Saturday 24 September 2016

Until Death Us Do Part

Isn’t this a mixed up world at the moment? In Indonesia which is a nation with a large population just above Australia, the Government has decided to jail anyone who has sex outside of marriage, and as for Homosexuals, just don’t go there as they are not considered fit to live.

At the same time, here in Australia our Government is considering the best way to introduce legislation that will make it possible for people of the same sex to legally marry, and of course such people, whom we call Gays, have all the privileges that are available to de-facto Heterosexuals already.

To confuse the situation further; Large numbers of Heterosexuals, who have always had the right to marry here, have in recent times decided to not avail themselves of this privilege and are living in de-facto relationships.

In parliament this week our Prime Minister made the “profound” statement that “Our society would be stronger if more people were married and there were fewer divorces”. Well it would have been “profound” if he had backed his statement with some facts, but he didn’t. So I now intend to: I won’t comment on the Indonesians decisions because they are an autonomous nation and are abiding by their religious beliefs.

Here in Australia though, from listening to talk back radio and other comments on T.V. and in Parliament, I have gained the impression that we have “Lost The Plot” completely, with many people thinking that all the things I have mentioned above are just a matter of individual choice and that they should be able to do what they like in a democracy like ours. (A sort of “if it feels good you can do it” attitude) and “she’ll be right mate”.

The important thing that is being overlooked is that “marriage” was ordained by God, so before we change the rules we would be well advised to ascertain what the rules are, and what are the consequences if we alter or break those rules.

We are not animals; we are Humans: God’s children, and the commandments and rules He put in place for us were put there so that our lives will be more wonderful and successful if we implement them.

Marriage has always been a contractual arrangement sealed with love; but nevertheless a contract, and during the ceremony the husband and wife vow to each other, in front of witnesses and God, that they take each other “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death us do part” (or “for as long as we both shall live”). So that is a very worthwhile commitment. I am aware that it doesn’t always last but it stands a better chance than a non-committed de-facto arrangement. However, the important thing about it is that it is recognised and approved by God. Therefore, a man and woman living together under those conditions are not sinning but have God’s approval.

Before I write another word, let me assure you that I have lots of lovely friends who are living with partners and are not married. I also have friends (both male and female) who are “Gay”, so what I’m writing here is in no way “Judgemental”: I am just trying to clarify the New Testament’s stance on this important subject so that anyone reading this will understand what adjustments to their lifestyle may be necessary if they want to inherit Eternal Life in Heaven. Also I would like to point out that even if the Government of our country approves Gay Marriage, that will in no way cause God to change His attitude as outlined in the New Testament which is contrary to that. (Read Romans chapters 1&2 for example). I personally grieve for my friends who are faced with this situation but once again reiterate what Paul said in Romans 8:18: “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us”.
Sometimes circumstances can change our lives: In my own case my lovely wife has not been able to respond to me in any way (apart from an occasional smile) for 14 years now, but I am happy to attend to her every need without any expectation of physical intimacy. We all have to adapt ourselves to the conditions in which we are placed and I count it a privilege to fulfil my vows to Audrey. Unfortunately, some people have strokes, others become paraplegics etc. so they have to adapt to these situations too. From a biblical perspective that also applies to our Gay friends.

The situation is much easier for de-facto couples as all they have to do is find a Priest, Minister or Pastor of one of the Christian churches and arrange a wedding ceremony which can be very simple with very little cost involved.                                        Best wishes as you think that through.   Tom.

Friday 16 September 2016

Right Priorities

In a recent article I told you that when I was given a New Testament the day that I became a Christian, I couldn’t put it down That book is so filled with the love of God that it gives you a feeling of peace and tranquility like you would get if you sat down in front of that waterfall in the photo; I read it and re-read it until the cover came apart from the pages. I did that in order to “down-load” Into my brain, as much of the information that it contained as I could.

Someone might question why I would do that, after all I had the New Testament there, available as a reference book that I could refer to at any time if I needed the information, therefore why bother with all that study?

That’s a fair question so let me explain it this way.  When I started nursing I had to take a course in First Aid, which meant that I had to study a book on the subject and sit for a theory and practical exam to prove that I had satisfactorily “down-loaded” that information into my brain.  Why? Well my employers figure that if someone I was looking after collapsed, I would need to attend to them immediately. To go and look for the relevant information in the First Aid book, in an emergency situation, could cost someone their life.  

 I think you will agree that is good common sense.  Don’t forget though, that with the First Aid, there is a good chance that I may never have to use it but

 the information in the bible is something that will help me every day.  The bible is unique, because  it outlines how we should behave in every situation.  Therefore, if I wish to live a life that is in accordance with God’s wishes then I need to know what is the correct way to act, speak and think and make that a part of my life. Which is much easier to do when you have transferred the necessary information into your brain.  Now I don’t mean that you have to be able to quote the whole book, although to be able to quote some key verses is helpful.  Nor do I mean that we shouldn’t use it as a reference book.  Indeed, most Christians read a passage every day and often refer to it, but we need to know what it is saying, and reading it thoroughly helps us to do that.

 Satan is out to tempt us to do wrong at every turn, even Jesus was tempted by Satan. What did Jesus do when that happened?  He quoted scripture that He had stored in His memory and that is an example for us.  In Chapter 4 of Matthew’s Gospel it is recorded that the “tempter came to Him (when He was hungry) and said If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread”.  But he answered and said, it is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God’.” Here Jesus was quoting from the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 8 Verse 3.  Note Jesus didn’t go and get a copy of the book (He was in the wilderness at the time, away from books) so it was very handy that He had previously memorized that scripture. Most of us know some Scripture quotes.  For example, if we say the Lord’s Prayer we are quoting Jesus words as recorded in Matthew 6:9-13. The bible tells us to quote scripture as part of our defense against Satan’s attacks, just as I wasn’t hurt in the car accident I had a year ago just after I had claimed Psalm 34 verse 7 (“The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him and delivereth them”). It is also good to get together at church, where we have fellowship, read the Scriptures and sing praise to God.  Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 25 tells us “not to neglect the assembling of ourselves together, as some do”.  How do I know that?  Well as I told you, I put verses like that into my memory years ago when reading that New Testament.

  Some people say to me that “you don’t have to go to church to be a Christian”. And that is true, for example, some Christians cannot attend a meeting because of health reasons, however that verse instructs us to meet together so there must be good value in doing so if we can or God’s word wouldn’t say to.


The Bible is a remarkable book: Paul, when writing to Timothy, (2 Timothy 3:16) pointed out that All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” For those of you who may not know; the bible has two main divisions which are the Old and New Testaments, and each of these Testaments is a collection of manuscripts written by “holy men of God” who were inspired by God’s Holy Spirit. The Old Testament covers thousands of years and records how the entire universe, and everything in it, was created by a wise and Almighty God and gives a detailed account of God’s dealings with the human race until about 400 years before the birth of Christ. The New Testament follows on and is a record that begins when God decided it was time for Jesus to be conceived. It records His life on earth and because Jesus “qualified” many of the laws of the Old Testament with statements like “It has been said thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you…” etc. (Matthew 5:43) It is a good idea if we read the New Testament before we read the Old one.

The New Testament also documents Jesus crucifixion and resurrection and ascension, the coming of the Holy Spirit and the activities of the early Christian church and describes the “End Time”. If you haven’t read all that and you think the world has problems at the moment, think again and join the winning team now, whilst you can.          Best wishes as you consider that. Tom.

Thursday 8 September 2016

The Cost

I know this is a fairly poor cartoon but I hope that it illustrates the point I want to make: in the “natural” scheme of things some people find themselves in a better position than others and just seem to be in the right place at the right time. However, just because we might find ourselves on the “wrong side of the tree” it doesn’t mean that we have to stay there. The swagman on the “wrong side” only has to get up and look around and he will be better off than his mate because he will not only see what his mate sees but will be healthier for the exercise of standing. However, even in this situation there is a cost: he will have to make the effort of standing up.

Two weeks ago I mentioned how Chloe Esposito, who won the gold medal in the Pentafalon at Rio Olympics had to give up her normal way of life to master the five disciplines but she felt that the “cost” was worth it. Jesus “pulled no punches” on this subject of cost either. Indeed, He said following Him would be costly and we should “count the cost” before we did so. Why would He say that? After all, such a statement would have a negative effect on some people and they would “turn away” before they started to follow Him, like the rich young ruler did when Jesus told him to “sell what he had and give it to the poor and come follow me.” (Matthew 19: 20), In this rich man’s case of course, Jesus was putting him to the test because he had just told Jesus that he loved his neighbour as he loved himself and his action here proved that wasn’t true. You will notice that Jesus didn’t run after him and try to entice him back with a special deal of “50% off” or similar. No we have to meet His terms, not Him meet ours, because Jesus wants us to commit ourselves to living the way He knows is best for us. I did some pig breeding with Large white pigs many years ago and I know from experience that you can wash the pig perfectly for market, but that doesn’t change its nature and because it has made no commitment to stay clean it will wallow in a mud puddle as soon as you turn your back. Now we are not pigs by any means but the same principle applies to us when we come to Jesus for forgiveness; His blood will wash our Souls as white as snow and to stay that way will cost us commitment as Paul points out in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “If anyone is in Christ they are a new creation, old things have passed away; behold all things have become new”.

Well, the fact of the matter is that God, through Jesus, is offering us “a pearl of great price” which consists of forgiveness of our sins, fellowship and assistance by The Holy Spirit of God right now for the rest of our earthly lives, and a place in Heaven for Eternity. The magnitude of this is “mind boggling” and for such an incredible “Package Deal” we should drop everything that would hinder us in any way.  This is not just my idea: Jesus said it as recorded in Matthew chapter 13 Verses 45 & 46 where He said: “the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” So we see that the possessing of that pearl was a very “costly” exercise for that merchant, and as Jesus likened our entering the kingdom of heaven to that purchase, He was leaving no doubt that following Him will not be just a “walk in the park” experience either. However, if we do make that “commitment” we will find that we will be guided to sit on the right side of the “tree” in future, because once we have accepted the “cost” idea the following scripture applies to us: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths Personally I don’t care if things are a bit difficult at times whilst I’m on this earth, provided that I know that God is directing my path. It is a bit like when (before I was married), I would willingly drive 157 miles along a potholed, corrugated, dusty road to visit my future wife(Audrey). On those occasions the anticipation of seeing Audrey made those difficulties seem insignificant. This general principle is seen in the life of a Christian and Paul summed it up nicely when writing to the Roman Christians (Romans 8:18) “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us”. It will cost you, but the rewards out -weigh the cost, and It sure makes a difference when you know that you are not alone but are being guided.

Best wishes as you think that through. Tom.

Saturday 3 September 2016

An Introduction

Almost every book we open starts with an “Introduction” or “Prologue”. I find that to

be a little bit annoying because I want to get on with the story. However, if I don’t read the introduction I will be at a loss not knowing the background or setting. for the story. When you think of it though, this is really a copy of how God does things; He starts us off as a baby, (which is our “introduction” to living) and it takes us quite a while to learn how we are supposed to behave in order to take our place in the world, so our childhood is really just an “introduction” to life.
He also makes a butterfly in a similar way by firstly making a grub  that eats leaves until its body is complete with the necessary items that are required to make that butterfly. And then, after that “introductory process”, the grub hides itself in a chrysalis for a few days and emerges in all its magnificence as a butterfly. I watched this metamorphosis take place in a box on our dining room table and was amazed at how quickly this transformation occurred so I was pleased that I took these 3 photos. Our life on earth is similar to that of the grub in the photo above therefore we should just look on our Earthly life as the “introduction” to the Life Eternal that God has promised us if we believe on Jesus (John 3: 16). “Death” for that grub is not it’s “last sleep” but is really its “first awakening” (the beginning of the life it was designed for) and that applies to you and me as well when we close our eyes for the last time on earth.
There is something we can learn from the grub though and that is that it had to eat the right food so that its body would contain all the elements necessary for it to be able to become a butterfly. Likewise, we must nourish our souls so they are ready for the transformation that will take place when we stop breathing in this body, because it is our soul (which is the real you or me), that continues on into Paradise.

For starters we must “believe in the Lord Jesus Christ” and accept the forgiveness He offers us for sins we have committed, and that is something we should be delighted to do. Next, we should then endeavour to live the way He wants us to live: striving to “love our neighbours as we love ourselves”, and constantly keep “short accounts” with God by frequently asking forgiveness for our many failings.

When I saw how quickly a grub can be changed into a butterfly, I had no trouble believing Paul’s statement as recorded in 1 Corinthians, chapter 15 and verse 52 where he says “we shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye”.

 Our life on earth may last one hundred years, but whether we look on that as a long time or not just depends on what we compare it with; if we compare it with Eternal Life, which is for ever and ever then one hundred years is just the equivalent of one tick of a clock. Consequently, we need to get our relative values sorted out, because we are not here to waste time. We are here doing an Apprenticeship of a type to fit us for that Eternal Life. Apprentices “indenture” themselves to a person who is qualified in the trade that interests them and should spend their time acquiring knowledge of that trade. That way they quickly become useful, and if they don’t allow themselves to become “side-tracked” the final exams they have to undertake should be more of a “formality” than anything else. It should be the same for us: we are “indentured” to God so if we abide by the teaching set out in His “instruction book” (the New Testament), entering Heaven will just be a “formality” for us too.

Best wishes with that, Tom.