Friday 30 November 2018


The song goes- “Long time ago in Bethlehem, the Holy Bible say, Mary’s boy-child, Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day. Hark the Herald Angels sing, a new King born to-day, and man shall live for ever more because of Christmas day.”
In the pictures we see depicted, the first Christmas which was the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, in a very humble stable environment, and in the second picture the three wise men from the East who came to worship Him and present Him with presents consisting of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.
He was born to be the King of kings and Lord of lords, but it appears that God chose to have Him born in a stable, and not in a palace, so that no one could say “he had a better start than I did”. In the second picture we see how God directed these important men to come and confirm His Royalty. Also as Jesus earthly father was a poor man, God arranged for these wise men to bring Gold as a gift, and this would have helped Joseph to be able to afford to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt, to escape King Herod’s decree that “all the new born children in that area were to be killed”. This was a decree Herod made (after the Wise Men left), because he thought that Jesus would be a threat to his own Kingship. Therefore, to be sure he got the right child, he decided to kill all the babies in that area.
What then is so special about Christmas? Well, for starters, our calendar dates from Jesus birth, and Christianity is named after Him. Some people call it the “Christian Religion,” but Christianity is not a “religion” in the way that all other religions are. You see, religions generally require their followers to obey certain rules and regulations in order to appease their gods. Whereas true Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ: Which means the acceptance of Him as the Lord and Saviour by anyone who believes in His Divinity and the fact that He sacrificed His earthly life as a substitute for each one of us. This should be followed by our “Repentance” which means a complete change of values, when we realise that Jesus Christ (the 3rd Person of the Trinity of God) was prepared to leave His Heavenly home, come to earth in all humbleness, live here as one of us, “be tempted on all points like as we are and yet be without sin”. And allow Himself to be humiliated and murdered so disgustingly, just so you and I can have our sins deleted and can go on into Eternal Life.
There is no Religion in this world that can go anyway near to matching that personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Jesus said; “I am the way, the truth and the life, no person cometh unto the Father but by me.” With Christianity there is nothing for us to do but “believe” and repent, as I have outlined above. We don’t have to burn any type of incense or smoke, to ward off evil spirits, or sacrifice animals or people to placate an angry god. Whatever was required to reinstate us to be fit for eternal life in Heaven has already been achieved for us by our Loving Heavenly Father Himself, He has given us forgiveness and dominion over the enemy through Jesus sacrifice on the cross when we accept this “born again” experience.
Christian behaviour should be second to none: Jesus said we should “Love God and Love our neighbour as we love ourselves” and He has even given us the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit to assist us to get this behaviour pattern right.  Jesus pointed out, that If we do “Love our neighbour as our self” then we will automatically keep the 10 Commandments that God gave Moses, and this is logical isn’t it? After all, you won’t kill someone you love, you won’t steal from them, you won’t “bear false witness against them” or anything else that might harm them, will you?  Thus, if all the people in the world were real Christians we would have a form of “Heaven on Earth”. There would be no wars or selfishness.
O.K. Then, where do you stand in all this? Are you prepared to be a Christian and go to Heaven for Eternity? Or are you satisfied to be “something else” and go to Hell for Eternity? The bible gives no third option.
Just thought I’d ask, in case you had not thought it through. Jesus (The Son of God) died for you. No one else has, or even if they did they would not be perfect enough to nullify your sin because “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God”. (Romans Chapter 3 Verse 23)    Best wishes, Tom.

Thursday 29 November 2018

Make the most of your time

This week, with thunderstorms about, my cactus was flowering. They are beautiful flowers but only last for twenty-four hours as you see in the next photo. To some people this may seem like a waste, that God would arrange for this plant to be programmed to produce such beauty and that it would only last for such a very short time.
But that is how God saw fit to design flowers; few of them last long, some a
few days and possibly even a couple of weeks, but that is about the limit of their life. Their beauty, (even if short-lived), makes our environment more pleasant and bring a little extra joy into our lives.  This is the way God planned it; for example, in the animal kingdom all babies are beautiful and warm our hearts, and of course when it comes to human babies they are very attractive.   Indeed, I have often heard people say “Isn’t it a shame that they have to grow up”. Well “yes” and “no,” it certainly is a shame that they lose that ‘cuteness’, but ideally they should then grow to be delightful, loving, helpful human beings as God intended for all His Children to become.  I know that was His intention for us because He has made it very obvious that He wants us to be happy and enjoy life. For starters, He has designed a world for us to live in that is absolutely beautiful: There are these flowers everywhere, magnificent scenery, with mountains, snow, rivers, waterfalls, beautiful sunsets and lovely fruit and vegetables and all the necessary fibres to dress us comfortably and make us feel, and look, nice.
I know, we allowed selfishness and greed to enter in and disrupt God’s plan, but He is not one to take things like that lying down either. Instead, He has now given us the option of a fresh start if we are prepared to accept His forgiveness through Jesus sacrifice for us.  To reinforce that, and to make it easier for us to live the way that He originally intended for us, He also offers the fellowship and guidance of The Holy Spirit to those who have accepted His forgiveness and that is a colossal bonus, (Luke 11:13), because the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) is “Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control,” and those attributes can soon become part of our nature.  Also, Paul pointed out in a letter to the Philippian Christians in Chapter 4 and Verse 8: that we need to forget all the destructive rubbish that is trying to pollute our minds making us unhappy, and instead concentrate on things that are “Noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy.” There are stacks of things like that about, so let us enjoy
them, make the Angels happy, and become true Children of our Heavenly Father and therefore joint heirs with Christ for eternity (Romans 8: 17). We actually live in two worlds: Satan’s world of rubbish and deception and God’s world of Eternal life and love. We need to sort out which one we want to claim Citizenship in, (do it now if you haven’t already done so). It is a free choice.     Best wishes then as you decide.      Tom.

Monday 5 November 2018

Foreign Citizens

There is a story of a new Christian named Harry, who visited his friend Ben, who had been a Christian for many years. After they had greeted each other, Harry asked his experienced friend why it was that he seemed to be having more problems now than he had before he became a Christian. Ben didn’t reply, but just said “I am going down to the lake to shoot a wood duck for dinner, come with me.” When they approached the lake there were two ducks feeding near the water so Ben fired his Shotgun at them. One died immediately and the other one had its wing damaged and flapped its way toward the water trying to escape. Harry ran after it (straight past the dead one), endeavouring to catch the wounded one before it reached the water, however he wasn’t fast enough and it escaped into the safety of the lake. When he returned, Ben said “why did you chase that one?” “Well” Harry replied, “We already had the dead one, we could collect it anytime, so I was trying to stop the other one escaping.” “Exactly” said Ben, “and that is why Satan is troubling you, he is not worried about those people who are ignoring God. He can get them any time, Indeed, he already has them, but people like you are escaping from His control so he is trying to prevent that happening. You see, Harry, Christians are really members of the Kingdom of God, living in this world where Satan is the Prince. Originally God designed the world for us but through sin, we handed it over to Satan. So it is really no wonder that we find opposition when we endeavour to live, or promote, the way that Jesus told us to”.
In 1 Corinthians Chapter 2 Verse 9 we are told that “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” Things are so good in Heaven, and so bad in Hell, and God loves us so much, that He sent Jesus to die for our forgiveness so that we have the option of going to Heaven if we wish to repent and claim our freedom. It is mind boggling that the God Who Designed and Created the Universe, and everything in it, “was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself”, “and it was whilst we were yet sinners, that Christ died for us.” Some people would die to save a loved one, but He died for everyone’s forgiveness (including yours and mine). Now that is love! Can you get your mind around the fact that, no matter what sins you or I have committed, God sent His Son to die as a substitute to take the “rap” for us so we can go free into Eternal Life?
That is why Paul said “For I Reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the Glory that shall be revealed in us”. He was confident to say that, even though he spent a lot of time in dungeons, because he had also had the privilege of having a glimpse of Heaven and fully realised what a tremendous privilege God has graciously granted us, and what a horrific cost that was to Jesus and God himself.
Now because the New Testament informs us that “Satan roams around the whole earth, seeking whom he might devour” we are told to put on the Spiritual armour described in Ephesians 6:16 that God supplied for us, in order to defend ourselves from Satan’s “fiery darts”. Rather like how our past Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, (shown here), was supplied with armour when visiting Afghanistan. Of course Julie was also surrounded by well-trained Australian troops. Likewise, after putting our Spiritual Armour on we are surrounded by God’s Spiritual army. As promised in Psalm 91 “for He shall give His Angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways”. We need to remember at all times that we are in our enemy’s territory, so need to stay alert and not place ourselves where we are foolishly open to Satan’s attacks and temptations to do wrong.
This duck in a pond at the Western Plains Zoo has made the
right choice, no shooters can touch it there. Likewise, you can avoid danger by doing as James 4:8 instructs: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”.


Some helpful Bible quotes: -  Matthew 5:11&12, John 15:18-25, Romans 8:17 & 18, 1 Corinthians 2:9, Ephesians 2:2 & 6:10-1, and Psalm 91.

Best wishes with all that. Tom.

Thursday 4 October 2018

Birds of a Feather

This Gymea Lilly flowering here has a very prominent place in the garden at the Mall and judging by what happened last year I will be surprised if someone doesn’t cut it off and steal it very soon. The stem is over two metres tall. It looks rather like what people refer to as “a Tall Poppy” and in the botanical field would be the equivalent of a U.S. President, or our Prime Minister, or one of the other World Leaders; Prominent, yes, and putting on a “good front” but I think very “tall poppies” seem lonely, and usually
don’t last very long.
If you were a flower and could choose which you could be, I think you would be more comfortable being one of those in this next photo. Oh yes, they also vary in height, but we need leaders in all walks of life. However, the majority of them there help to complete a lovely picture and providing that their roots go deep into “Good Soil” they will support each other and achieve the purpose the “Gardener” had in mind. We can of course, go to the other extreme like this little “loaner”, growing in very un-fertile soil on the foot path, where it may get trodden on and will have to rely on “Pot Luck” for water. Sure, it has its independence but it will never achieve its full potential by existing in a spot like that.
All these flowers are like a cross-section of our community. The difference between them and us being that they had no choice as to where they were planted and if they are not satisfied where they are, well then “bad luck” for them. However, we are in a different category and although we didn’t choose to be planted where we are either, we do not have to live under the circumstances we find ourselves in, (as they do), because God has given us the option of coming under His care and being “Transplanted” into His “Good Soil”.
How do we do this? Well firstly we need to accept His free offer of changing our Spiritual situation, because God sent Jesus that we “Might have life, and have it more abundantly” “For God so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him shall not perish but inherit Eternal Life.” This is a “done deal” as far as God is concerned, because God (through Jesus) has already paid for all that to happen: All we have to do is Repent (change our attitude) and accept His forgiveness. Oh I know that our pride doesn’t want us to admit that we need help (believe me I have been there), but we are like that little lone daisy and are kidding ourselves if we say we don’t need to be transplanted into the “Good Soil” of His loving care and be looked after by Him and His Angels.
Some people say to me “I believe in God but I don’t go to church,” so in reality they only want to be “half transplanted”, or else they don’t understand what the New Testament means when it says “Church”. For example, Romans 16 verse 5 says “……. greet the church that is in their house”. 1 Corinthians 16 verse 19 says “Aquila and Priscilla greet you heartily in the Lord, with the church that is in their house”. Whilst Colossians chapter 4 verse 15 says “Greet the brethren……and Nemphas and the church that is in his house.” So you see a “church” is a group of Christian people who come together to worship God.  Indeed, Jesus said that “Where two or three gather together to worship I will be there in the midst of them.” The building is of little relevance; it is the people that are the Church.  However, for convenience sake people have erected specific buildings, and groups of Christians, (who like to worship in slightly different ways), have identified their buildings with different names. There is no fear though that the roof of any of these buildings will fall in if a “newcomer” enters any of them. After all, the entire congregation is made up of people who are sinners saved by the grace of God through believing that Jesus died a sacrificial death, on their behalf. Or else are still sinners, coming in to claim that forgiveness. Christianity declares that “All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God” and “The wages of sin is death, but the Gift of God is Eternal Life, through Jesus Christ our Lord”.  Interestingly, Paul when writing to the Hebrews in chapter 10 and verse 25 directs them “Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together as some do.” You see, Satan is trying to lead us astray constantly and when we fellowship together we make friends with people of like mind, and as birds of a feather that flock together are less likely to be attacked by hawks so we are safer as we hear the Gospel preached and hymns sung, because that increase our faith. Furthermore, there are fellowship organisations there like Bible study groups, organisations for children to fellowship together and so on.   Also remember that If you take a hot coal out of the fire it will soon cool down but if you put it back with other hot coals it will not only become hot again itself, but will also strengthen the fire.      Some food for thought. Tom.

Tuesday 2 October 2018


I read an article the other day about a king who wanted a painting that depicted “Peace”. The one he finally chose was a picture that had mountains that were rugged and bare. Above them was an angry sky with rain falling and lightning flashing and down the side of the mountains tumbled a waterfall. This picture didn’t look peaceful at all but the king chose it because he had noticed that behind the waterfall there was a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had built her nest. There, in spite of the rush of angry water, she sat on her nest—in perfect peace. You see, peace does not mean that we have to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the middle of all these things and still be calm in your heart.
To be at peace in difficult situations we really need outside help; Paul, although in prison, said that “in whatsoever state he found himself he had learned to be content”, of course he was relying on the fact that he was doing God’s will and that was his aim in life. In chapter 4 verse 7 of his letter to the Philippians he says: “Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus”. (New Living Translation)

Now I had been shown that bible verse some 60 years ago but I never realised that when it said “heart” it was referring to that lump of flesh in our chest, not some “feeling”. In other words, he is saying that not worrying, and therefore being in a state of peace, will actually keep your heart healthy and prevent your mind from having a nervous breakdown. I only realised the truth of this when I went into cardiac arrest some 13 years ago and after being revived was sent to St Vincent’s hospital in Sydney. The Cardiologist there said: “How come you have blocked arteries around your heart? Your weight is normal, you have never smoked or drank alcohol, you have lived an active healthy life on a farm, you just don’t fit the pattern! Therefore, for this to have happened to you there must have been a lot of stress in your life”. He was right, (I am ashamed to say). Because as a Christian I had been ignoring that instruction to “not worry” and paid the penalty by having 5 heart by-passes. After all, God who made us should know what is good or bad for us and we shouldn’t ignore his instructions in the New Testament. Because worry never achieved any worthwhile result, and we all know this, but it is hard to “Let go and let God take over” isn’t it? We are God’s children and I think we can learn from watching a little baby like Evie
Pratten here with her mum (Jackie). She may be crying in her cot, but when mum or dad come along and pick her up, the crying stops immediately. Why? She hasn’t yet been fed, her nappy hasn’t yet been changed. What makes the difference then? Why did she stop crying? The answer is that a baby Instinctively knows that its parents love it and have the ability to solve its problems. That’s why.
The person stranded on a ledge half way down a cliff face, has a different problem; but needs similar trust when a rescue Helicopter lowers a paramedic on a rope; the stranded person knows that he must let go of the rock face and cling tightly to the paramedic; trusting both him and the rope, complete faith is essential or he will just have to stay on that precarious ledge. The same type of thing applies to you and me; every day activities usually don’t worry us too much or cause us to stress out. No, it is only when we find ourselves out of our depth with problems that we cannot effectively handle that we become really worried. At that point we should implement the above bible text as it tells us not to worry, but to hand the problem over to God and experience the unexplainable peace from God, that will replace the stress and worry. I could say “Good luck with that” but it has nothing to do with luck – it is a matter of faith and trust in our Father God, (as that baby trusts its mum or dad). However, like the person on the rocky ledge (who must let go of the ledge completely, and trust the paramedic), we must hand our problems over to God completely and trust Him. The New Testament says that if we have faith in God the possibilities are limitless and “faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the word of God”.  So best wishes then, as we learn to stop worrying and start trusting. None of the above is theory to me, because I have “been there, and done all that.     Regards, Tom.  ( Read Phillippians 4:7 to confirm this.)

Sunday 23 September 2018

Why Galahs?


For anyone who may not know, a Galah is a very common Australian bird, they flock together in their hundreds across the farming lands and are not very popular with most farmers because they are grain eaters, and when the crops are emerging they spend their day pulling out the young seedlings and eating the seed. At harvest time they gather around the edge of the crop, nip the plants off and eat the grain. Peacocks are somewhat different as they are not Australian natives and are just kept for their beauty so there aren’t many of them in our country. Blue wrens are truly beautiful Australians (although tiny), and as they eat insects everybody is happy to see them. (My Granddaughter drew this one, isn’t it lovely?) Emus are also true Australians, there are thousands of them and they can be a nuisance on the crops too as they like to eat grain, but usually pick natural herbage and berries. The ones pictured here, were wild ones being fed by my wife on a property near Gilgandra. Aboriginal people appreciated emus as a source of food. Can you imagine, a “Kentucky Fried Emu” drumstick? and they also provided a lot of eggs in the Spring time. Well that seems to justify Peacocks, Wrens and Emus, but what about our pet Galah. He used to sit on Audrey head and pull out the “Bobby” pins which was not a very helpful habit. We had a farm and when he saw us returning from town in the car he would fly to meet us a half kilometre from home and ride home on the bonnet. He would “help” Audrey hang the washing too, by removing the pegs, which wasn’t really much assistance either if you were trying to hang wet clothes. But then, after all, who’s perfect?

So much for our bird. We loved him and I really think God made galahs (like many other things), just for our enjoyment, because although we, (here in Australia), have a tendency to take them for granted, they are really very beautiful and have a sense of humour. They would slide down the roof of our house just for fun, time after time saying “Yak, Yak, Yak” all the while, and when they reached the guttering would fly back up and slide down again.

 What can we learn from them then? Well, for starters, be happy and friendly to others, and if you are a “galah” don’t try and be an “Emu” or worry that you are not a “Peacock” or a “Blue Wren”. God designed you to be what you are and also to be His friend, so love Him and love your neighbour as you love yourself, by endeavouring to do all the good you can, to all the people you can, in all the ways you can, as often as you can.  Incidentally, as we have frequently committed sins that were worse than the equivalent of removing Pegs and Bobby pins and plants, we need to ask our Heavenly Father for the forgiveness earned for us by Jesus, and thus receive a “Passport” to Eternal life in Heaven.

Interestingly, Jesus is actually recorded (in Matthew chapter 6 and verses 26, 33 & 34), as saying that we could learn a lot from birds, when He said “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?.... But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”  

God bless you as you “Cast all your care upon Him because He cares for you”. And as He said “You are more value” (to Him) “than birds are”, that is a terrific compliment when you consider the effort He went to, in order to design those birds on the previous page. Therefore, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not to your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3 verse 6).  You know, that is a very good deal.      Best wishes,  Tom.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Trees Need Water

A couple of years ago I took this photo of this lovely Lemon Scented Gum tree inDubbo because it looked so majestic with its smooth white bark and straight trunk. This week I went to look at it and it was dead. Apparently killed by the drought, and I noticed to my disappointment that its relations nearby were also   dying, as you see in the second photo. They are not deciduous trees so once they have lost their leaves like this I am sorry to say they will not recover.

The trouble is that they are trees designed for a high rainfall area like we see in the third photo taken in the Victorian highlands where they are not exposed to the drought conditions we have out here in Central N.S.W. Later on the same day I walked down by the Macquarie river in Dubbo and took this fourth photo of some Gum trees on the river bank. These old trees are doing remarkably well and are probably a couple of hundred years old. They have gone through many droughts but they have not been affected because they do not rely on the local rainfall for their sustenance as they have their roots down in an endless supply of river water. So no matter how hot the wind is, or how little rain falls locally they just go on growing and providing a home for the possums, parrots, ants, and insects whilst they produce Oxygen and absorb Carbon, making the world a better place for us to live in as God designed them to do.

Interestingly the Bible (in Psalm 1) likens us to the trees in both the circumstances set out above. It says that we can be just like the trees in the last photo “planted by rivers of water that bring forth their fruit in due season, our “leaf” shall not wither, and everything we do shall prosper.” You see, God is prepared to do this by providing us with “Living water”, (John 4:10) thus, even though we may be surrounded by all sorts of problems, we will overcome them with this help from the Almighty God, who created the Universe and designed everything in it including us (His greatest Creation).

However, because we live in a sinful world where “All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God”, (Romans 3:23) our Heavenly Father has placed certain conditions on our behaviour if we want to draw on His ever available supply of this “Living Water”, and live victoriously like the trees along the river bank. Firstly, we must not take notice of the “council of the un-Godly” because their advice is limited to worldly knowledge that fails to “factor in” God’s directions. The Psalm also says we must be cautious of adopting the ways of scornful, sinful people. Immoral ways, accepted by society, but are sins in God’s sight.

If you have a clothing shop, you will always be studying the best ways to display your dresses and studying the most attractive styles. If you are a car sales person you will study to know all about your vehicles and present them on display to their best advantage. If you are selling houses you will study to know the market, and advertise the homes for sale. So if you want to qualify for that “living water assisted life”, (mentioned above), then it is not unreasonable that “You must “delight” yourself in the law of the Lord and in His law meditate day and night.” (As Psalm 1 says), Indeed, it is for sure that those Salespersons mentioned above think about their products constantly like that, in order to advance and be good at their job. Similarly, if we back up our lives with God’s word and accept what the Psalm says, we would just be doing what is good common sense too. Wouldn’t we? So we must hand our past sins over to Jesus because He died to gain forgiveness for us, and then gratefully accept His forgiveness, study to stop breaking the 10 Commandments, repent, (change our behaviour pattern) and ask Him to help us live the way He wants us to in future, as outlined in the New Testament. Remember “God commendeth His love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8) and Jesus said “I came that you might have life, and have it more abundantly”. you just can’t improve on that!  So it is vital that we comply with His directions stated above. Best wishes, Tom. 

Sunday 19 August 2018

Abide Under the Shadow

I am aware that I used this photo before but it illustrates so clearly what I want to say
that I trust you will forgive me. It was 42 degrees when I took this photo and the sheep, very sensibly, had taken shelter in the shade of this lovely Plane tree on my Son and Daughter-in-law’s property near Gilgandra. They were free to walk out into the heat of course, but had more sense than to do that. The 91st Psalm (Authorised Version) says that if we dwell close to God we will “Abide under the shadow of the Almighty,” As those sheep abide in the shade. How good is that? God further emphasises His keenness to protect us by describing Himself as being like a bird covering its chicks: “He shall cover thee with His feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust” and that’s not all as He says “because you have made Him your refuge, the Most High, your habitation, there shall no evil befall thee…He will be with you in trouble, He shall deliver you and honour you, with long life He will satisfy you, and show you His Salvation.” You know, we really should avail ourselves of these great offers from the Almighty God of the Universe. Then again in Isaiah, Chapter 40 and Verse 31, He offers to “renew our strength”, so we see why Psalm 73 verse 28 says “It is good for me to draw near to God”. However, you will notice that each of these “offers” is conditional; in the first case we must “draw near” to God if we want His protection, whilst in the second case we must “wait upon the Lord” for renewed strength. Just what does all this mean? Well, to “draw near” is simple enough, just as those sheep were protected when they “drew near” to the tree-trunk, so we will be protected if we draw near to God. Which means accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, and endeavour to live as He requires. O.K. that gives us some idea of what “draw near” implies, but what does it mean to “wait upon the Lord”? The answer is two-fold: Firstly, a waiter in a restaurant, (for example), is there to do his employer’s bidding by “waiting” on the customers. He (or she) takes their orders, and generally attends to people’s needs. Likewise, God wants us to lovingly help other people, as He told us to. Secondly, an employee waits for the “employer’s instructions.” Which means just that; We have the written word but need the Holy Spirits guidance. For example, soldiers prepare themselves for battle, to the best of their ability, but they then “wait” for directions from their Commanding Officer. There are many examples of this in the Bible. One of the earliest is where the Children of Israel were escaping from the Egyptians and panicked, so started to rebel against their leader, (Moses), but Moses just said Stand still and see the Salvation of the Lord(Exodus 14:13) at which time God “stepped in” and saved the day for them.  King Asa and Gideon and many others had similar success when they also “waited on the Lord”. The trouble with us is that we lack faith and often don’t wait for God’s directions. Our Governments ignore Him almost completely and what a mess they have made. They have sold off our land to the highest foreign bidders, sold our mineral resources, sold our ports, sold our electricity and even the electricity poles, to name just a few of their mistakes made because they didn’t seek God’s wisdom.
As for you and me, we will only make rational decisions if we “Trust in the Lord with all our heart, lean not unto our own understanding, in all our ways acknowledge Him” so that “He shall direct our paths.” Thus, we should “Seek  first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto us.” Mostly we don’t do that. There is an old saying that “Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread” and that just about sums up what we usually do. Which is a far cry from “waiting on the Lord”. But the good thing is that all is not lost, we are still alive and can therefore “repent” (change our ways). As Isaiah said, in Verse7 of his 55th Chapter: “Let the wicked forsake his ways, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, let him return unto the Lord and He will have mercy upon him….and will abundantly pardon.” He said that a long time ago and a lot of people have changed their ways since then, so praise God, we can do that too. But we had better get on with it. Take me for example, I don’t know if I will be alive to make a decision to-morrow. In that case it is good that I have accepted Christ’s forgiveness, isn’t it? How about you then? Are you sure you will be here to make decisions to-morrow? Well if you are not sure, (and no one really can be), then you should, right now, also accept the forgiveness that Jesus earned for you. (if you haven’t already done so). That way we will both be “Righteous in His sight” “when we stand before the Judgement seat of Christ.” (Better to be sure than very, very, sorry when it is too late, don’t you think?). Best wishes, Tom.

Sunday 12 August 2018


The more I see of life, the more I realise how important people like you are (Yes you). You have a very great influence on the world around you. When you have said something loving and kind you have made someone’s day. When you smile a sincere smile you will create an aura of friendship enveloping the person receiving the smile and that is lovely, and is the way God wants it.

 In this first photo an individual Bougainvillea blossom could easily feel that it isn’t important and feel insignificant when the vine is in full flower. You too can feel insignificant in a crowd at a sports meeting or such, or even in church, but neither the flower nor you are insignificant. Without each individual flower being present there wouldn’t be a display on the vine, likewise crowds are made up of individuals like you. Without the individuals like you there would be no crowd to encourage the participants and those present. We all need encouraging no matter what we do. This flower, on its own, looks lovely, but that isn’t how God (the designer) wants you and I to be. He wants us to share our
Joy, our caring and our love with others and thus encourage each other. Modern day business managers talk about “Team work” which means pulling together and sharing the work load. However the only way that will ever be a real success is if we all obey Jesus second Commandment to “Love our neighbour as we love ourselves”. When we do that, team work becomes automatic because we want to help those we care about and relieve their work load.  Jesus spoke to crowds of people but he was really appealing to each individual in the crowd. Whenever he was approached by someone in need he was quick to listen, and keen to help. However, He didn’t leave it there but was also quick to point out that we “Must be born again” because we have all sinned; To make that “re-birth” possible He allowed Himself to be crucified to cancel our debt and if we then “believe on him” and “Repent” we not only have everlasting life in Heaven, but also have the help of the Holy Spirit to love others in a special compassionate way here and now. Unfortunately, those who don’t follow Christ’s ways have just the opposite attitude being motivated not by love, but by selfishness. For example, C.E.O’s often try to increase the work load to make more profit. A lack of Christian love like that emanates from selfishness and leads to resentment and an unhappy workplace and in its worst extreme it leads to ill health, nervous break-downs and such like. The same lack of “loving your neighbour” is now becoming increasingly evident in the public school system with bullying. A child that is taught the lie, that everyone evolved from a monkey, has a different attitude to other children that are taught that we were “created” by a loving God to be His children.  The more of us that follow this teaching, the happier we will all be, just as the more flowers that open on that Bougainvillea vine, the more attractive it will be and bring joy to those who see it. So if there is anyone you are having trouble with, do what Jesus said to do: “Love them” and “Pray for them” and tell them the “Good news” of His saving grace, (if they don’t know it already). Jesus told us to do that. Prayer is God’s ultra-modern form of “texting” so we can both receive help, and request help for others. When I was at school, a boy I knew, who was a student boarder at St Joseph’s College in Sydney, sent a telegram (the old type of text message) to his father which said: “No mon, no fun, your son”. And his dad replied: “Too bad, how sad, your dad”. Well our God isn’t like that; He has requested that we pray to him, so naturally He will answer our request. Although not always in the way we would expect. But certainly in the way that he knows is in our best interest.  Have fun doing that. I am excited that the God of the universe wants you and me to call him “Father” and “text” him continually. Now that is pretty special, don’t you think? Don’t forget though that a loving parent doesn’t just want to be contacted when their child is in need, but likes to hear from them very frequently, thus sharing their joys as well as their difficulties.      Regards, Tom.  

Thursday 19 July 2018

Our Provider

The bible refers to God specifically as our Father and “Jehovah-Jireh” (our provider). Being our Father and provider is very special; traditionally fathers are the provider. Oh I know that the traditional roles in the family are sometimes reversed now, but when we talk of God, the question arises: is He really our provider? Well all I can say is that if we take away all the things He has provided, (which includes our planet), you and I would be floating in space without even our bodies! The book of Genesis clearly describes how God created everything there is and looking at what He created He saw that “it was very good” and so it is good! Everything we have was planned to perfection, whether we look through a telescope or use a microscope we see the same mathematical precision and ingenious designs. The Earth is just the right distance from the Sun, air just right for us to breathe, water is just right for our needs, gravity has just the right pull to hold things on our planet (including us). The Earth’s rotation around the sun is just right so we have seasons. Fertile soil is just right to grow crops and trees. There are cattle for milk and meat and the pastures to graze them and Sheep for meat & Wool to keep us warm. How about the varieties of meat, oysters, fish abalone, and fruit and grain like Quondongs and Nardoo, and the Emu eggs that God provided for the nomadic Aboriginal folk. (Each egg is the equivalent of 10 to 12 hen eggs). What a variety of crops and fruit God invented, just right to supply our needs; everything to make our mouths water and to sustain us. Yes, the Oceans and rivers are stocked with fish. Also all types of metals and oil and gas, just to name a few of these provisions. Interestingly, we had the lot handed to us on a plate and even then we “lost the plot,” like a child given a lump of play dough and 4 buttons and asked to make a toy car. Instead of doing the obvious he rubs the dough into the computer keyboard. Well we have repeatedly done the equivalent of that and God was left with the mess to clean up. Instead of giving up on us though, (because of His great love), He sent Jesus to pay the price of our sin and now all we have to do is believe on Him, say sorry, accept His kind offer of forgiveness and live the way He has instructed. In Australia this principle has been reasonably well practiced compared with other places because when our Constitution was drawn up the population was mostly Christian, therefore Christian ethics were automatically written into our laws. In a Christian country like this, we have a tendency to take all the good things we inherited for granted, things like: Equality for all, (whether male or female), education for all, freedom to work where we like, and dress as we choose, wages in line with the cost of living, unemployment relief, pensions for the aged or unwell, nursing homes, Medicare for all, meals on wheels, community transport, paid annual leave, and so on. All these are the automatic results of Christian love being put into practice and are not common in countries of other faiths; Think about it, do you hear of Australians paying a lot of money to People Smugglers to take them in a leaky boat to one of these other countries? No you don’t. Why not? It’s because we live in the world’s best country, that’s why not. How come? Well, together with what is mentioned above thousands of Australian Christians pray to God daily, and prayer is also repeated at the beginning of parliamentary sessions. One of the phrases in the Lord’s Prayer is: “Thy kingdom come, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread”. John points out that: “If we ask anything in accordance with His will then we know that He hears us, and if we know that He hears us then we know that we have the thing we asked for” and He has sure provided “our daily bread. (1 John 5:14) many Aussies have stopped praying now and that is disastrous, so please accept Jesus offer of salvation, (if you haven’t done so already), and pray in faith for yourself, our Government and our country and its citizens. This matter is urgent if we want to maintain this way of life for future generations of Australians, and be blessed right now ourselves.    Best wishes, Tom.

Saturday 7 July 2018

Correct Perspective

The people in this car are probably not very excited about the surroundings where
they are at the moment, but would not worry too much about that because they have a lovely destination in mind in Sydney. They would appreciate that a lot of work went into constructing this highway to make their journey more pleasant. However, they also know that the road is not the “be all and end all” but is simply the way to get to their ultimate goal even though it has its challenges, such as, kangaroos, other traffic, driver fatigue, and the occasional pot hole, to name just a few.
Although our “road through life,” here on earth that God has planned for us,  is similar to that road above in many ways, God has given us an abundance of natural resources for us to use, and lovely things to see, and enjoy.  We must not look on it as the “be all and end all” though, but realise that it is merely the way God has planned for us to travel in order to reach our ultimate goal of eternal life in Heaven. Our “road” has its challenges too, which may be the equivalent of those kangaroos, other traffic, tiredness, and potholes, but this is all part of our journey to eternal life, and we must not become “side-tracked” by these distractions along the way to the extent that we forget, or lose interest in, our ultimate goal.
Recently, I wrote about what a very small part of our life is spent on earth compared with the length of time we will spend in eternity when we leave these bodies.
 To get some sort of perspective in all this I quoted a few statistics: The universe is immense: Light travels at 300,000 kilometres per second so in just one year it travels 9.5 Trillion kilometres (9,460,730,472,580.8 kilometres). But our nearest galaxy is seventy thousand times that far away. And our scientists can see no end to space it is “eternal,” in a sense. (in other words, it goes on for ever).
So what? Just this, our lives are Eternal too, and when we leave these bodies that we are in at present, our Souls (the real us) live on for ever. Which means that in 9.5 Trillion years from now (just to take a small part of eternity) you and I will still be enjoying life out there in Heaven. Or if we have chosen to ignore God’s offer of forgiveness for our sin, we will be out there in Hell’s darkness for the same length of time and then live, unhappily, ever after. It is up to us to make this simple choice that has either a wonderful, or dreadfully tragic outcome.
To not make the right choice though, is ludicrous: To muck around with booze, drugs, immoral behaviour, greedy wealth, or building mansions whilst others die of starvation, and so on is the equivalent of those motorists pictured above, messing about lighting fires or collecting dead animals etc. and getting side-tracked to the extent that they never arrive at their destination. Which would be ridiculous. Therefore, we need to ask God for forgiveness and invite Him to become an intimate and integral part of our life right now.
The scriptures assure us that If anyone be in Christ they are new creatures, old things have passed away, behold all things have become new”. We then need to talk to God in prayer, fellowship with Christians at church, and read the New Testament (which is the instruction book for living the way we should). Thus if we “Trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not unto our own understanding, and in all our ways acknowledge Him, He shall direct our paths.” This is the way God wanted us to behave when He created us, so that we could all enjoy this wonderful world in His company. But through unbridled selfishness, greed, lust, and a desire to do our own thing whilst ignoring God’s directions, societies have been created where there is poverty, unhappiness, and want, but this is not God’s plan. Psalm 34 verse 9 expresses God’s desire when it says: “O fear the Lord you his people: for there is no want to them that fear him. The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing”, and again in Philippians chapter 4 verse 19 Paul writes “my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus”, and Psalm 34 verse 8 says: “O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man (person) that trusts in him”. Now to conclude let me quote the Prophet Isaiah chapter 55 verse 6: “Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon”. God has gone to great lengths to make the wonderful offers that I have quoted on this page, so to not take up these offers is to throw away our inheritance of a better life here and now, and eternal life in Heaven for ever. To do that, just, doesn’t, make, sense to me. I do hope you have claimed your inheritance. Regards, Tom.

Sunday 1 July 2018

Relative Values

We live in a very big Universe. Our minds just cannot conceive how large it is. For example, light travels at three hundred thousand kilometres per second, so if you want to know how far away our nearest Galaxy is in Kilometres, you have to work out how many seconds there are in twelve months and multiply that figure by three hundred thousand in order to calculate one light year. Then multiply that by Seventy thousand and you will have your answer, because our nearest Galaxy is Seventy thousand light years away.  But that still doesn’t tell you how big the universe is because Scientists tell us that it apparently goes on forever. Now that is BIG. O.K then, look at this measuring tape, it is graded in Millimetres. If I decided to use it to measure the length of the Universe, just how many Millimetres of tape would I need?
In the final analysis, you will see that one millimetre on an “endless” tape measure is insignificant. Likewise, our average lifespan of 79 years is also insignificant when we consider that it is such a tiny length of time in our “endless” eternal life. You can see then why God was so distressed to see that in such a relatively short time that we spend here on earth we make ourselves ineligible to enter Heaven by not showing love to Him and our neighbours and being selfish, unforgiving, resentful, cruel and so on. Because, all, or any, of these attitudes, (which amount to sin), place us on the “broad way that leads to destruction” (Matthew chapter 7 verse 13) which in effect means eternal separation from God in Hell. (What a dreadful, and unnecessary outcome that would be). As a loving Father he couldn’t stand by and let that happen without intervening, so he sent Jesus to sacrifice his life so that we could have our sins “deleted” by repenting, and accepting the forgiveness earned for us by Jesus, so we could then inherit that eternal (forever) life in Heaven. Having arranged this situation for us where we can (if we wish), be reinstated as “Children of God”, Jesus then said that “in my Father’s house are many mansions…. I go to prepare a place for you, ….and I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” (John chapter 14 verse 2). It’s a ‘done deal’. How good is that?

Many people to-day are worrying themselves sick to pay off a house and save enough money to retire on, without giving a thought to the fact that they already have a great inheritance in Heaven, and thus they don’t even claim that inheritance. And talk about worry: “Worry” has been described as being in a rocking chair where you feel as if you are doing something but are really getting nowhere. We need to work on this too as 1 Peter chapter 5 verse 7 says we should be “Casting all our care upon Him for He cares for us”. Check it out, it is what he says, and it does work!

Oh dear friend, you are my brother or sister and I do want us to all get it right, so we can be content here on earth and together in Heaven.  I probably have the advantage of some of you, as I became a Christian when I was 17 and have studied this subject practically, and in depth for 68 years. Jesus wants us to “allow Him” to be involved in our lives. Just consider what He says, as recorded in John Chapter 15 verses 4 and 5: “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abides in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abides in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing”. And so on. And in verse 11 he says “These things have I spoken unto you, that my Joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full”. The one who said these things wasn’t joking: He gave His life so that you and I could have “a more abundant life”, both now and forever in eternity. This is a serious matter; our eternal future depends on our decision. Accepting His great love is our only hope. So if you have been casual about these things in the past, then please stop now and check it out, don’t put it off: tomorrow might be too late. Remember Jesus said in John chapter 3 verse 16, in the New Testament, “that God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish but inherit eternal life so why not ask Him into your heart right now? If you haven’t already done so.     Best wishes, Tom.

Thursday 28 June 2018


My car is fitted with a modern Satellite Navigation device on the dashboard and it has my home address in its memory, so when I was leaving the Orana Mall recently, (just for fun), I decided to allow it to guide me home so I tapped my finger on “Home” (whilst I was still in the car park, facing North) and immediately the display showed me how far from home I was and what it estimated my time of arrival would be, whilst a friendly voice said “drive 20 metres and turn left and then turn left again down Wheeler’s lane.” As you can see it also gave me a map with an arrow showing the way: This meant that I would now be driving South when I actually live in a Westerly direction. Did the voice get it wrong then? No, it just knew that sometimes we have to detour around obstacles in order to arrive at our destination, so as soon as I had followed those instructions it then said “travel 300 Metres to the next roundabout and turn right, and leave the roundabout at the third exit onto the Mitchell Highway” (that meant that if I did as it instructed I would then be travelling West towards my home). So that was good guidance.

However, due to a number of circumstances, I failed to do as I was told and left the roundabout at the second exit, (instead of the third), which meant that I was still travelling in a Southerly direction, which was wrong. I am pleased to say though that the voice didn’t criticise me or call me a “Twit” or abandon me as hopeless. No, it just said “recalculating” and in a minute said “continue 300 metres and turn right at the next roundabout and take the fourth exit”. Which I did, and that took me right back to the place where I had made my “mistake” and I’m pleased to say it didn’t make any nasty comment there either but merely said “please turn left down the Mitchell Highway, which I did and then I was driving West in the direction of my home as it had originally told me to.

This whole exercise reminded me of our relationship with God, because just as the satellite knows exactly where we are at any given time and what is the best direction for us to travel (whilst not criticising us for our “mistakes”), so God knows exactly where we are as we travel the road through life towards our ultimate goal of a home in Heaven. He also has agreed to delete from his memory any sin we may have committed provided that we accept the forgiveness offered to us through Jesus sacrifice, and he has also given us a road map which He expects us to follow, showing the best way and how to avoid pitfalls. For example, Proverbs 3: 5 says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths”, (that is how we trust the satellite navigation system to guide us too). There is however, a very great difference and that is that God is our loving Father, whereas that satellite gadget is just a machine. Consequently, God sees the spiritual side of our lives, and cares about our feelings and our wellbeing. His main interest is to guide us as a “good shepherd” looks after his sheep, and as Jesus sheep we can also seek his protection, which we really need because Ephesians 6:12 tells us that “we don’t struggle against flesh and blood” (people) but against the unseen works of darkness. So as we walk with our complete faith in Him we find ourselves protected by Him like that sheep in this illustration. Consequently, we can have that “peace that passes
understanding” (Philippians 4:7), and sing or recite “In God’s green pastures feeding, by the still waters lie, soft in the evening walk my Lord and I. Oh the sheep of His pasture fare so wonderfully fine, His sheep am I, waters cool, in the valley, pastures green, on the mountain, step by step, step by step, my Lord and I”. Which is what the 23rd Psalm implies. Romans Chapter 8 and verse 39 confirms this by saying that nothing “shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”.             Best wishes. Tom.