garden at the Mall and judging by what happened last year I will be surprised if someone doesn’t cut it off and steal it very soon. The stem is over two metres tall. It looks rather like what people refer to as “a Tall Poppy” and in the botanical field would be the equivalent of a U.S. President, or our Prime Minister, or one of the other World Leaders; Prominent, yes, and putting on a “good front” but I think very “tall poppies” seem lonely, and usually
don’t last very long.
If you were a flower and could choose which you could be, I think you would be more comfortable being one of those in this next photo. Oh yes, they also vary in height, but we need leaders in all walks of life. However, the majority of them there help to complete a lovely picture and providing that their roots go deep into “Good Soil” they will support each other and achieve the purpose the “Gardener” had in mind. We can of course, go to the other extreme like this little “loaner”, growing in very un-fertile soil on the foot path, where it may get trodden on and will have to rely on “Pot Luck” for water. Sure, it has its independence but it will never achieve its full potential by existing in a spot like that.
All these flowers are like a cross-section of our community. The difference between them and us being that they had no choice as to where they were planted and if they are not satisfied where they are, well then “bad luck” for them. However, we are in a different category and although we didn’t choose to be planted where we are either, we do not have to live under the circumstances we find ourselves in, (as they do), because God has given us the option of coming under His care and being “Transplanted” into His “Good Soil”.
How do we do this? Well firstly we need to accept His free offer of changing our Spiritual situation, because God sent Jesus that we “Might have life, and have it more abundantly” “For God so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him shall not perish but inherit Eternal Life.” This is a “done deal” as far as God is concerned, because God (through Jesus) has already paid for all that to happen: All we have to do is Repent (change our attitude) and accept His forgiveness. Oh I know that our pride doesn’t want us to admit that we need help (believe me I have been there), but we are like that little lone daisy and are kidding ourselves if we say we don’t need to be transplanted into the “Good Soil” of His loving care and be looked after by Him and His Angels.
Some people say to me “I believe in God but I don’t go to church,” so in reality they only want to be “half transplanted”, or else they don’t understand what the New Testament means when it says “Church”. For example, Romans 16 verse 5 says “……. greet the church that is in their house”. 1 Corinthians 16 verse 19 says “Aquila and Priscilla greet you heartily in the Lord, with the church that is in their house”. Whilst Colossians chapter 4 verse 15 says “Greet the brethren……and Nemphas and the church that is in his house.” So you see a “church” is a group of Christian people who come together to worship God.  Indeed, Jesus said that “Where two or three gather together to worship I will be there in the midst of them.” The building is of little relevance; it is the people that are the Church.  However, for convenience sake people have erected specific buildings, and groups of Christians, (who like to worship in slightly different ways), have identified their buildings with different names. There is no fear though that the roof of any of these buildings will fall in if a “newcomer” enters any of them. After all, the entire congregation is made up of people who are sinners saved by the grace of God through believing that Jesus died a sacrificial death, on their behalf. Or else are still sinners, coming in to claim that forgiveness. Christianity declares that “All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God” and “The wages of sin is death, but the Gift of God is Eternal Life, through Jesus Christ our Lord”.  Interestingly, Paul when writing to the Hebrews in chapter 10 and verse 25 directs them “Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together as some do.” You see, Satan is trying to lead us astray constantly and when we fellowship together we make friends with people of like mind, and as birds of a feather that flock together are less likely to be attacked by hawks so we are safer as we hear the Gospel preached and hymns sung, because that increase our faith. Furthermore, there are fellowship organisations there like Bible study groups, organisations for children to fellowship together and so on.   Also remember that If you take a hot coal out of the fire it will soon cool down but if you put it back with other hot coals it will not only become hot again itself, but will also strengthen the fire.      Some food for thought. Tom.

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