Monday 5 November 2018

Foreign Citizens

There is a story of a new Christian named Harry, who visited his friend Ben, who had been a Christian for many years. After they had greeted each other, Harry asked his experienced friend why it was that he seemed to be having more problems now than he had before he became a Christian. Ben didn’t reply, but just said “I am going down to the lake to shoot a wood duck for dinner, come with me.” When they approached the lake there were two ducks feeding near the water so Ben fired his Shotgun at them. One died immediately and the other one had its wing damaged and flapped its way toward the water trying to escape. Harry ran after it (straight past the dead one), endeavouring to catch the wounded one before it reached the water, however he wasn’t fast enough and it escaped into the safety of the lake. When he returned, Ben said “why did you chase that one?” “Well” Harry replied, “We already had the dead one, we could collect it anytime, so I was trying to stop the other one escaping.” “Exactly” said Ben, “and that is why Satan is troubling you, he is not worried about those people who are ignoring God. He can get them any time, Indeed, he already has them, but people like you are escaping from His control so he is trying to prevent that happening. You see, Harry, Christians are really members of the Kingdom of God, living in this world where Satan is the Prince. Originally God designed the world for us but through sin, we handed it over to Satan. So it is really no wonder that we find opposition when we endeavour to live, or promote, the way that Jesus told us to”.
In 1 Corinthians Chapter 2 Verse 9 we are told that “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” Things are so good in Heaven, and so bad in Hell, and God loves us so much, that He sent Jesus to die for our forgiveness so that we have the option of going to Heaven if we wish to repent and claim our freedom. It is mind boggling that the God Who Designed and Created the Universe, and everything in it, “was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself”, “and it was whilst we were yet sinners, that Christ died for us.” Some people would die to save a loved one, but He died for everyone’s forgiveness (including yours and mine). Now that is love! Can you get your mind around the fact that, no matter what sins you or I have committed, God sent His Son to die as a substitute to take the “rap” for us so we can go free into Eternal Life?
That is why Paul said “For I Reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the Glory that shall be revealed in us”. He was confident to say that, even though he spent a lot of time in dungeons, because he had also had the privilege of having a glimpse of Heaven and fully realised what a tremendous privilege God has graciously granted us, and what a horrific cost that was to Jesus and God himself.
Now because the New Testament informs us that “Satan roams around the whole earth, seeking whom he might devour” we are told to put on the Spiritual armour described in Ephesians 6:16 that God supplied for us, in order to defend ourselves from Satan’s “fiery darts”. Rather like how our past Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, (shown here), was supplied with armour when visiting Afghanistan. Of course Julie was also surrounded by well-trained Australian troops. Likewise, after putting our Spiritual Armour on we are surrounded by God’s Spiritual army. As promised in Psalm 91 “for He shall give His Angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways”. We need to remember at all times that we are in our enemy’s territory, so need to stay alert and not place ourselves where we are foolishly open to Satan’s attacks and temptations to do wrong.
This duck in a pond at the Western Plains Zoo has made the
right choice, no shooters can touch it there. Likewise, you can avoid danger by doing as James 4:8 instructs: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”.


Some helpful Bible quotes: -  Matthew 5:11&12, John 15:18-25, Romans 8:17 & 18, 1 Corinthians 2:9, Ephesians 2:2 & 6:10-1, and Psalm 91.

Best wishes with all that. Tom.

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